DEP-Leavin' for bootcamp in August

This group is for N4M members that have a loved one leaving for bootcamp in August...I will leave the year open so that even future Deppers leaving in the month of August of any year can join...Lets share stories, information, concerns, and questions

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  • lemonelephant

    Those shipping on Monday and Tuesday are often together as are those shipping on Wednesday and Thursday. Recruits do not ship on Friday. Integrated divisions, those containing both males and females, may contain recruits who arrived on up to four different days, even into the following week at times, because fewer females ship than males--you'd think somebody would figure it out and move about 88 females to the same ship date, but no one asked me. That is why the form letter often takes longer for those with a recruit in an Integrated division because some of the recruits have extra P-days. One to four divisions fill each night.

  • TrueBlue

    Thanks lemonelephant!
  • lemonelephant

    TrueBlue, you are very welcome.

  • ncdeb

    Great info lemonelephant, thanks so much!

  • lemonelephant

    ncdeb, I am glad to help.

  • lemonelephant

    It's not too early to check out the discussion, Things to Do in the Last Month before Your Future Sailor Leaves for..., and to start discussing some of the things there with your future Sailor such as how to handle bad news and who will be put on the Access List....

    If you have not yet joined Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones), now is a good time to do so and to begin checking out the Pages (found under the pictures of the Members) starting with OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) (some of you have changes that you need to make--at least change 3; make change 4 if your profile pic includes your future Sailor) and then go on to Arrival and What Happens at the RTC.

  • lemonelephant

    I have left info on some of your My Pages about your future Sailor's rating (job/occupational specialty) or field and "A" School. If anyone else needs this info, leave a comment on my My Page with the rating or field and I will comment back on your My Page. I have info on every rating and field. I also have that info for the PACT programs.

  • Erin

    My daughter is trying to change her job and the recruiter is giving her a hard time. Any advice??
  • lemonelephant

    Erin, at this point the recruiter will not file a DAR to request the change in rating since she is less than 60 days from her ship date.

  • ncdeb

    Will the recruiter tell her about Navy Credit Union before she leaves?

  • lemonelephant

    ncdeb, some do and some don't. See the info in Things to Do in the Last Month before Your Future Sailor Leaves for... and talk with your future Sailor about that and more. She can sign up for the NFCU before she ships or at the RTC.

  • CryptoDad

    Can we all just take a minute and say a prayer for the seven Navy Moms who this wekend received the phone call that no parent ever wants receive.

    Carry on, USS Fitzgerald.

  • ncdeb

    If my daughter leaves Aug. 7 for boot camp, when do I need to make flight, hotel, etc reservations? Is graduation at exactly 8 weeks?  Also does anyone know if I make those reservations with the airline can I get insurance for a refund if the date changes or something happens?

  • CryptoDad

    There is no certain way to know the PIR date until you receive the Form Letter, usually about 10 days after your Recruit arrives at Great Lakes. Counting 9 Fridays after arrival gives the best guess, but only a guess. Wait for the letter. In the meantime, do all your travel research so you can move fast when the dates are certain.

    Refundable tickets can double the cost of flying. Look for an airline like Southwest that allows you to re-book flights without any penalties.

  • ncdeb

    That's great information CryptoDad, thanks so much! A little stressful waiting but not much we can do about that, lol. Definitely won't be looking into refundable tickets.

  • ncdeb

    Hi everyone, can anyone tell me when they go to MEPS right before leaving for boot camp do they have to go through the whole physical again?

  • ncdeb

    My daughter has some cavities and I would like to get them filled before she leaves, what if we run out of time? Will the Navy do them or do we have to get them done before she goes to RTC?

  • lemonelephant

    ncdeb, there is a physical on the day they ship.

  • ncdeb

    Thanks so much lemonelephant, I told her there would be another physical but she didn't believe me, lol.

  • lemonelephant

    You are very welcome.

  • Laura

    My son is leaving August 8th 

  • ncdeb

    Laura I bet our kids will be there together, my daughter leaves on the 7th.

  • NICUnurse&navymom

    My son is leaving August the 8th as well.
  • MamaD17

    Mine leaves August 7. 25 very short days away. He's so nervous, yet excited! I'm so scared!
  • MamaRN

    My son goes to MEPS Aug 28. It's coming up so fast
  • NavyMom1997

    My son leaves on August 8th! So very proud of my mine but a very emotional time for me. How are each of you handling it?
  • lemonelephant

    It's not too early to check out the discussion, Things to Do in the Last Month before Your Future Sailor Leaves for..., and to start discussing some of the things there with your future Sailor such as how to handle bad news and who will be put on the Access List....

    If you have not yet joined Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones), now is a good time to do so and to begin checking out the Pages (found under the pictures of the Members) starting with OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) (some of you have changes that you need to make--at least change 3; make change 4 if your profile pic includes your future Sailor or recruit) and then go on to Arrival and What Happens at the RTC.

  • lemonelephant

    Everyone, Make it a habit to check your My Page because you may have comments from Members and not even know it if you have the notifications turned off for comments on your My Page. To reply to someone who leaves a comment on your My Page, click on "Comment Back" or "View Thread" below the comment. Also check in the upper left to see if you have Friend requests or any new messages in your Inbox.

  • lemonelephant

    I have left info on some of your My Pages about your future Sailor's rating (job/occupational specialty) or field and "A" School. If anyone else needs this info, leave a comment on my My Page with the rating or field and I will comment back on your My Page. I have info on every rating and field. I also have that info for the PACT programs.

  • WifeNMudder

    My son was originally schedule for Jan 4, 2018 but was asked to go early. He eagerly agreed and now we are waiting on the date. We were told in August, but have yet to receive the date.  Based upon the comments, it looks like Aug 7 and Aug 8 are the big dates.  Is that how it works??  My son is so excited to get going, to start his Navy life and to be a Navy Nuke. As him mom, I want what he wants. Yet he is my only child and I can't imagine him not sleeping in his bed, or me not having to remind him to fill the water bowl for the dogs, or not seeing his face every day.  The next month.... wow!

  • ncdeb

    @WifenMudder, my girl leaves Aug. 7th and she is my only one as well. I totally agree it's gonna be super hard not to see them or especially hear from them daily.

  • WifeNMudder

    NavyMom1997, we are just trying to spend as much time with him as possible right now. You know, making memories.  We are having the serious conversations (he has to be ready after all,) but are purposfully trying to keep it light and happy as much as possible. I'm am focused on helping him navigate all the preparation stuff. I'm a planner and making a list keeps me calm. So that is what I am doing. We are having a lot of fun going through his room and clearing out, packing up, giving away all of his "kid" things (his words, not mine.) He wants me to use his room as my new sewing room. That's the kind of kid I raised. Damn, now I am mess again. Quick, I need to make a new list.......

  • MaryNavywife/mom

    If any of you are on Facebook we would love to have you
  • ncdeb

    Wow, what a great idea for the room and my daughter would def. not be so giving with her room, lol. Great idea to start cleaning it out though!

  • WifeNMudder

    ncdeb, truthfully, I planted the idea in his head and he is just running with it.  We are keeping some of the special things and boxing them up for him for later.  He has a younger cousin who is about his size, so he is getting a lot of clothes and things.  We have a another young cousin who is going to get some really cool robots and books and things. I think it makes him feel good to give away some of these things.  My husband and I will be moving next year and this way it gives us a jump start on Grayson's things.

  • ncdeb

    @WifeNMudder, I took your lead and planted the seed last night as well, handed her a big garbage bag, lol. Told her it was time to get rid of anything she didn't want or use anymore. Hubs and I are also moving next year, so it will be a good jump on that as well so I won't toss anything she loves.

  • Laura

    August 8th is around the corner ... its coming so fast 

  • WifeNMudder

    ncdeb, there you go.  Our project is lagging a little now. I'll have to use the "so I won't accidentally get rid of something you want" reason to get him moving again. We still don't have a dep date yet. We were just told sometime in August. So we wait...

  • Laura

    NavyMom1997,NICUnurse&navymom, ncdeb .... its around the corner . I can not believe in a week and a day I'll be watching my son get sworn in and on his way 

  • Shelbie's Mom

    So, this is my first post. My daughter leaves for BC on August 29th. This web site has been a god send. She is so young and full excitement for her next step in life. I am happy for her, she has talked about this for 2 years since joining JRROTC in high school. She is definitely one of those girls who will prove you wrong if you tell her she can't do it. Thank you for being there as a support, since I am sure I will need you all a lot thru this process.
  • WifeNMudder

    Woo Hoo (and Boo Hoo), we've got our date. My son leaves on Aug 29th!

  • ncdeb

    Yay WifenMudder!!

  • ncdeb

    p.s. WifeNMudder, my daughter has totally cleaned out her room, almost too much. She took everything down but I told her we are painting. It just looks kind of sad and now with her leaving Sunday......waterworks.

  • Rebecka

    My daughter is shipping out Aug 21. I'm up at 3:30 am posting this so I think it's safe to say I'm freaking out!
  • patty227

    Good Morning

     I will be leaving this group due to my son is now in boot camp. I would like to thank all of you who helped me prepare for this journey with your words of wisdom. I will hopefully see you on the other side . Good luck to all 

  • Donnac

    My son leaves on August 23rd, or in approximately 434 hours.....not like I'm counting or anything!!!  He signed up in January and is excited it's finally getting here.  I am excited for him, but also freaking out!!! 

  • lemonelephant

    If your future Sailor has yet to ship, then be sure to check out the discussion, Things to Do in the Last Month before Your Future Sailor Leaves for....

    If you have not yet joined Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones), now is a good time to do so (especially if you have a recruit at the RTC) and to begin checking out the Pages (found under the pictures of the Members) starting with OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) (some of you have changes that you need to make--at least change 3; make change 4 if your profile pic includes your future Sailor or recruit) and then go on to Arrival and What Happens at the RTC.

  • lemonelephant

    I have left info on some of your My Pages about your recruit's (or future Sailor's) rating (job/occupational specialty) or field and "A" School. If anyone else needs this info, leave a comment on my My Page with the rating or field and I will comment back on your My Page. I have info on every rating and field. I also have that info for the PACT programs.

  • WifeNMudder

    ncdeb, I understand completely about the sad room.  I feel the same. At this point, I'm the one saying "but I think we should keep this."  My son is saying, but Mom what I'm going to do with that?" The boxes are going be piled high in the attic of stuff for my baby's baby. 

  • WifeNMudder

    Counting down the weeks, days, hours and minutes now.  Having fun posting baby and kid photos of my son on FB. I have a little tribute with each one that my hubs also comments on. All of our family and friends are sending him well wishes and encouragement and most of all, are telling him how proud they are of him.  It is really pumping him up.

    Does anyone know if he needs his shot record with him in his folder when he reports?  I've seen on one list that it is required but my son says he wasn't told to bring it.