Good Morning Ladies Welcome to Navy Moms, I would like to congratulate you on your Loved Ones.
NavyMomFHAL18 your Son should have that information if not call his recruiter for the time it usually is around 8:30 or 9 am. and you will need to see or get permission if they allow you to way at airport. some do some dont it jusr depends. but again Call his Recruiter and he should have all that info for you.
The site below shows how they have to score in order to pass. I think this will give some insight on why many are having problems. and this site shows how many of each. good information.
will be posting some information, and for those that have a Loved One entering please read these site's with them. These are what the standards are and what needs to happen in order to Graduate BC. I am seeing to many struggling and alot of heartache with it. so please take the time and read.
If this helps any, here is info and I will put the site down,
To graduate boot camp, a sailor needs an overall category of "Good (Low)," which means their average in three events must be 60 points or greater.
according to this site the Navy is raising the bar, the navy at one point never had a standard like the Army, and Marines, Air force now trhey are implementing this. So for those that have Loved ones entering in please have them to look this over and start running and doing sit ups, push ups ,swimming also. if you can pass this beforehand then their should be no problems.
Folks I am going to be posting some sites for those that are new as your Loved one. the Standards have changed as far as PFA. I will put the site down so you can read up on what is tested and what will happen if failed, this is something that needs to be read and understood from both the Parent and your Loved One before they enter into BC. So Many are not passing and this requirement needs to be passed in order to go on with BC. It is very Heartbreaking for the parent/s when this is happening but also a devestated feeling for our Loved Ones. I believe this should be started in a Recruiters Office but I cannot say that it is or isnt being done. So Please if you have a Loved One coming into BC soon get them to start running and meeting the standard not only that they have to swim and be able to pass the three tests, and the prone float is one test so have them start practicing. Push ups, curl ups, sit ups they have to do so many in a matter of 2 min.
It truly breaks my Heart to see the Moms that are going thru this, so worried and devastated as to this Happening, but I can't even imagine how the SR.'s are feeling when it is them that it's happening to. So please please have them to read so that way they know what is being tested and what they need to do to accomplish their Goals.
I know everyone can’t do this but we hired a trainer at the Y for a month so that our son could get help getting in shape. He found it so beneficial that he paid for 3 more weeks with his own money. After boot camp he said he was SO glad he had worked with a trainer (even though we had to coerce him to do it). It made boot camp easier to handle.
Good Morning All. Thank You Ladies for the encouragement, it truly is nice to know those that have went in exactly know what I am talking about. So Happy to know you have Sailors! You know I have to say My Son's Recruiter was awesome he tested my Son every week, took my Son to a University and had him do laps and made him test on the prone float and all. So I was very very Thankful. But Yes for those who's Loved One's are coming in please take a look at the standard print it out and both read on it. It is a very sad thing that these Sons/daughters truly know where there heart is but cant seem to pass. so if us Mother's can make a difference let's do it for the sake of our Sons/Daughters. Thank You Ladies I truly appreciate you.
It's official! My second son has joined the Navy! He swore in a couple of weeks ago at MEPS and picked his rate. He is set to leave for bootcamp next July.
As some of you know, I just did this whole thing with my oldest, who is currently stationed in Pearl Harbor. Let the crazy ride start again!
He is doing well overall. At times he is a bit bored, he has been there since January and his ship is in drydock. He has explored the island extensively, and is getting anxious to go out on deployment. He said you can only go to the beach so many times. He expected to be doing more sailing I think! They should start getting underway early 2019 he thinks. We are visiting him there in January so we are all looking forward to that!
I am hoping the Boot Camp process will be easier this time, knowing what to expect. Hopefully my middle son won't have the drama my oldest did (ended up in hospital and spend an extra week there!). Thankfully it's worked out for my oldest.
My son-in-law and daughter are also stationed at Pearl Harbor, he is on the Chung Hoon. They are going underway again very soon, for 2 months. Then 8 month deployment in the fall.
We visited in June. Now I'm spoiled for any other beach. ;-)
My Sons Carrier stop in Hawaii before heading Home to SD in May, my son Thought it looked like a picture very Beautiful. I believe it was a day before the Volcano erupted. That is Understandable being bored, there is only so much to do. My Son is on North Island (Coronado) and he hasnt even been to the beach since we took him back to base. He was able to come home for two weeks when they came back from deployment then we went on Vaca for a week and rented a beach House. But he tells me he just works and goes back to the Barracks on base. I beleive they are set for another deployment in late 2019 if I'm not mistaken. Wishing your Middle Son all the best! I'm sure he will do just fine as you will, just make sure he reads the new Standards and what is expected and he should have this no problem. But I am sure it will be nerve wrecking, but you will be in Good hands here. Welcome Back! Hi Blackbirdmom So Happy to hear all is well with your Loved Ones.
librarianmom, My son has been in the navy now for 16 months, has only been out to sea for 2 weeks. They decided they wanted to send him to c-school after that outing. He got done with that schooling and now is in Norfolk for 2 months for an additional c-school. He will be done with that just in time to catch his ship for an 8 month deployment. He has not been very happy either. He wants to be on the ship. However we have been told by some Navy vets that he will now rank up very fast. We will have to wait and see. Tell your sailor thanks for his service, and hang in there!
Hi Bandmom! My sailor is doing pretty well overall, and he did get his first promotion the first chance he had! He is now an E4. He called last night excited he will get the chance for some extra training the next few months. Sounds like they finally get back into the water in early spring. Whatever funk he was going through earlier this summer seems to have lifted. So relieved! I hope your son gets some good news too and perks up!
Hello librarianmom, I am glad that your sailor is doing well. Mine just doesn't like Norfolk. After being in San Diego, where they embrace the military, Norfolk seems very cold and uninviting. He is doing well in school, and can't wait to get to the ship. Keep in touch.
Bandmom...maybe they should change places! Mine was hoping for East Coast (I think because he could meet up with his fiancee a bit easier). LOL. He said he was the only one who didn't put Hawaii on his wish list and here is is!
librarianmom - our SIL didn't put Hawaii on his list either. He said it just didn't occur to him to go to there. His top choices were Norfolk (closer to home), San Diego, and Mayport. When he told us what ship he was assigned to and we figured out where it was, we were shocked. LOL Since visiting San Diego, he has decided that it's way too big and he likes the smaller bases like Pearl. I can't believe it's been 18 months since he left for boot camp.
Smooth sailing - you got this!!! It will be ok. Stay strong for your recruit. Take baby steps and TRY to enjoy the day together. Soak it all in. It’s his new adventure and yours too.
This is a good thing a hard thing but a good thing!!!!
One piece of advice to give your new SR is to make sure they put on enough postage when mailing letters or paperwork home. Teach them what a regular envelope feels like in oz. (see below)
Thats the one thing I experienced with my SR. It kind of stressed me out why I hadn’t received any letters when my other family had. My SR added my letter in with other paperwork. It was too heavy. I did finally receive it but much later. I found out what probably happened when I talked to my SR on his first phone call. That put my mind at ease.
Hello everyone, I'm glad I came across this group. I have been on this site for a few months, trying to get a handle on navigating, commenting, etc. My son is a HS Senior, DEP, scheduled to leave August 2019. Not sure about you guys but my eyes well up just about everyday for one reason or another. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to hold it together as his date gets closer and the DAY OF.
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and lots of hugs!
Hi, My daughter finally got her phone call for MEPS! She is excited. Her hopes to go to basic training after Christmas but her MEPS is Wednesday. Is that an option?
Amanda, my daughter will be at MEPS on Wednesday too! I am anxious to find out her ship date as well. She is still in high school, so if it goes anything like her brother she will have a mid-summer ship date. I have a feeling this next year is going to play out a lot like last year for us.
Hi everyone. My son goes to MEPS today. I am so nervous but proud of him too. He thinks he might leave this summer for boot camp. I am clueless to this whole process. Can anyone tell me what to expect over the next few months?
Angela, my son went to MEPS last summer. He’s now a senior in HS so he’s in DEP (delayed entry program) with a “ship date” (date he leaves for boot camp) in early July. If all goes well at MEPS, your son will be able to pick his rating/job and the corresponding ship date. My son is required to check in with his recruiter once a week (a quick phone call) and the DEP group, through his local recruiter office, meets usually once per month. As questions arise, he can contact his recruiter as necessary. It was stressful at first, but now that we know the process, it’s much easier. This Navy For Moms site has really helped me!
Thank you! My son is also a senior this year so he will probably also do the delayed entry program. We are brand new to all of this, but he’s been wanting to join the military since he was little.
My son is the same. He’s been telling us he wants to join the military ever since he was 4! Navy offered him the specialized training he’s looking for and an automatic rank up because he’s an Eagle Scout. We are proud of his focus and vision for himself. Once you know your son’s rating, you can probably find groups within this site just for moms of those ratings.
My son is also a HS senior working through the MEPS process. It's a tedious process taking longer than I expected but hoping he'll contract soon. He's hoping to ship late this summer as he's been looking forward to this for several years now.
Hi, My daughter went to MEPS back in Nov., the doctors requested some additional tests for childhood asthma. I sent in her test results on 12/12 but we still haven't heard anything back, does anyone know how long this process usually takes?
Happy Monday to all fellow moms of future sailors! My son's ship date is getting closer (early July) and I know it will be here in the blink of an eye. Right now I'm just focusing on planning his HS graduation party and all of the other senior stuff we have to do. My son is so ready to be done with HS and just move on to his next step. I think he's running through all sorts of emotions right now but really won't talk much about it until we make him talk. Anyone else out there with future sailors who will ship in the next couple months? How are things going?
My son is leaving in July too! He is super ready. Graduation in just two weeks and then we will start working on his list to prepare for him leaving. I am excited for him, but this is my second son to go, and I know what to expect. It will be all the feelings coming up!
Hello everyone! I am new to this website and group. My son was cleared for MEPS and goes this Friday. He just graduated from HS from a military academy and has basically been in their BC for the last 5 1/2 months.. What are the chances of him shipping from MEPS directly to BC? He mentioned that he may be placed on DEPS but I'm not sure how all of this works. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi All! New to the group! My son was sworn in Mar. He is currently “Hurry up and waiting now.” Could be any time July - Sept. My question is... He had 2 DEPA this month. I thought it would be once a month. Is their a reason for 2 or more?
Need any advice! My son is hoping to leave in August with a buddy. He’s gone thru MEPS and did well in his ASVABS, but he was told he needs to come back and get re-weighed. He is underweight at 6’1” and 113 lbs. he’s muscular and works out but still very thin. It’s been a struggle!! (Totally foreign to my weight dilemmas). He’s drinking mass shakes and eating more but still having trouble. Anyone else have issues like this?
my daughter left today and her boyfriend leaves on 9/9 also! Are you a member of Boot Camp for Moms? There’s a lot of information on that group including things to do in the last month before they ship.
its quite a ride and I’m really grateful for the experience, information and support offered in that group! There are lots of links with ample information to help us navigate, even with the changes because of COVID. Best of luck and stick around :)
Good Morning Ladies Welcome to Navy Moms, I would like to congratulate you on your Loved Ones.
NavyMomFHAL18 your Son should have that information if not call his recruiter for the time it usually is around 8:30 or 9 am. and you will need to see or get permission if they allow you to way at airport. some do some dont it jusr depends. but again Call his Recruiter and he should have all that info for you.
Apr 12, 2018
Usually after MEPS they are bussed to the airport, so I would find out and see who can meet up with him and if you have to be there beforehand.
Apr 12, 2018
We will see what the recruiter says. Thanks Phoenixmom!
Apr 12, 2018
You are welcome, They should be able to give you answers. Good Luck!
Apr 12, 2018
The site below shows how they have to score in order to pass. I think this will give some insight on why many are having problems. and this site shows how many of each. good information.
Navy Boot Camp Graduation Standards – Navy Fitness
Apr 19, 2018
will be posting some information, and for those that have a Loved One entering please read these site's with them. These are what the standards are and what needs to happen in order to Graduate BC. I am seeing to many struggling and alot of heartache with it. so please take the time and read.
If this helps any, here is info and I will put the site down,
To graduate boot camp, a sailor needs an overall category of "Good (Low)," which means their average in three events must be 60 points or greater.
Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT) Overview |
Apr 19, 2018
Navy recruits will have to pass a run test prior to boot camp start...January 2018.
according to this site the Navy is raising the bar, the navy at one point never had a standard like the Army, and Marines, Air force now trhey are implementing this. So for those that have Loved ones entering in please have them to look this over and start running and doing sit ups, push ups ,swimming also. if you can pass this beforehand then their should be no problems.
Apr 19, 2018
here is another site to get ready for the Leave to BC.
Things to Do in the Last Month before Your Future Sailor Leaves for...
Apr 19, 2018
Are they allowed to bring vitamins to boot camp?
Jun 1, 2018
No- that will be sent home. Any type of medicine/vitamins (even over the counter) will be distributed by the Navy.
good luck!
Jun 1, 2018
kstin here is a link to look at.
Jun 1, 2018
Folks I am going to be posting some sites for those that are new as your Loved one. the Standards have changed as far as PFA. I will put the site down so you can read up on what is tested and what will happen if failed, this is something that needs to be read and understood from both the Parent and your Loved One before they enter into BC. So Many are not passing and this requirement needs to be passed in order to go on with BC. It is very Heartbreaking for the parent/s when this is happening but also a devestated feeling for our Loved Ones. I believe this should be started in a Recruiters Office but I cannot say that it is or isnt being done. So Please if you have a Loved One coming into BC soon get them to start running and meeting the standard not only that they have to swim and be able to pass the three tests, and the prone float is one test so have them start practicing. Push ups, curl ups, sit ups they have to do so many in a matter of 2 min.
See Navy Sets New Physical Fitness Standard to Start Boot Camp
See Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) and Fitness Improvement Training ... for more information.
Jun 4, 2018
It truly breaks my Heart to see the Moms that are going thru this, so worried and devastated as to this Happening, but I can't even imagine how the SR.'s are feeling when it is them that it's happening to. So please please have them to read so that way they know what is being tested and what they need to do to accomplish their Goals.
Jun 4, 2018
I know everyone can’t do this but we hired a trainer at the Y for a month so that our son could get help getting in shape. He found it so beneficial that he paid for 3 more weeks with his own money. After boot camp he said he was SO glad he had worked with a trainer (even though we had to coerce him to do it). It made boot camp easier to handle.
Jun 4, 2018
Good Morning All. Thank You Ladies for the encouragement, it truly is nice to know those that have went in exactly know what I am talking about. So Happy to know you have Sailors! You know I have to say My Son's Recruiter was awesome he tested my Son every week, took my Son to a University and had him do laps and made him test on the prone float and all. So I was very very Thankful. But Yes for those who's Loved One's are coming in please take a look at the standard print it out and both read on it. It is a very sad thing that these Sons/daughters truly know where there heart is but cant seem to pass. so if us Mother's can make a difference let's do it for the sake of our Sons/Daughters. Thank You Ladies I truly appreciate you.
Jun 5, 2018
It's official! My second son has joined the Navy! He swore in a couple of weeks ago at MEPS and picked his rate. He is set to leave for bootcamp next July.
As some of you know, I just did this whole thing with my oldest, who is currently stationed in Pearl Harbor. Let the crazy ride start again!
Jul 24, 2018
CONGRATULATIONS, Librarianmom! I think you will do just fine. How is your Son doing over in Hawaii?
Jul 24, 2018
Thanks Phoenixmom...
He is doing well overall. At times he is a bit bored, he has been there since January and his ship is in drydock. He has explored the island extensively, and is getting anxious to go out on deployment. He said you can only go to the beach so many times. He expected to be doing more sailing I think! They should start getting underway early 2019 he thinks. We are visiting him there in January so we are all looking forward to that!
I am hoping the Boot Camp process will be easier this time, knowing what to expect. Hopefully my middle son won't have the drama my oldest did (ended up in hospital and spend an extra week there!). Thankfully it's worked out for my oldest.
Jul 24, 2018
Congratulations librarianmom!
My son-in-law and daughter are also stationed at Pearl Harbor, he is on the Chung Hoon. They are going underway again very soon, for 2 months. Then 8 month deployment in the fall.
We visited in June. Now I'm spoiled for any other beach. ;-)
Jul 24, 2018
My Sons Carrier stop in Hawaii before heading Home to SD in May, my son Thought it looked like a picture very Beautiful. I believe it was a day before the Volcano erupted. That is Understandable being bored, there is only so much to do. My Son is on North Island (Coronado) and he hasnt even been to the beach since we took him back to base. He was able to come home for two weeks when they came back from deployment then we went on Vaca for a week and rented a beach House. But he tells me he just works and goes back to the Barracks on base. I beleive they are set for another deployment in late 2019 if I'm not mistaken. Wishing your Middle Son all the best! I'm sure he will do just fine as you will, just make sure he reads the new Standards and what is expected and he should have this no problem. But I am sure it will be nerve wrecking, but you will be in Good hands here. Welcome Back! Hi Blackbirdmom So Happy to hear all is well with your Loved Ones.
Jul 24, 2018
Thanks for the welcome back! Looking forward to the next year and everything it will bring!
Jul 24, 2018
librarianmom, My son has been in the navy now for 16 months, has only been out to sea for 2 weeks. They decided they wanted to send him to c-school after that outing. He got done with that schooling and now is in Norfolk for 2 months for an additional c-school. He will be done with that just in time to catch his ship for an 8 month deployment. He has not been very happy either. He wants to be on the ship. However we have been told by some Navy vets that he will now rank up very fast. We will have to wait and see. Tell your sailor thanks for his service, and hang in there!
Aug 8, 2018
Hi Bandmom! My sailor is doing pretty well overall, and he did get his first promotion the first chance he had! He is now an E4. He called last night excited he will get the chance for some extra training the next few months. Sounds like they finally get back into the water in early spring. Whatever funk he was going through earlier this summer seems to have lifted. So relieved! I hope your son gets some good news too and perks up!
Aug 9, 2018
Hello librarianmom, I am glad that your sailor is doing well. Mine just doesn't like Norfolk. After being in San Diego, where they embrace the military, Norfolk seems very cold and uninviting. He is doing well in school, and can't wait to get to the ship. Keep in touch.
Aug 10, 2018
Bandmom...maybe they should change places! Mine was hoping for East Coast (I think because he could meet up with his fiancee a bit easier). LOL. He said he was the only one who didn't put Hawaii on his wish list and here is is!
Aug 10, 2018
librarianmom - our SIL didn't put Hawaii on his list either. He said it just didn't occur to him to go to there. His top choices were Norfolk (closer to home), San Diego, and Mayport. When he told us what ship he was assigned to and we figured out where it was, we were shocked. LOL Since visiting San Diego, he has decided that it's way too big and he likes the smaller bases like Pearl. I can't believe it's been 18 months since he left for boot camp.
Aug 10, 2018
It is with great trepidation that I move on from MEPS and DEPS to Boot Camp Moms. This is starting to get real, son leaves for the hotel today at 3:30
Sep 16, 2018
Smooth sailing - you got this!!! It will be ok. Stay strong for your recruit. Take baby steps and TRY to enjoy the day together. Soak it all in. It’s his new adventure and yours too.
This is a good thing a hard thing but a good thing!!!!
Sep 16, 2018
One piece of advice to give your new SR is to make sure they put on enough postage when mailing letters or paperwork home. Teach them what a regular envelope feels like in oz. (see below)
Thats the one thing I experienced with my SR. It kind of stressed me out why I hadn’t received any letters when my other family had. My SR added my letter in with other paperwork. It was too heavy. I did finally receive it but much later. I found out what probably happened when I talked to my SR on his first phone call. That put my mind at ease.
From USPS:
Letters (Stamped)1,4
Weight Not Over (oz.)
Oct 27, 2018
Hello everyone, I'm glad I came across this group. I have been on this site for a few months, trying to get a handle on navigating, commenting, etc. My son is a HS Senior, DEP, scheduled to leave August 2019. Not sure about you guys but my eyes well up just about everyday for one reason or another. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to hold it together as his date gets closer and the DAY OF.
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and lots of hugs!
Nov 21, 2018
Hi, My daughter finally got her phone call for MEPS! She is excited. Her hopes to go to basic training after Christmas but her MEPS is Wednesday. Is that an option?
Nov 26, 2018
Thanks... Fingers crossed!
Nov 26, 2018
Amanda, my daughter will be at MEPS on Wednesday too! I am anxious to find out her ship date as well. She is still in high school, so if it goes anything like her brother she will have a mid-summer ship date. I have a feeling this next year is going to play out a lot like last year for us.
Nov 26, 2018
My daughter is 19 and graduated and extremely anxious to go but after Christmas. Good luck!
Nov 26, 2018
Jan 14, 2019
Angela, my son went to MEPS last summer. He’s now a senior in HS so he’s in DEP (delayed entry program) with a “ship date” (date he leaves for boot camp) in early July. If all goes well at MEPS, your son will be able to pick his rating/job and the corresponding ship date. My son is required to check in with his recruiter once a week (a quick phone call) and the DEP group, through his local recruiter office, meets usually once per month. As questions arise, he can contact his recruiter as necessary. It was stressful at first, but now that we know the process, it’s much easier. This Navy For Moms site has really helped me!
Jan 14, 2019
Jan 14, 2019
My son is the same. He’s been telling us he wants to join the military ever since he was 4! Navy offered him the specialized training he’s looking for and an automatic rank up because he’s an Eagle Scout. We are proud of his focus and vision for himself. Once you know your son’s rating, you can probably find groups within this site just for moms of those ratings.
Jan 14, 2019
My son is also a HS senior working through the MEPS process. It's a tedious process taking longer than I expected but hoping he'll contract soon. He's hoping to ship late this summer as he's been looking forward to this for several years now.
Jan 14, 2019
Hi, My daughter went to MEPS back in Nov., the doctors requested some additional tests for childhood asthma. I sent in her test results on 12/12 but we still haven't heard anything back, does anyone know how long this process usually takes?
Jan 14, 2019
Hi all! I’m brand new here! My son left for his first MEPS visit overnight this morning!
Apr 29, 2019
Happy Monday to all fellow moms of future sailors! My son's ship date is getting closer (early July) and I know it will be here in the blink of an eye. Right now I'm just focusing on planning his HS graduation party and all of the other senior stuff we have to do. My son is so ready to be done with HS and just move on to his next step. I think he's running through all sorts of emotions right now but really won't talk much about it until we make him talk. Anyone else out there with future sailors who will ship in the next couple months? How are things going?
May 13, 2019
My son is leaving in July too! He is super ready. Graduation in just two weeks and then we will start working on his list to prepare for him leaving. I am excited for him, but this is my second son to go, and I know what to expect. It will be all the feelings coming up!
May 13, 2019
Good Morning all... I'm looking to connect with anyone who's future sailor started Day One BMT this past Tuesday...
May 31, 2019
Hello everyone! I am new to this website and group. My son was cleared for MEPS and goes this Friday. He just graduated from HS from a military academy and has basically been in their BC for the last 5 1/2 months.. What are the chances of him shipping from MEPS directly to BC? He mentioned that he may be placed on DEPS but I'm not sure how all of this works. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Jun 11, 2019
Hi All! New to the group! My son was sworn in Mar. He is currently “Hurry up and waiting now.” Could be any time July - Sept. My question is... He had 2 DEPA this month. I thought it would be once a month. Is their a reason for 2 or more?
Jun 28, 2019
Sorry I meant DEPS! Darn spellcheck!
Jun 28, 2019
Jun 29, 2019
Any advice for a new Navy mom? My son is heading out to boot camp on 9/9/2020 and I have no idea what to expect.
Aug 20, 2020
Hi PaulaMS4 :)
my daughter left today and her boyfriend leaves on 9/9 also!
Are you a member of Boot Camp for Moms? There’s a lot of information on that group including things to do in the last month before they ship.
its quite a ride and I’m really grateful for the experience, information and support offered in that group! There are lots of links with ample information to help us navigate, even with the changes because of COVID. Best of luck and stick around :)
Aug 25, 2020