Ship 5 Moms(Formerly Ship 17)

For loved ones and graduates of Ship 5(17) no critics!This is a haven for the above, not for those seeking to attack those in need of support! PLEASE READ THRU MASTHEAD. MANY QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE!

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  • diannep

    The discharge codes are also listed above on this page.

  • Camsproudmom

    Dose anyone know if u pick up your kid & they have a plane ticket can they turn that ticket in for a refund?
  • Camsproudmom

    My son is home so time to say good bye thanks to those who were a support during this very trying time. I wish you all the best.
  • sweetpea

    Hi all, 

    I am a newbie here. My sailor just texted me and told me that a PO at TPU told him to get ready to get kicked out. He is upset, frustrated and heartbroken after talking to the PO, and so am I. 

    Here is the story. He just finished A school and suppose to be flew out to his ship this week. However, he has been having a groin problem since he was in bootcamp. He went to the doctor while he was in bootcamp (doctor told him that he might have or about to have one). Went through bootcamp with pain. Finally finished A school a few weeks ago and went to the doctor at a local base while he was on leave.  Confirmed its not hernia. Checked in at his 1st duty station a week ago, went to another doctor at his duty station. Doctor refer him to a sports doctor (tomorrow) and wrote him a note for MRI (next week) and he is on LLD for 30 days right now. 

    What is next? Is he definitely going to be discharged like the PO told him, or he still have hope staying in? How long is it going to take to know whether his is going to be discharged or not? 


  • yellowdog

    Horror story; Hi all.  I wanted to share my son's story.  He graduated boot camp 7/11/2014 with div 816 (Seal contract). In June at a special medical physical, the doc saw a mild tremor in his hands.  The doc sent him to a neurologist on June 16 where a brain MRI and blood work was done. The neuro told him it was just a mild physiological tremor which many people have and it would not get in the way of the SEAL contract and he was good to go. The week of graduation, it was noticed in his records that he was supposed to have a followup with the neuro.  So he saw the neuro and the dive doctor.  Both docs said they would write a wavier because the tremor would not be a problem.  After PIR on 7/11/14, he was sent to THU because the wavier paperwork wasn't in the file yet.  He was given the impression that he would only be there a couple of days while the wavier was filed and orders issued.  At THU he could not have his electronic stuff so we left his stuff with a sailor from his division who was now across the street.  My son would get it from him when he was moved across the street.  After a few days, my son checked at medical to see what was going on and they told him the wavier had to be reviewed.  Two weeks later, when he asked again they told him his case was in SpecWar in CA.  The next day he asked another corpsman and they said his case was at legal.  Today I mailed him his civilian clothes because he can have them now.  Today he was told that he has been disqualified from his SEAL contract.  They gave him 4 careers to choose from, CTN, Hospital Corpsman, Seabee, MAA.  He had a bachelor's degree and asked about OCS.  They said no.  He asked about getting into Navy intelligence and they said no.  Pick from these 4 or get out.  He is devastated.  He has worked many years getting and staying in shape for his contract.  He would also like to work in intelligence or language, but they will not let him.  He has decided to separate.  Tomorrow he will move to separations and now cannot have his electronics or the clothes I just mailed to him.  We don't know how we can get this items.  I cannot believe how the Navy treats young men like him.

  • SailorMoon9506

    Hi all. Got the call today that our daughter was being medically separated. She left her June 24th to go to the RTC. By July first she was SIQ and then LLD for pneumonia. She spent the entire month of July being either LLD or SIQ. She is finally free of the pneumonia and to make sure they do a CT scan because her chest is constantly in pain. Something shows up on the scan, no clue what it is. She saw a cardiologist Monday, who said it wasn't her heart. Hoping it is some left over inflammation from the pneumonia. She said that they told her that if she came home, saw her doctor, and was medically cleared, she could re-enlist in 3-6 months. She feels like she has completely failed. She has never quit anything before, and being forced to quit has crushed her spirit. I could hear it in her voice. 

  • Camsproudmom

    Yellowdog & sailormoon9506 you can find a lot of support & very helpful info on Facebook we have a group called ship 5 seps. I joined over 2 months ago when my son was in seps. It is a closed private group. I am sure like all of use you have many questions this group can shed light on them.
  • SailorMoon9506

    Received another call from our daughter this morning with some more info. I told her to make sure to sign medical and legal papers in case I had to call. She already did. She was joking and being a little more like her old sarcastic self today. When I asked her if she was going back she said not without finishing her degree, and not unless she could skip P-Days, and then laughed. She will be home in 2-3 weeks, flying in. She also said she was told that she would be getting paid until the 24 hours before she left. And then very quietly, in her please don't tell me no to my next question mommy, voice, asked if I would keep her on my medical and dental. Hoping her spirit stays up. 

  • yellowdog

    PART 2

    In June at one of the special medical physicals they give to spec war guys, his hands were shaking during some kind of pointing test.  He was sent to a neurologist and a brain MRI and blood work was done.  The neuro said he would not lose his SEAL contract because it was a mild physiological tremor and would not be a detriment to his job.  Then the week of boot camp graduation, he was told he needed to followup with the neuro, so he went to see him again.  He met with the neurologist and the dive doctor and both said it was not a problem and that they would write a wavier.  He graduated bootcamp on July 11 after which he was transferred to the Temporary Hold Unit (THU) waiting for a medical wavier to get processed. 

    He was expecting to be there a couple of days but in his third week he was told that he had been disqualified from any Special Ops ratings.  They sent him to reclassify where they offered him four ratings that were at the bottom of the barrel sort to speak.  He asked if he could get into intelligence or language or OCS.  He was told to pick from those he was offered or get out.  I understand medical decisions, because we would not want to jeopardize his well being or his team’s well being, but you would think the Navy would try to hold on to someone who has so much to offer.

    He chose to leave, because there will be better things for him somewhere else.  One more kicker, while in THU he was assigned duty as the duty driver.  It’s a 24 hour duty and your job is to transport people to various places.  At night he slept in his duty pants so that if he got a call to give someone a ride he could get there faster.  He was written up (counseling chit) for sleeping in his pants.  I thank him for using his brain and wanting to do the best job possible!

    I am a Navy veteran and my Navy treated sailors with more respect.

    Wishing the best to all in SEPARATIONS!  You can do IT!

  • yellowdog

    My blab was too long for one posting, so this is

    PART 1

    My son will be home tomorrow, and we are so excited.  I would like to share his story with you in hopes that someone in the Navy would learn to treat their sailors with a little more respect.  My son has wanted to be nothing except a SEAL since high school.  He made all his choices based on what would best help him become a SEAL.  He earned his Eagle Scout at the age of 13. He was on the high school swim team, Army JROTC, National Honor Society, and worked year round as a life guard on Ft. Knox.  He attended the local community college at night after his high school day was over so that he could take college algebra and trigonometry.  He applied and was awarded a NROTC scholarship to the University of Utah to learn Arabic.  Before moving to Utah, he studied Arabic at a school in Morocco.  About half way through his first semester at the U of U, the Navy asked what he wanted to do in the Navy.  When he told them a SEAL, they told him he was in the wrong program because SEALS get their officers from the Naval Academy and from current SEALs in the ROTC program.  They said he should go in the Navy as enlisted. 

    He completed the semester and relinquished his scholarship so that he could enlist and try for a SEAL contract.  The CO of the ROTC program at Utah was angry because he gave up scholarship and told him he would be flipping burgers the rest of his life.

    When he came home from Utah, I talked him in to finishing his degree, because the odds of making it through the SEAL program is not that good.  I told him that maybe with a bachelors degree if he didn’t make it through the program, hopefully the Navy would offer him a better career choice.  He told me he would make it through, but I reminded him that even though he had the willpower and strength, he could still get hurt and be medically disqualified.  So he went ahead and finished his degree in 2013. After graduation, he headed to Ocean City, MD for the summer as a member of their beach rescue team because he wanted to get more experience swimming in the ocean.

    After his summer job was over he came home and started the process of enlisting in the Navy.  To get a SEAL contract, you first have to enlist in delayed entry and then you apply for a SEAL contract.  His ASVAB scores were high, so he enlisted in the nuclear program then he applied for and was awarded a SEAL contract.

    Numerous times a week he would travel an hour away to train with a Navy spec war group.  This was all on his time and dime.  He left for boot camp May 15.

  • chippers mom

    Hi moms of ship 5. My kid is there because of medical problems. I talked to him today and he has dinged waiver for them to talk to me. He has appointment next week for briefing. WTH is briefing?his rights, a recommendation , or " sorry" the more I read the more I see this is so , practiced so rehearsed. My son doesn't want to leave, but sitting there day in day out he will never be able to go through BT. we would all really like for him to be released with the option of returning in 6 months or more. Noticed I said option.However Quitting is not an option . So what next?
  • LoriM

    chippers mom,,, he will most likely have the option to rejoin in 6 months unless they give a certain of medical discharge.  he should also have the option to dispute it there if they want to release him.  He will get a chance to talk to legal also if they are discharging him so he will know if he will have that option.  My daughter went through this last year and is now back in boot camp right now.


  • chippers mom

    And briefing and legal are to protect him or the Navy?
  • LoriM

    From what my daughter said,, it tell the recruit if they qualify to come back and/or if they would like to dispute leaving now.  I am not sure what else is talked about.  I know all this stuff is upsetting and sometimes the recruit does not know what all this means til they actually go through it.  So it is not that he don't want to say anything yet,, he may not know what to say.  Keep strong and please keep a smile on your face while you talk to him so at least he will feel that you are still proud of him and not feel like he let anyone down.  I will be praying for him.  I wish I could tell you more but until I know that they are actually separating him or if they are putting him into FIT I don't want to give you wrong information.

  • chippers mom

    I heard from my son today. He is soooo bored but trying to keep from going insane. He has appt. with dr. On Tuesday and one with legal. He wants to stay so u hope he can work it out. He signed for me to be able to get all info, even VA. I faxed it Friday. Hopefully someone will get to it on Tuesday as well. How's everyone else's SR
  • chippers mom

    Waiver waiver waiver is all we have been hearing.
  • LoriM

    chippers mom,,  praying for you!  Please keep us posted.  A waiver is signing to release the military of any issues with a particular health issue you have then they let you stay, this way you can not go back on them for anything for a pre-existing condition.  Not sure if you knew,, just trying to help.

  • LoriM

    chippers mom I have been thinking about you... I hope all is good.  I hope he got the all clear...prayers.

  • MyLAS (My Lips are SEALed)

    There are new survey results out recently.  The findings?  Sailors are unhappy and don't trust the Brass.  Really?

  • chippers mom

    That last comment about unhappy sailors is so true. I recently read somewhere that the army , air force and the marines had expressed their unhappiness as well. Seems to me they all have one major thing in common. Their Commander and Chief. Hold on America this too will pass. I m not one to normally speak on political issues other than with my husband. But our leadership is a sinking ship.
  • MyLAS (My Lips are SEALed)

    Amen Chippers Mom.    

  • chippers mom

    I have spent the last 15-20 minutes reading comments and discussions from as long ago as 2010. And other than the dates, most of the post from then read about the same as the post of today. I know most of us never expected our child to be in this dilemma. I surely didn't. Why does it take soooooo long? What percentage of these recruits her sent home regardless ? How many get issues addressed straightened out and head back? My son is afraid if he is sent home now he won't ever make it back. The wait is ridiculous. Nothing here for our young people to do Here. Hope to here something soon.
  • LoriM

    My daughter had this happen last year,,,if they were broken(injured) they are put into FIT for several weeks to give them time to pass whatever still needs passed.  If they went straight to SEP it should not be more than 2-3 weeks once all meetings are done and paper works signed and signed and registered through all necessary offices which some are not in Great Lakes, IL..   This is a very hard time... hang in there.  I did not hear of any punishments at all, so maybe the trouble maker he is talking of is gone and it will not happen again...  I am proud to say my daughter in now back in boot camp on week 6,, so he reentered and it to get approval only took 3 months after the 6 months wait.  Then of course ship out date was based on jobs available.

  • LoriM

    If you have a questions,,, please ask I will try to help.  God bless you all and I hope your RC speedy recovery and able to reenter if they desire too.

  • Christina

    Just recurved the call tonight that they are separating my son for depression, this is all he ever wanted, he called home last Saturday and was excited to try out for flag carrier, then today he says they have him in a psych ward, and are seperating him. I'm so lost right now, not sure what to say to him, or what to do. Any help would be appreciated
  • chippers mom

    I know this should not be a bitch session and nothing I say is intended for any of you. We are all somewhat in the same situation in one way or another. My gripe is with the US Navy. Why does it take so long for you to return our children? They don't want them anymore but they keep them hoarded up in this place. The recruits are reminded daily that they didn't make the cut . Navy prison is how my recruit and several others he has befriended refer to Ship 5. Are they kept this long to discourage them from reenlisting? My son was not broken when he left and now he is being treated as a misfit . We all knew this was not going to be easy, but if they are finished with him why won't they send him home?? God bless you all.
  • LoriM

    chippers mom,,,prayers are with you all.  I know that feeling of helplessness.  I pray for all of you.  Our SR's  are strong, even if being separated,, remember the choice to sign those papers with a blank check of their life was not an easy matter how long they were there,, they signed to do everything and anything for their country.  It took many weeks to months to get all the papers and stuff needed to enlist and it takes a while to reverse the paperwork.  I know this is the time when we want to hug them and tell them it will be fine.  Believe it or not this time spent with the others being separated is good,, we don't know what they are feeling but they all do,,so try to think of it as time for them to do some soul searching,,, and don't forget if they were sent right home,, they would not have time to deal with their own emotions before facing everyone and all the questions...that is going to be even tougher on them..  Prayers to all,, 

  • chippers mom

    Lori, u r so right. I am glad he has had the opportunity to form bonds with others in the same situation. His fear and disappointment has turned to anger and embarrassment. He has been their way too long.
  • MyLAS (My Lips are SEALed)

    There are SO many things wrong with the Navy. I hurt for your children (and for my sailor).  I don't understand why the Navy does things the way they do. It does nothing for their PR, recruitment, etc.  

    please thank your sailors for me for their willingness to serve

  • Christina

    As we all try to struggle with knowing our sr's are where they are, I think the not knowing is the worst. Knowing in our hearts that they are hurting and not being able to be there is awful. I just wish I knew what to say to my SR as he awaits his seperation
  • chippers mom

    Open and honest statements such as what Christina recently posted has been a great help for me during this entire ordeal for I see and feel the same confusion and hurt as you all do. No matter the reason for their separation all of these recruits on ship 5 have experienced some type of hardship on their own. Straight from our arms into the arms of total strangers in strange places. I continue to remind my son that he is young and has many opportunities ahead of him. I tell him each and every time we communicate how proud we are of him and his choice to serve the United States of America.
    He found out today that he will most likely be leaving on Tuesday. He does not want to cone back here for he thinks people will look at him differently. We can only tell them things they have to be thankful for and things to look forward to. Good luck to all of you and your SR's.
  • Christina

    Thank you chippers mom, today I woke up angry. We send our children to the navy, with bright futures ahead of them and because they are sad or a little homesick the navy doesn't want them. Any person who leaves home at some point will hit the homesick wall, it's natural, but to say they are depressed and seperate them?? Sorry for the rant but today I'm just angry
  • MyLAS (My Lips are SEALed)


    I am also very angry.  Our children chose to serve what they thought was a noble institution of integrity.  What a disappointment to learn what the Navy really is. 

  • whatever

    Hi ladies, this was the only group I kept after my son was separated from the navy 4 weeks ago. He had been so gung ho was in DEPS for a year and even worked hard to get his spec ops. I Was so proud and excited. Unlike the rest of u my son decided the navy was not for him and was able to get out as a Misclasssification. I was sad cuz his Sophmore year of high school he said mom if I send u to college ill waste your money I want to go into the millitary I was scared but so proud and excited for him
    When I found out he was coming home I was heartbroken.
    Then a week later I had an info thing on my Facebook about Aaron Vaughn a navy seal that helped kill bin Lauden and then 3 months later was dead with his seal brothers. Please look this up in Internet there are people high up that don't support our millitary. I wanted to blame navy too but things are dictated above them.
    Hang in there our kids deserve much morr
  • whatever

    Things happen for a reason I believe
    As hurtful as this process is I now believe at least God intervened in my sons process and I pray for your kids and hope you will find peace
  • whatever

    After the info I have discovered I am glad my son is not serving under the current chief and commander
  • whatever

    I never was into political things before but because of my son and the millitary I researched and wanted to know as much as I could and the things I found out were so unsettling If you have a chance please read Betrayed by Billy Vaughn
  • Christina

    Thank you for the information, all my son had wanted for years is to join the navy, but now that is being taken from him, because he's sad, then to add insult to injury his dad called him while at the hospital and told him what a mess up he is and how worthless he is, I haven't heard from my son since Tuesday and I'm starting to worry. I don't know what to do because my son isn't worthless or a mess up he's a good kid
  • Christina

    I don't know what his dad's call has done to him only that he was already wrecked because he's being separated, now his father has made it worse. I don't know what to expect when he does come home only that this will not be easy
  • whatever

    Christina it was so hard when my son came home I didn't know what to say or do he blamed me for his choices I cried and just supported and loved him and believe it or not he started to figure things out for himself it hurts like hell u just want to protect them from any pain but they like we did learn from it cuz unfortunently that's the way the world is you too will get through this probably with a lot of tears but your son will grow in ways you can't imagine
  • MyLAS (My Lips are SEALed)

    yes... Betrayed is a must read!

  • Christina

    Can anyone tell me how long it takes to get the call the my SR is on ship 5. Last I heard from my son was Tuesday that he was being sperate but didn't know where he would go from the hospital, I haven't heard anything since. They say no news is good need but at this point all in doing is worrying
  • chippers mom

    Christina, wish I knew the correct answer. My son was discharged from the hospital on a Saturday and when we didn't hear anything on Sunday or Monday we thought the same thing, no news is good news. I had even emailed public affairs and had gotten the response that all they could tell me was that he had been returned to his division. We'll we got the call from him on Tuesday telling us he was being separated. What a sick sick feeling. By this time he was so scared that all get wanted to do was come home. I told him not to sign anything until we got more information. Well it's been five weeks and he just got the FINAL word on Thursday that his waiver has been denied and he is being sent home this coming Tuesday. He will call us with the time on Monday evening like it's some kind of top secret mission. I can't wait to see him, but he apologized to me today for failing and not making it. He didn't fail the Navy, the Navy failed him. Good luck to all of you and your children. This site has been of great help to me during this heart breaking time. Although I gave cried none of you have told me to get it together or that thinks will be ok. You have all held my hand and told me you understood.

    I know my post always have misspelled or misused words, but don't reread what I type. Makes life more interesting. Good night
  • MyLAS (My Lips are SEALed)

    Just want to second what Chippers mom and MoDrummy said. These boys didn't fail... the navy failed them and it is indeed the Navy's loss

  • whatever

    Yes the navy and the government(for making them cut our millitary and for not supporting our millitary)
  • whatever

    When my son came home I fell into some info and then started doing research some of the things I have found out about our government/millitary opened my eyes scared me and helped me accept my son coming home
    I hope u find peace as I finally have
  • LoriM

    I hope you all find peace with the RC coming home.  They will come to find something else that they love.  I do want to say,, once the RC are hurt/sick they are also given a say if they are offered to stay that they can opt to go home.  None of them will ever tell you that for it hurts them so bad.  Some do this because they don't want to face other RC's, some do it because boot camp is VERY hard and some do not want to be there the extra time.  However, you will never know for sure, but the one thing for sure is if they made the choice to come home and people around them keep blaming the Navy they will feel guiltier and guiltier.  Please keep this in mind.  This was a very personal choice for them and they have the right to their privacy.  So please think of their feelings and just help them move on instead of blaming anyone or thing.  Neither the Navy nor the boys failed.  The boys signed a blank check of their lives for a great country.  Thank them for this and help them move on.  Some may choose to go back in after a period of time, this happens too.  I am not trying to offend anyone or belittle your feelings I just want you to know there may be more to the issue and what you say can really wear on the RC.

  • chippers mom

    LoriM do you or have you had a child on ship 5? It seems as if you may even work there considering all the information you post. Some times you may be correct however not all the time. You stated you didn't want to offend anyone in the same message that you insinuated that our children are a bunch of secret keeping cry baby liars. Well although I can only speak for my son I can honestly say that he tried in every way told to him to stay and be returned to BT. He also worked on ship 5 as a yeoman and often told about some of the other recruits that had fought their case to stay and they were denied. I am grateful for your input but just like the rest of us , you don't know it all.
    Chippers Mom
  • LoriM

    chippers mom,,, I am not calling anyone anything!  Yes I did have a child on Ship 5,,infact for many weeks!  I feel sad that you look at them as secret keeping babies from my message,,, I in no way insinuated that!!!  I have also been in the Navy and was medically discharged,, I knew a few who choose to go home after an injury and they opted not tell anyone at home that was their choice.  If you have never been in the military you do not understand how hard boot camp is.  I was not calling anyone anything just letting you know there could be other issues.  I am sorry you took it as a slam,,  I intended to inform people and that is all,,,   BTW my daughter fought to go back and is there now. 

  • chippers mom

    Dear US Navy, I want to thank you for sending me back a broken child. I don't know what or how he will ever be fixed emotionally. RE-8 my ass.