joshswife (ship 12 div 094)


Norfolk, NY

United States

Profile Information:

I am here to support my
Spouse/Significant other
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • KatieZ

    his division is 100 ship 12!
  • astar (ship 12 div 094)

    Hi! How are you? Have you heard from your husband? Just got my 1st letters from my son today!
  • astar (ship 12 div 094)

    Yay! I got 10 pages! Phone call yet?
  • Truth4Kids


     Sorry for my delayed response. I did receive a letter from my son on Wed last week. He seems in good spirits. All is well, getting used to NAVY routine. Nervous about PT, but sure he'd pass...

    Have you made travel plans yet? We are staying at the LaQuinta on the brochure, air booked and mini van...

    Also, is your husband using all 4 quest tickets? My youngest is guest #5, just turns 13 in Feb. I am trying to get him on another recruits list, if they not using all guest passes... 

    Stay in touch. I'll keep you posted if I learn anything new. Thanks so much for starting this group. : )

  • frandrea<3 Ship 12.Div 93

    Oh wonderful!!!!! Thank you so much for that information. I have just been so unhappy seeing other people having two and three calls and not getting one! :/ (Of course I'm happy for  people too!!)

    Please keep me informed if you hear anything! And I'll be sure to do the same!

  • Truth4Kids

    Hi Kylie,

     Hoping your letter has arrived.   Your page looks GREAT!  I'm still not sure how to do "things"...but I'm trying. Hang in there, Girlie.

     My son is not enjoying the shower. He seems to be making a few friends. If you need to vent, e-mail me off the site. Hope all is well for you & your little one. Thanks again for your efforts in uniting our recruits.  : )  ~A~

  • frandrea<3 Ship 12.Div 93

    Nope, still nothing! :(

    And what's worse is that I am flying tomorrow so I won't have a phone on for about 45 minutes. I just pray that he won't call during that time. But I changed my voicemail greeting to letting him know that I'm flying and to leave me a long voicemail and let me know if he needs anything and I love him and miss him. So I have all bases covered. I'll just be sick if I don't get to talk to him though...

    But if you get a call you make sure you let me know!! :) My email goes straight to my phone so I'll check it right away!

  • astar (ship 12 div 094)

    No :(    You?
  • frandrea<3 Ship 12.Div 93

    Well, still nothing. He didn't call while I was in the air either so...still waiting patiently...well, not so much haha
  • frandrea<3 Ship 12.Div 93

    HE CALLED!!!!!! 21 MINUTES!!! Just got off the phone 5 minutes ago, so stay close! :)
  • frandrea<3 Ship 12.Div 93

    I know what you mean! I almost died because I'm at my parents' house for a week and they don't have good reception and my phone just beeps out of nowhere to tell me I have a voicemail. So I'm listening to him cry and I'm about to throw up thinking I missed this long awaited call and he calls again! :) Best thing EVER!!

    How's your husband doing?

  • Truth4Kids

    Hi Kylie!  We got s call!  About 20 minutes. He sounded really good making alot of friends. Excited about weapons training next week...How's your Sweetie?

  • ❤ ℐℯnnifℯr ❤

    hi! thanks for the add, my name is jennifer .
  • SubWife2010

    Hey, I do not know everything, but I am willing to answer anything I can! :)
  • frandrea<3 Ship 12.Div 93

    I'm doing really well! The call last Sunday REAAALLLLYYYY helped me! 

    How are you doing? Did you get anything from your hubby this week?

  • SubWife2010

    WEll I dk about how long that Aschool is but if it is longer than 6 months you can move with him I am pretty sure
  • SubWife2010

    I actually have not moved with him because he has been in BESS which is 8 weeks of schooling he already did Aschool but he is a YN so he had Aschool in Mississipi. do you know how long Aschool is for him?
  • SubWife2010

    Then you will be able to move with him if Aschool is Ayr... and yes I went to MS for a month and stayed at the hotel. And right now I am 3 hrs away from him he is at BESS now. I am visiting him this weekend actually !!! I am in NH he is is CT. If you want you can add me on facebook and it would make chatting easier :)
  • SubWife2010

    I figured it would be easier that way LOL!
  • SubWife5611

    I'm actually doing pretty good with this. I got 6 letters the other day! He said he was trying to take a 2 week leave after boot camp, no idea if it'll happen or not, but he asked me to marry him when he is home! I hope he can come home for a few days:) But I'm not gonna get my hopes up. I had a bad day yesterday as I failed out of Nursing School, by 1 point!! But they passed people they caught cheating a few weeks ago?! Grr. How are you doing, I haven't talked to you in a while!
  • SubWife5611

    I heard that they do sometimes, but I'm sure it has to be a legit reason, so I'm not getting my hopes up, but he's set on it Lol. Either way, being out of nursing school til Jul gives me some time to visit him in school and write everyday like I should. School took all of my time up and I found it hard to write often:(
  • Bri.SubWife

    hey girl! its been a couple days, hope the letters are still coming strong!
  • Bri.SubWife

    yay!! PIR will be here before you know it!! :)
  • diannep

    Hey!  You may want to delete you comment about your SR writing each night because the RDCs read this site!  If they see that..with his picture in your icon...there could be trouble for him!  So I would just click on the "x" in the post square and get rid of it. You don't want to bring your SR any trouble.  With your SR's pik in the icon, be careful what you post because they have probably connected your comments with him! 
  • FLA Robin ship 12 div 092

    Hi nice to meet you ! My son is the same as your husband. I was really hoping to spend the weekend with him but we will make the best of it. 
  • frandrea<3 Ship 12.Div 93

    I'm doing really well! The letters coming in more regularly are DEFINITELY helping! :) How are you doing?
  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    Not  a problem at all. I finished your ribbons last night and they are being shipped today. You should have them by Tuesday. Thanks again and have a great weekend.
  • Sea Bee TRAT'S MOM

    Hi Josh'swife,  you are right I think it is nice to talk to others with SR's that are together.  Kinda make me feel closer to my son.  I just started checking out this site a couple days ago, it has some really great information on it.
  • Sea Bee TRAT'S MOM

    Ok - so I was just looking at your "info" and noticed that you are from NY - I too am from NY did your husband leave from Albany to go to Boot Camp on Jan 10 - if so I bet they got to know each other on the trip to GL.  That is kinda neet for that is the case -

  • frandrea<3 Ship 12.Div 93

    Yeah I'm definitely enjoying the steady letters, but I didn't get one today which he should have mailed on Tuesday and another woman who's husband is in the same division got a letter today, so I'm a little worried. Trying not to be, but you know how that goes...Did you get a letter today?

    He's doing really well though. His division got two flags, he's passed all of his inspections perfectly, passed all his tests, passed his physical fitness assessments and he's been nominated along with one other SR to be the division's honor graduate! So yes, he is definitely doing well!

    I just can't wait for this whole thing to be over with. I can't wait to talk to him and hold him and love him like crazy! :) 19 days! <3

  • frandrea<3 Ship 12.Div 93

    Yeah, that's what I'm trying to tell myself. I know he's busy, I'm just worried ugh!

    I'm glad they are having more "fun" up there haha :) I'm so excited about their pictures omg! I can't wait to see how freaking gorgeous he is in his uniform!

    I'm flying out Thursday the 10th. You?

  • frandrea<3 Ship 12.Div 93

    Oh my haha! Yeah, I live in FL, so DEFINITELY not driving. Ugh...there's no way I would be able to sit still for that long. Besides, I love flying, so it's really perfect :) I'm super excited! Only 18 more days <3
  • janlee not sure I can tell you that my son went in thinking he was going for FT, but hes only been there for two weeks and  the last time we spoke to him...he said he was going to be an ET. I know that each of these rates is just a little more in depth than the others and require a little bit more schooling. I didnt get a chance to go into any detail with him about the rate change, but i will be sure to ask him about it when he calls...which im hoping is today..:))
  • janlee

    Hi---i talked to my son today and i remembered to ask him about your

    He said that yes, they 'kind of' get a choice between FT, ET, and  STS (or whatever it is)

    He told me that they get to write down there pics in order of preference, then depending on what is available and in higher demand in the Navy right now, is what they assign them to. I think it also depends on how well they perform in their schooling. I remember his recruiter telling him that he may start out training for FT, but if he seems to struggle at all (i guess its really hard) then they will train him for ET (which is also hard, but a little better i guess) i hope your husband get what he originally wanted...good luck---JAN

  • janlee

    Hi...:) His division had full liberty (thank God). W e were able to see him Fri. (after PIR), all day saturday and sunday. Now friday after PIR... he was supposed to return to the base at 9:00pm, but he had to stand watch and needed to be back at the base by 7:00. They all need to stand watch once during liberty weekend (my son volunteered for that time so he could get it over with..) Also, on Sun, he called at the crack of dawn and said liberty had been moved up an hour and we had to hurry up and come and get him. But that also meant he had to be back an hour earlier. Everything changes at any given minute. He didnt have to fly out of BC until wed. We could have stayed but we had other family with us and they needed to get back for school. Also, if we stayed it wasnt guaranteed we would see him as he had jobs to do on the base. Feel free to ask me any questions. I moderate two PIR groups on this site and try to answer all questions pertaining to PIR...before during and after...ttyl--JAN