I have 3 children, youngest graduating HS in June and leaving for boot camp. I am a grandma of a 17 mo old. I enjoy facebook, reading, spoiling my grandson.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
Find out for myself.......my son doesn't like to ask questions.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.
Hey there AIM,
Glad to finally meet some other Moms in Nicks division. I only have met one other Mom on this site in our boys division. How is your Son doing? Nick is doing great. He is the groups AROC he is second in charge of their group. I can't wait till graduation hopefully we can get together before graduation. I know there is a Meet and Greet at the Ramada, I also posted one for the Hotel I am staying at the Residence Inn by Marriott. Where are you staying? Lets keep in touch, look forward to meeting you! Many Blessings to you and your sailor!
Hey AIM,
I know I was so excited to get that Pic on Thanksgiving! I agree he didn't look too different maybe a little more mature??!! We will be driving in from Fort Payne Ala. it will take us like 11hrs. so I hope we get there as planned and in time to freshen up some. What are the Pink Scarves? I read about that on someone else's post, and also about trying to wear red? Help me out with that. Thanks!
In Nicks letter yesterday he said it would be Monday. Captains Cup is tomorrow. They are really trying to win that. How is your sailor doing? Is your Sons name Cope? I can't remember who I talked with that is in Nicks div . The boys talked and found out that us MomsĀ had talked just can't remember if it was you or Rad Tech Looking forward to next week ONLY 7 DAYS TILL WE SEE THEM>>
Anita MA Mom
Glad to finally meet some other Moms in Nicks division. I only have met one other Mom on this site in our boys division. How is your Son doing? Nick is doing great. He is the groups AROC he is second in charge of their group. I can't wait till graduation hopefully we can get together before graduation. I know there is a Meet and Greet at the Ramada, I also posted one for the Hotel I am staying at the Residence Inn by Marriott. Where are you staying? Lets keep in touch, look forward to meeting you! Many Blessings to you and your sailor!
Nov 29, 2010
Anita MA Mom
I know I was so excited to get that Pic on Thanksgiving! I agree he didn't look too different maybe a little more mature??!! We will be driving in from Fort Payne Ala. it will take us like 11hrs. so I hope we get there as planned and in time to freshen up some. What are the Pink Scarves? I read about that on someone else's post, and also about trying to wear red? Help me out with that. Thanks!
Nov 29, 2010
Anita MA Mom
Hey Aim,
In Nicks letter yesterday he said it would be Monday. Captains Cup is tomorrow. They are really trying to win that. How is your sailor doing? Is your Sons name Cope? I can't remember who I talked with that is in Nicks div . The boys talked and found out that us MomsĀ had talked just can't remember if it was you or Rad Tech Looking forward to next week ONLY 7 DAYS TILL WE SEE THEM>>
Dec 10, 2010