I have a son who is a MWD Miltary Working Dog handler, that is a Master At Arms who is a dog handler. He is currently preparing for deployment to Afghanistan in late March. He has a 7 month old and a wonderful wife!!
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
This was important to our son and so it was important to us. We are here to support him in anyway we can. We couldn't be prouder of him.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.
You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
I was soo excited to find someone with the same thing that my son wants to do. He is still in A school in San Antonio. He will graduate Feb 25th from there. He is suppose to interview next week for the MWD. He really wants this and I think that he would be perfect for the job. He at one time before joining the Navy wanted to be a Vet, we are all big animal lovers !! I love your pics would love to share some with my family and friends. Do you have a Face Book page? If so look me up Anita S . Hester Fort Payne Ala. Fill me in on what your son did or is doing? I am anxious for him. THANKS GLAD I FOUND YOU!!
Leaving you another comment, sorry !! I just tagged share on your Pics of your Son and his dog so my family could see what we have been talking about. Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you and your Sailor and to his upcoming duty station.
Thanks for your reply!! You found out how to do the friend thing I see. I loved looking at the pics you had on here, I will find you on FB and send you a friend request there. I may not be able to find you I don't know your last name. We don't post them on the main page just for our sailors safety. My son really wants this job, and OH MY GOODNESS animals have ALWAYS been a part of our life. He has always really wanted to be a vet but soo hard to get into Vet school. He worked at a Vet here and had to deal with some of the BAD and SAD stuff. It is soooo bad when you have to put an animal down for health reasons, we have had several to have put down. He would be PERFECT for this job I just Hope and PRAY he gets it. I am also nervous about the Deployment to another country and the Bomb sniffing thing you know. Lets keep in touch and any suggestions from your son would be greatly appreciated. Maybe we can get the two in touch and he can talk with him. Thanks again I will look for you on FB! Have a GREAT weekend, and the Baby is precious!!
Oh goodness, I know those I PADS I got one for Christmas , love it one min hate it the next. Yea I figured the bitting thing would happen but maybe not too bad. I know that Nick would appreciate any advice from a Veteran person in the field. Sounds like your son is good at his job. I just hope that Nick gets the position, I am not sure but I don't think that many people are going for it. Well I just stopped in to check FB and N4MS gonna go eat some lunch and do some house work will check here later. Yes I will be a good buddy for you lol!! Talk later!!
Hey there, no news he said they put THE ORDERS ON HOLD!! YUK!!! Will be end of next week or the next, the HURRY UP AND WAIT !! Thanks for asking!! Have a nice visit with your Son and family! I can't wait till we go to San Antonio to see him . He sent me a text tonight asking for some of his XBOX games. His roomate and neighbor has an XBOX . Well I will post when I get the update from him Talk again soon!
Yea I know what you mean!! He said he hopes that he will know by Fri. We have to figure ourt what to do , if he can have his car we are gonna drive up there and fly home. But my Husband has to be back Fri night, he has to work sat. If so me and my daughter will fly home Sun. We plan on going up there wed. So maybe Nick can eat dinner with us some. I too PRAY AND HOPE he gets this, he REALLY WANTS IT. Others in told him to make sure when he goes in for the interview to make sure they know how much he wants to do this. Thanks for checking in I will keep you updated. Did your Son send Nick a request on FB yet? I know he has been busy too, but it may help Nick out if he has any suggesitons. Thanks !! Hope you have a great week!! :)
Thanks for talking with him! Nick said that only 2 including him want to do this !! He may get his orders tomorrow guess we will see! He is in the top of his class he has done great on all of his test. This week is the big TEST week. Will let you know THANKS!!
Update: Nick got his orders today, after the ones that had to go in front of him to pick(the Nuclear group) he said that Cuba, Japan, and Baharain(sp??) was left. He chose Japan. He will know tomorrow or Thurs for the MWD for the interview. He is a little upset there are 2 billets for this and he and another girl were the only ones wanting it, but after today another girl couldn't get the place she wanted(one close to her new boyfriend ) so now she says she is going to try for the MWD. Nick is so p....d off he said surely they will know that she is not really doing it for the right reason. I told him hopefully so!! Keep praying I am not ready for JAPAN YET>>>> Thanks!!
Thanks for the advice!! I will tell Nick about that tomorrow! I talked with him a while ago , he is REALLY pumped up about the interview! He said his grades and the other girls grades are both better than the girl trying to slide in! So yea hopefully that will help!! I will let you know tomorrow ,he said sometime after lunch! Tell David Thanks !!
WOO HOOO HE GOT THE JOB!!!!! SOOOO EXCITED FOR HIM (AND ME LOL). There were 2 of them , the one girl did not show up (Praise the Lord). The other girl was not chosen only Nick. He said the interview was good but they did most of it with both of them , and they ask him to tell them one reason she should not get in to the program. He said it was hard but he told them she did not have enough confidence in herself. When they told him in the end that she was not chosen and he was , they agreed with him she was not confident she needed to get some more experience and try again later. They told him they thought at first he was a LITTLE COCKY, (He was a mascot in college and the name of i was COCKY LOL) but they realized he was not cocky but confident in himself. WHEWWWWW!!!! . He is really excited and I know that he will DO GREAT!!!! Will keep you updated and you do the same for your son!!
Yes he and David sound a lot a like lol! He did the exact same as David! So glad that he got the job ! I can't wait to see what God has in store for him!! I will keep you posted and you do the same!!
Navy for Moms Admin
Welcome to Navy For Moms!
You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
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Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
Jan 25, 2011
Anita MA Mom
Hey there MWD MOM,
I was soo excited to find someone with the same thing that my son wants to do. He is still in A school in San Antonio. He will graduate Feb 25th from there. He is suppose to interview next week for the MWD. He really wants this and I think that he would be perfect for the job. He at one time before joining the Navy wanted to be a Vet, we are all big animal lovers !! I love your pics would love to share some with my family and friends. Do you have a Face Book page? If so look me up Anita S . Hester Fort Payne Ala. Fill me in on what your son did or is doing? I am anxious for him. THANKS GLAD I FOUND YOU!!
Jan 28, 2011
Anita MA Mom
Jan 28, 2011
Anita MA Mom
Hey Marie,
Thanks for your reply!! You found out how to do the friend thing I see. I loved looking at the pics you had on here, I will find you on FB and send you a friend request there. I may not be able to find you I don't know your last name. We don't post them on the main page just for our sailors safety. My son really wants this job, and OH MY GOODNESS animals have ALWAYS been a part of our life. He has always really wanted to be a vet but soo hard to get into Vet school. He worked at a Vet here and had to deal with some of the BAD and SAD stuff. It is soooo bad when you have to put an animal down for health reasons, we have had several to have put down. He would be PERFECT for this job I just Hope and PRAY he gets it. I am also nervous about the Deployment to another country and the Bomb sniffing thing you know. Lets keep in touch and any suggestions from your son would be greatly appreciated. Maybe we can get the two in touch and he can talk with him. Thanks again I will look for you on FB! Have a GREAT weekend, and the Baby is precious!!
Jan 29, 2011
Anita MA Mom
Jan 29, 2011
Anita MA Mom
Jan 29, 2011
Anita MA Mom
Hey there, no news he said they put THE ORDERS ON HOLD!! YUK!!! Will be end of next week or the next, the HURRY UP AND WAIT !! Thanks for asking!! Have a nice visit with your Son and family! I can't wait till we go to San Antonio to see him . He sent me a text tonight asking for some of his XBOX games. His roomate and neighbor has an XBOX . Well I will post when I get the update from him Talk again soon!
Feb 4, 2011
Anita MA Mom
Feb 6, 2011
Anita MA Mom
Feb 8, 2011
Anita MA Mom
Feb 8, 2011
Anita MA Mom
Feb 9, 2011
Anita MA Mom
WOO HOOO HE GOT THE JOB!!!!! SOOOO EXCITED FOR HIM (AND ME LOL). There were 2 of them , the one girl did not show up (Praise the Lord). The other girl was not chosen only Nick. He said the interview was good but they did most of it with both of them , and they ask him to tell them one reason she should not get in to the program. He said it was hard but he told them she did not have enough confidence in herself. When they told him in the end that she was not chosen and he was , they agreed with him she was not confident she needed to get some more experience and try again later. They told him they thought at first he was a LITTLE COCKY, (He was a mascot in college and the name of i was COCKY LOL) but they realized he was not cocky but confident in himself. WHEWWWWW!!!! . He is really excited and I know that he will DO GREAT!!!! Will keep you updated and you do the same for your son!!
Feb 9, 2011
Anita MA Mom
Feb 11, 2011