just a girl with a broken heart

41, Female

Great Lakes, IL

United States

Profile Information:

I am here to support my
Spouse/Significant other
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
So far it has sucked, hoping we can move on and not let this navy life get the best of our marriage. I love my husband too much to lose him over 6 years in the Navy.

Comment Wall:

  • Kinda

    Yea, it's understandable if he wants to focus & not think about how much he misses u. So, are you still writing? That's why I decided to keep my load of letters funny, upbeat & positive. I can sulk out here but I want to keep things easy on him in there. Good luck!
  • Kinda

    Wow! We really are on the exact same page! I draw hilarious pictures, put pix of everything from our daughter to our dog & I make questionnaires so he cab quickly respond to something. The first day I got his address I mailed 6 letters! I sure hope they're giving them their mail already. 
  • Anita MA Mom

    Hey Heather,

    Thanks , after I sent that I thought he was probably in BC. That is good though that he got that at BC . My son was the AROC at BC. Maybe at PIR he will be easy to see, he may be given some special recognition or something. My son and the RPOC wore white belts  and stood on the front of the group , so it was easy for me to see  him. Thanks for the reply though. Best of luck to your Recruit. Maybe I can help you LOL>>>

  • Mary, Proud Mom of Nick

    He WILL get to live off base with you, he just needs to submit a Live Ashore package once he moves over to the school side.  Once it's approved he will be able to stay with you except when he has duty.  If you read thru the "Wives Club" thread within the AECF group - there is a lot of info about different areas of GL that you might want to move to, it also discuss Live Ashore packages, etc that will be of interest to you.


    Hawaii orders are not easy to get but when you graduate from school, you are rated based on your class standings and our soon was Honor Grad at C school so there was five students in the class and five sets of orders; one set for Hawaii and four sets for Norfolk, VA...he's LOVING Hawaii!!!