I am the Mom of two great kids, Nick 22, Lauren 20. I have been married to my husband Mike for 25yrs. Our son Nick is in his first week of Boot Camp. I love my kids and my family, and I am very proud of Nick for joining the Navy! I can't wait to see him for the first time in his uniform, he graduates Dec 17th. Many Blessings to you all!!!
You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
Hi Anita! Welcome to the 12/17/10 PIR - which ship/div is Nick in? There is a specific discussion page on our main PIR page for each DIV. We found out about leave just this week from JessicaB; it was posted on the Navy FB page. It sounds like the Sailors will get leave beginning on the 17th through the 28th; so have to be at A school on the 28th. I'm sure we will hear more from our SR's soon on this. You will find our page extrememly helpful. Thanks for joining; looking forward to your membership! Lori
Congratulations on his assignment to AROC - that is so cool! I'm sure you are proud. Yes, I have made my hotel reservations - Residence Inn; arriving Thursday later afternoon. If my SR can leave on the 17th than we will head home and not stay the weekend. I haven't yet cancelled the reservation until I talk to him directly, but I believe that will be the case. I know we are going to have a Meet and Greet; the Radison Inn I think sponsors one but some of us are planning to meet at the Residence Inn (very preliminary). We will post the plan on the PIR page once we finalize (closer to PIR). I'm gong to GL for Thanksgiving to Adopt my SR so I can scope out the RI and report back as to how it works out. Where did you make your reservations?
Hi Anita,
I haven't seen any others in the same group. We are from IL. about 5 hrs south of where the boy's are. My son is Clay, I'm sure the boy's are acquainted by now. Have you heard from him? Is he doing well? How are you holding up? Do you by chance know the name of their ship?
Carla (radtech)
Hi Anita,
I actually got a call from Clay today but I missed it. So now i'm drowning my sorrow in diet Ginger Ale and strawberries. So glad to hear that your sailor is doing well. I assume mine is as well since he had time to call. We will be there on the 16th we are staying at the homewood suites. Where are you staying. I would like to meet you for dinner or drinks whichever you choose. You can e-mail me direct @ radtecg89@sbcglobal.net
Hey anita...I did not go spend Thanksgiving with my son...but his grandparents did---and had a wonderful time with him!!! He was supposed to have a friend with him, however, his frined was sent home Sunday...you are in ship 3 I see? when is your PIR??
Anita, There were 5 N4M's among the 80 volunteers at the VFW. My son left on his first deployment on Nov. 7 so it was a great place for me to be. I hope you can tell what a joyous occasion it was! When you come to Chicago for PIR, be sure to dress WARMLY! Great Lakes is right on Lake Michigan and the winds that blow in off the lake are FREEZING! Wishing you safe travel and a sweet reunion. Pat
Hi Anita,
So sorry I haven't gotten back with you sooner its been a busy time. Very happy to hear Nick had somewhere to go and others to be with. Clay actually got to go to dinner with his dad and 2 sisters. As it was my Holiday I could not go. But he did call several times and the girls took pictures. I realized after that I gave you the wrong e-mail it is radtch89@sbcglobal.net. I will still go on the page so I can see all the others.They look so different with no hair.
Hi Anita, I will try adding you as a friend as well as sending this comment. Not sure it will let me do both. If you don't get a friend request from me then just click on my name and on the left side of the page click on add as a friend and I will send you the ribbon info. So far I don't have any other orders for that div but the orders are really just now starting to come in. i think everyone was busy with the holiday. So far all others in your PIR date have ordered Navy ribbons, some gold letters and some silver, The letter color is usually a personal preference. :-)
I am staying at te Ramada, My daughter and I and my ex husband are driving in from Cleveland. I know the guys in the group call Ryan the "Watch Dog". from what i can figure out of my sons rambling when i get to talk to him, he is the ships watch. Ryan was in NJROTC all through high school so most of this is no new to me....except him being away. I was able to get a pic from him from a volunteers cell phone on Thanksgiving, i was expecting himto look different, but since i am used to seeing him in a uniform, i cried but i wasn't shocked..if ya know what i mean. I will definately be wearing my pink scarf for PIR hope to get together then :)
The ladies on here mentioned wearing pink scarves so that we would recognize each other. A lot of them ordered them through old navy, but my om made mine out of fleece for me :) I guss as long as it is pink, i didn't have the money to order frm old navy. anotherlady is knittin hers :) Anothermom suggested everyone at PIR wear red shirts, because the recruits dress uniform is blue nd white if the family wears red (red, white and blue) !! I will try to wear red, but it is going to be COLD !!! I might go buy a red sweatshirt but i already bought a purple blouse soooo i am not sure yet on that !!
Thanks Anita...I will see you at the Ramada then. I am thinking of changing my hotel to the Ramada now...Learned yesterday cannot take the dogs..IL has a 'no dog in car law' and No dogs on base...so glad I checked!
Thanks Anita! We are having a "Farewell Gathering" for my sailor on saturday. We are decorating in Red, White and Blue. Have some Navy posters up..his favortive food. I FB all of his friends and told them to stop on by, its kinda of an open house. We are really making it very laid back and fun. I keep telling him I am soooo proud of him and his decission to join the Navy. I will let you know how it all went.
Hi, I did receive you check yesterday and your ribbons have been shipped. I would think that you should have them by tuesday. Be sure and let me know as soon as you get them. Thanks and have a great time at PIR.
Thanks, I had already mailed yours, I think you live closer than anyone else I sent them to so it may be an option. She may decide for me to send them overnight to her tomorrow. I will let you know if you should expect them. Thanks so much.
I hope they are done . I have not heard from Clay. Have you heard from Nick? I don't know if we will make it to the meet and greet because my youngest has to take finals and we won't be able to leave until she is done, so we may not make it in time.Hope you hear something soon. Have a great day.
thanks for you post about 1wk ago, I hope you have seen your sailor! may you have a wonderful time with him and give him tons of love. i must say the last few days have felt weird,but i have a 2 1/2yr old at home and he needs me too. he is a great diversion.
have a wonderful christmas and enjoy the time with you sailor before he is off again.
Hope you had a great Christmas. Did Nick get to come home for any time at all?Clay is settled in , he left the 27th. I did not make it to the meet and greet, I was sick and we didn't get to our hotel until 8:30. Happy New Year, and I hope Nick likes his school.
Hi Anita! I am not sure about the MA program... My 'recruit' is just the Master at Arms in boot camp... there are different positions the 'recruits' can get while in BC here is the breakdown of the MAA:
Recruit Master-at-Arms (RMAA) (RPO1)
The Recruit Master-At-Arms is responsible to the RCPO and RDC's for:
Configuration and cleanliness of division spaces.
Procurement, proper stowage and use of all cleaning gear required by the division.
Supervision of the division in the absence of RDC's, RCPO or RLPO.
I have been selling them for 2 years. Named my company Miche Bag Junkie because I do it to support my habit. Glad to hear from another junkie as well!!
No problem I hve tons more just haven't had a chance to get them up there. I'd like to put up a photo of every dog David has handled. I think it would be pretty neat, our son would say "mom it's not a big deal"!!! KIDS!!! Hope the photos were helpful!
Anita: I hope your son does get picked for MWD, if that's really what he wants!!! David has always had a love for animals and we've had several dogs over the years. It's a great job that he loves, but it does have a down side. Some dogs get sick and die or have to be put down and that's a horrible thing for these dog handlers. You figure during the deployments these dogs are combat buddies!! Keep me posted on the out come of his interview. It's a very rewarding job and David talks about the dogs all the time and really takes his duty days of having to feed and clean kennels out seriously!! He cracks me up when he talks about these dogs, of course there are some (as in any job) that don't really take the time and energy to care for the dogs as they should, which makes him so mad!! I'm so new at this website I don't even know if I'm posting in the correct area. If I'm not please let me know!! Should your son have any questions let me know and I'll be sure to ask David about it. I do have a facebook with lots of MWD's on there, I'm not sure how to get you my email address so you can friend me on f/b, can we post our email addresses on here??? If not then where can we do that??? I don't want to mess up, ha ha!! Have a great weekend!!
I just deleted a long post! Sometimes I no like my iPad!!! Ha ha. I have to run to the grocery store when I get back I'll look for you on f/b and re write my looooooonnnnngggg post!!! I'm so mad I deleted it!! I have lots to tell you about MWD and yes maybe we can get the sons on f/b, David is really good his job! Thats not just the mom in me, ha ha he's been a MWD since October of 07 and both of his kennel masters have told him he needs to be a kennel master at some point or even a trainer!! Both in Hi and in VA he was given the meanest dog to "break in" because he has been able to handle them and turn them around. When he first got Va he was given a dog who had already bitten six people. He worked him for a short while but then had to give him up for the narcotics dog deploying with him. Oh FYI.........your son will get bit, they tell them in MWD school it's not if it's when! David has had a few minor and some nasty ones too! Ok gotta run I'll be back to tell you more about Davids process of MWD school and stuff. I'm looking forward to being in touch I'll need a sailor mom buddy while he is deployed!
Any news on the interview process? I have thought about and your son all day!!! Please keep me posted, we are in Norfolk, VA a four day weekend! David is re enlisting tomorrow, I'm so excited we will be there. Please keep me posted on how things go, I also told David that he may get a F/B friend request from your son, he said OK!
Anita- Thanks for the address clarification. Mine looks pretty close to yours, so hopefully his cell phone will arrive shortly. Can't wait for more frequent phone calls!!
Oh man!! Well the same thing happened to David too, except that at one point they said he was in then they came back and said no everything is on hold for now. Then maybe a week at the longest they came back and said he was truly in. I'll keep my prayers going that he gets in!! I know there is a class for MWD starting sometime mid-next month, because there is a kennel support person in Norfolk heading to that class. So maybe he'll get in that same class!!!! That will be our prayers!! I know it will be good to see him in SA!!! I know I so enjoyed seeing the kids this weekend!! The only thing is I kept thinking OK getting there Wed and not leaving until Sunday that's a nice long visit, but nope it went by too fast!!!!
32 boxes is definitely enough. He'll probably get all PopTarted out, lol. If he goes to any of the HEBs (south Texas' main grocery store), he'll be able to find em. The closest one if he's at Lackland is on Marbach/410. A little rough of an area, but areas close to military bases are typically that way from the 21yrs I've been around, haha.
Currently I'm 37wks3days - due date is the 24th. I'm going to wait for her to come out on her own, but am so ready to have my little angel. Definitely having an epidural considering I can hardly tolerate the cramps/backaches I've been having. :/
Stephen plans to come home on the 21st so he can be here for the birth, however, if I go into labor prior to said date, I'm going to call him asap so he can leave Great Lakes on the next flight out.
I kinda want to be induced so he can definitely be here for the birth and spend the rest of his paternity leave (10days) w/Madeleine and me. Don't know if my doc would allow me to be induced on a particular date though? Last Wednesday, my ultrasound said baby is 6.5lbs, but I hear that's hardly accurate.
Any tips on labor & delivery? My mom will be with me, but both of her births have been natural & 20 yrs ago haha. Oh, also I do plan to breastfeed for at least 6mos if I have enough milk. I'm super tiny (5'3, 102lbs pre-pregnacy, 137lbs currently).
I'm not sure if he has sent a fb request or not, he is so busy with getting ready for deployment and getting ready to move his wife and baby here!! I'll aks him again, he was really funny when I told him about Nick he just grinned when I told he wanted to do MWD!!! He loves it, his speak at his re enlistment made me cry!! He spoke about how much he loved his job and it was the best job on this earth and stuff!! I so hope Nick gets it!! I didn't realize this but David said that they don't even take somebody from every MA class, he said very few get to do it. So if they have recommended your son chances are he'll get it he said!! Oh yeah he won't be able to have his car if he goes on to MWD, they can't have personal cars at the school house is what David told me. Maybe it's different now I'm not sure. I'll be keeping him and you in my thoughts, let me know as soon as you know!!!!
Thanks for the advice. :) I'm so anxious to meet my little nugget. Only 16 more days til my due date. I have my weekly doctor's appt on Wednesday, so I'll ask if it's possible to induce me at 39 weeks, which would be 2/17. If baby comes before then, I'm really super praying that I have a long labor. I just want Stephen to be here for the birth. I think it's eating him up inside more than me.
Sit tight don't worry just yet! For sure they will know that girl isn't really interested in doing it, trust me! David said that they really watch the ones who say they want MWD, so if this is her first mention of it i feel sure they will pick up on that!!! David (i spoke to him for a few minutes today) and he asked about Nick, I filled him and said it might not be too late because he was given orders to Bahrain at this point in class and then they told him he was in the MWD class. So there is hope! The other very, very important thing David said is that if Nick truly wants MWD and doesn't get it out of A school, then he needs to offer to work the kennel on his free time, that way his command will know he is truly interested in doing it. There is a guy who has been in the Navy about 18 months or so (out of BC that long) he is a regular MA but wanted to MWD but didn't get it, so he made sure the kennel master knew that he was interested in it. So they have allowed him to work with the MWD handlers and feed, bath, clean up after, walk the isck dogs, take dogs to the vet and dental and stuff like that and he is now leaving for MWD sometime early next month!!!! So just be sure he knows this, and if he doesn't get it it's not too late!! The other thing is David's MA class was the VERY first class to ever be able to go right from MA to MWD, in the past they had to be an E5 or higher just to be a dog handler. David's class of MWD was called "pipeliners" because they pipe lined them right into MWD. So it's not been long that they have allowed any MA into the class. Also David said that the higher your over all grade is has a lot to do with getting into the class, but that shoudln't be an issue for Nick as you said he had a pretty high grade for the class. Keep me posted, I'll be thinking of him. Also I know Japan is a long way away, trust me it will be hard but we'll al be here for you.
Sorry i had to start in another window it wouldn't let me finish, anyway my brother in law was in Japan two different times for four years each and loved it!!! Also remember the flip side of if, you can go visit him and basicly pay your own airfair and then stay at the Navy Lodge for like 75 bucks a night, not too bad a price!!! That's how we went to HI and next month when we go visit we'll stay at the one in Norfolk because we'll move the kids out of the apartment a week before David deploys and then go back and move Kayla and Caroline back into we hope base housing right before he gets back from Afgan. I'll keep Nick and you in my thoughts and prayers, I know this is hard as can be, but everything happens for a reason and we may not understand what or why at the time but it will all workout!!! Just be sure he knows he can go to the kennel and help out and get into it that way!! Keep me posted!!!!!!
WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!!!!!!!! Way to go Nick!!! I know you guys are so happy, I know how we felt when Favid found out he got MWD!!! David said this is the best job in the world!!! Please keep me posted on how things go!!
I just realized Nick is the same age as David was when he joined!! Did he go to college some before he enlisted?? David did he went for three years and then quit in his first semester of his senior year!! He has started taking classes again but has stopped for now because of his deployment next month.
@Anita: yeah it's been a long time!! hope you are doing well!! David is on deployment currently, so yeah any prayers for both of us would be great!!! Sorry Nick left MWD, it's not for everyone that's for sure!! So he got bite three times? Were they bad bites? Any bite hurts!!! As for going back later might be a good idea, back when David went through his MWD training his class we the very first one to allow "pipeliners" which is what they called people coming right out of basic and into MWD. It used to be you had to be at least an E5 or higher. Hope Nick enjoys Spain, David has been an loved!!! Especially the sangria!! As for passports, I'm sure Nick is flying on a military aircraft to Spain, they don't need to go through TSA or customs, so he may not need a passport right now. Did he say he has already applied for one? Is he excited about Spain? How long will he be there? That's some place I'd love to visit!!
Oh, OK I misunderstood "marks", I didn't realize they did such a thing but I suppose they have to grade them some how huh???!!!! I'm not sure going back to the "old way" would be needed, as the MWD process is mostly instruction on handling a dog. I su,ppose being in a little longer and going through the MWD process makes one more comfortable with the Navy in general. That in itself would be a huge help I'm sure. If he is still really interested in the program he may want to "hang out" at the kennel some, that way he can get some "on the job training" and see the in's and out's of how they do stuff in "real life" and not in class. Or at leas that's something that would be helpful to me, I prefer to sort of see it done or do it while being taught. I so can't just follow directions and then do it!!! Ha ha Which isn't always a good thing, Dave (hubby) get slightly impatent with me, but I keep telling him we all learn in a different manner. But then again I suppose when he has to "show" me time and time again it gets old to him!!! I drive absolutely crazy with computer stuff!!! Once again I have to remind him just because he knows how to do it doesn't mean I do!!! I suppose I'm a slower learner at times, especially when it comes to electronics, he can pick something up and figure it out, as does David. Our daughter and I not so much!! ha ha As for David needing anything can't think of anything at the moment, but I will get you his address as soon as I have it. Maybe a short note or card might be a good thing, or at least I do so...... I do have a favor/request but I'll message you on facebook about it since I'm not so sure about the rules on here and don't want to step on anyone's toes so to say!!! I'm going to check the "rules" and if it's OK I'll come back and put the request on here.
Navy for Moms Admin
You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
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Also, check out this OPSEC Internet Safety Video
Enjoy your time here and we look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
Nov 5, 2010
Nov 6, 2010
Nov 6, 2010
Nov 9, 2010
I haven't seen any others in the same group. We are from IL. about 5 hrs south of where the boy's are. My son is Clay, I'm sure the boy's are acquainted by now. Have you heard from him? Is he doing well? How are you holding up? Do you by chance know the name of their ship?
Carla (radtech)
Nov 15, 2010
I actually got a call from Clay today but I missed it. So now i'm drowning my sorrow in diet Ginger Ale and strawberries. So glad to hear that your sailor is doing well. I assume mine is as well since he had time to call. We will be there on the 16th we are staying at the homewood suites. Where are you staying. I would like to meet you for dinner or drinks whichever you choose. You can e-mail me direct @ radtecg89@sbcglobal.net
Nov 16, 2010
Kathy Ship 11 Div 057
Nov 26, 2010
Nov 27, 2010
Kathy Ship 11 Div 057
Nov 27, 2010
Pat L. in IL
Nov 28, 2010
So sorry I haven't gotten back with you sooner its been a busy time. Very happy to hear Nick had somewhere to go and others to be with. Clay actually got to go to dinner with his dad and 2 sisters. As it was my Holiday I could not go. But he did call several times and the girls took pictures. I realized after that I gave you the wrong e-mail it is radtch89@sbcglobal.net. I will still go on the page so I can see all the others.They look so different with no hair.
Nov 29, 2010
Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons
Nov 29, 2010
Nov 29, 2010
Nov 29, 2010
Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons
Dec 2, 2010
Cindy in Snowy MN
Dec 2, 2010
Dec 9, 2010
Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons
Dec 11, 2010
Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons
Thanks, I had already mailed yours, I think you live closer than anyone else I sent them to so it may be an option. She may decide for me to send them overnight to her tomorrow. I will let you know if you should expect them. Thanks so much.
Dec 12, 2010
Hi Anita,
did Nick say that BS21 was going to be on Monday night because Clay said it was Tuesday?
Dec 13, 2010
Interesting, I got the letter yesterday and he said Tuesday, when did you get the info from Nick?
Dec 13, 2010
Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons
Dec 15, 2010
Hey Anita,
I hope they are done . I have not heard from Clay. Have you heard from Nick? I don't know if we will make it to the meet and greet because my youngest has to take finals and we won't be able to leave until she is done, so we may not make it in time.Hope you hear something soon. Have a great day.
Dec 15, 2010
Hey Anita,
thanks for you post about 1wk ago, I hope you have seen your sailor! may you have a wonderful time with him and give him tons of love. i must say the last few days have felt weird,but i have a 2 1/2yr old at home and he needs me too. he is a great diversion.
have a wonderful christmas and enjoy the time with you sailor before he is off again.
Dec 17, 2010
SHIP 07 DIV 052
GREAT LAKES, IL 60088-3401
Dec 24, 2010
Hi Anita,
Hope you had a great Christmas. Did Nick get to come home for any time at all?Clay is settled in , he left the 27th. I did not make it to the meet and greet, I was sick and we didn't get to our hotel until 8:30. Happy New Year, and I hope Nick likes his school.
Dec 29, 2010
just a girl with a broken heart
Hi Anita! I am not sure about the MA program... My 'recruit' is just the Master at Arms in boot camp... there are different positions the 'recruits' can get while in BC here is the breakdown of the MAA:
The Recruit Master-At-Arms is responsible to the RCPO and RDC's for:
I got this info from here: http://bootcamp.navy.mil/rpo1.asp
I googled the MA Rate and I found these links kind of informative, hopefully they help!
Dec 31, 2010
just a girl with a broken heart
Jan 1, 2011
michemom (ship3div087)
Jan 12, 2011
michemom (ship3div087)
Jan 12, 2011
Jan 28, 2011
Anita: I hope your son does get picked for MWD, if that's really what he wants!!! David has always had a love for animals and we've had several dogs over the years. It's a great job that he loves, but it does have a down side. Some dogs get sick and die or have to be put down and that's a horrible thing for these dog handlers. You figure during the deployments these dogs are combat buddies!! Keep me posted on the out come of his interview. It's a very rewarding job and David talks about the dogs all the time and really takes his duty days of having to feed and clean kennels out seriously!! He cracks me up when he talks about these dogs, of course there are some (as in any job) that don't really take the time and energy to care for the dogs as they should, which makes him so mad!! I'm so new at this website I don't even know if I'm posting in the correct area. If I'm not please let me know!! Should your son have any questions let me know and I'll be sure to ask David about it. I do have a facebook with lots of MWD's on there, I'm not sure how to get you my email address so you can friend me on f/b, can we post our email addresses on here??? If not then where can we do that??? I don't want to mess up, ha ha!! Have a great weekend!!
Jan 28, 2011
Jan 28, 2011
Jan 29, 2011
Feb 3, 2011
Sharon*MA mom*
Feb 4, 2011
Feb 6, 2011
priscilla; FC wife
Currently I'm 37wks3days - due date is the 24th. I'm going to wait for her to come out on her own, but am so ready to have my little angel. Definitely having an epidural considering I can hardly tolerate the cramps/backaches I've been having. :/
Stephen plans to come home on the 21st so he can be here for the birth, however, if I go into labor prior to said date, I'm going to call him asap so he can leave Great Lakes on the next flight out.
I kinda want to be induced so he can definitely be here for the birth and spend the rest of his paternity leave (10days) w/Madeleine and me. Don't know if my doc would allow me to be induced on a particular date though? Last Wednesday, my ultrasound said baby is 6.5lbs, but I hear that's hardly accurate.
Any tips on labor & delivery? My mom will be with me, but both of her births have been natural & 20 yrs ago haha. Oh, also I do plan to breastfeed for at least 6mos if I have enough milk. I'm super tiny (5'3, 102lbs pre-pregnacy, 137lbs currently).
Thank you! :)
Feb 7, 2011
Feb 7, 2011
priscilla; FC wife
Feb 8, 2011
Feb 8, 2011
Feb 8, 2011
Feb 9, 2011
Feb 10, 2011
Feb 10, 2011
tennismom3 ship 07 div 043
Thanks Anita! That is a huge help! We are flying to San Antonio from Colorado tomorrow morning. We are very excited. ;)
Mar 16, 2011
Mar 21, 2011
May 17, 2011
May 18, 2011