Lamarmama 09/139


Temple, TX

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am a single mom of 2 wonderful boys. My oldest is in the USMC and my youngest left today for boot camp. I live in the great state of Texas and I am excited yet scared of the journey my son is about to take.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the featured forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community.
    Also, check out this OPSEC Internet Safety Video

    Enjoy your time here and we look forward (along with the community) to
    reading more about you! :)

    Elizabeth and Colleen
  • Brenda Sue

    sounds like a plan - but you'd better hurry!  Her name HAS to be on a list!
  • Brenda Sue

    She can always go with you and see him afterwords.  She will also be able to get on base afterwords..  Not much to see there - except the NEX.  You aren't allowed to drive around.
  • lbmom2navy 09 - 139

    Hi..I am glad I found another mother who has a son in my son's SHIP/DIV.  I have an older son too that is 22 and has been in the Navy for 5 years.  My 19 year old is in boot camp and I can't wait till graduation. The ceremony is just beautiful. I have a 14 year old daughter at home.  I am lucky to live only 1 1/2 hours away from Great Lakes, but will have a ways to travel when he graduates from A school in San Antonio. What is your son going to to train for?  Mine is planning to train as an MP.
  • lbmom2navy 09 - 139

    I know...I can't wait for graduation too. I am anxious to get my first letter. I made my reservations today for hotel stay. This type of group would have been nice when my oldest son went into the navy.
  • lbmom2navy 09 - 139

    I will ask my son if he knows someone with an R. My son is a B. Seems as though he has been making more and more friends.  My son is easy to get along with.  My son will be going to A school in San Antonio. He leaves morning after graduation.  I can't wait for graduation either. Describe a few things about your son. I am getting ready to send him a letter today I will see what I can find out.
  • lbmom2navy 09 - 139

    I did not notice the other comments you  have..I had a hard time at first finding my way around this website. Think it has been easier.   I will pray for your safety driving from Alabama. I have a girlfriend that just drove from up here (Northern IL) to Alabama straight thru. have all three in the must be so very proud. I know that is hard too as a mother. I have two out of three in the Navy now. My oldest is in the Navy and now my other son who is currently in is hard with both off in the Navy.  My oldest is in San Diego CA. I do not get to see him but once a year. I have left at home a 14 year daughter. I know all about the crying.  My son said dont cry mom...I said I am not crying because I am sad..I am so proud of him and just first time he will be away from me.  OMG I am crying right now. LOL  It does not seem to get easier. I guess it did with my oldest who has been in for 5 years especially since he has finished with his share of tours.  I had surgery last Thursday and I received a letter from my son. He said he had been going to the Christian chapel and he said he had been praying for me.  His letters are very upbeat and positive.  So cute when he mentions what the next cookie they get for dessert. He really looks forward to that. lol    Are you going to be at the Meet and Greet the Thursday night?  Have you heard  of the scarf color to wear for Graduation?
  • lbmom2navy 09 - 139

    Good Afternoon:  I found a few links that might interest you if you have not already seen them. Just trying to help spread the word. One is on battlestation, etc..very interesting and the other is link to rsvp for meet and greet:




    I finally did update my profile picture. It is of my son who is in BC and he is standing with his 14 year old sister.


    Hope you are doing well.  Just another day closer to graduation :-)  I did respond to RSVP that we will be at the meet and greet.

  • lbmom2navy 09 - 139

    Hi..a new discussion has been created if you have not yet noticed, but I think it will answer questions you might have regarding the final test and the "I am a sailor" phone call.
  • Mumsy

    Hi lamarmama,

    I received a letter from my son today.  He is going to South Carolina for Nuke school.  He said he will probably be a Grad & Go to depart Saturday.  His entire letter was so great, and he's doing well, but for some reason, I feel really sad.  I guess I just really miss him and wish he would call. 

    Keep your chin up!!!  My prayers are with you.  It sounds like your son is really an achiever and hopefully his leg will be just fine and he will pass his PFA. 

    Are you going to be at the meet & greet?

    Hopefully so, then I'll tell you the story my son went through just getting in.