Sandy's_sailor son


Peyton, CO

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
My name is Sandy and I am a wife and a mother of 3 wonderful sons, ages 11, 19, and 22. I returned back to school to become a dental assistant.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
I am now a very proud mom of a US Navy Sailor. My son's PIR date was 8/6/10. I will never forget my son's PIR. It made the ups and downs of boot camp worth every minute.
I have made many wonderful friends on I could not have gone through it with out their support.
HooYah, Go Navy!!!
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • diannep

    Sandy, thanks for letting me know it is Monday, not Sunday. I don't know why I thought it was Sunday...which would be an odd day to do it anyway. I'll keep praying! Have a wonderful weekend!
  • BunkerQB

    I see you have adjusted very well to being a part of the Navy family. I want to send you a belated thank you for the friend request. I have not resolve some minor difficulty with my N4M "addressbook" When I select multiple recipients, the friends who receive my message are not always the names I had selected. Typically, private messages are use for communicating issues that are more personal in nature, so for now I am adding friends only when someone is in need. You find me on a daily basis in the Safe Harbor & New Moms Stop Here group . Please join if you haven’t and we can talk there. Aneshao is from CA (2 hours from me). I see you have the same PIR date.
    Regards, BunkerBee
  • kimmy513371

    Hey Sandy! Im doing good. Really tired but I hope to see you @ PIR as well. Hope you are doing well & have a safe trip to Chicago :)
  • Lora/Ben's mom

    Sandy, I see you got your call! HooYAH! Ben called and talked with Kimmy...wasn't able to call me since there were so many waiting to make calls. We are so excited to see everyone tomorrow nite and then PIR!!! I hope I can meet you. Thanks for your prayers for Ben!!
  • Lora/Ben's mom

    Sandy, I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to meet you at the meet n greet! It's been amazing these last 8 weeks! Thanks for being a part of this journey! Good luck to your son!
  • Lora/Ben's mom

    Oh Sandy, I am so happy that you made it to PIR!!! Yes we had a great time with Ben! And was it ever worth all the worry and anxiety of these last eight weeks to see the man that he has become! Now where will your son be going? Sorry if you already told me, if so, I have forgotten. My son should leave for Pensacola on the 10th to get started on A-school. Thank YOU for all your support!
  • Danyle :)

    :) Hey Sandddyy! im happy everyone got to go to PIR! and Jamey is staying in GL for "A" school lol!!!
  • Danyle :)

    geez 5 am! thats early. did he say if they would be able to get a call tonight or anything? Jamey hasnt told me anything.
  • Danyle :)

    i am so freaking out, im about to ball my eyes out. because i seen this girls comment about her son not having service on base and he has tmobile, and jamey has tmobile. and they are going to the same "A" school :'( i really hope he calls me. im freaking out, i hate this feeling! but yes, we have to pray about that! im glad your son & jamey dont do that!!
  • Danyle :)

    i told him to get with a new phone plan over the weekend, he wouldnt listen to me. ugh! i hope he calls asap so i can tell him.
  • Danyle :)

    i wonder if they tell him that only at&t works?
  • Joan F

    Hi Sandy, yes we need to keep in touch as we have been through a lot together. Our boys may still see each other as both doing school there. Matt is accepting of corpsman job and wants to go with the Marines. Scares me but I will leave it in God's hands. Hope Matt can get to his locker to get his phone and laptop today, will be great to be able to talk with him more often.
  • Tobianne

    Sandy thank you so much, I do also thank God for Dianne. She is a wonderful woman and I think she has a calling to help all of us crazy question filled moms, wives, and girlfriends...they should put her on the payroll...

    Thank you also, many have said oh I am sure you are going crazy now. Ha they really have no clue!! I am so very proud for each one of the New sailors, but am so sad that my own child is struggling.
    She rolled her ankle on a 4 mile run about week 3 I think. also LLD so much she stopped going to medical in anticipation of this run.

    I thank God for ladies like yourself, so strong in your love for God and not afraid to show this. Awesome.

    So you keep doing this and God will Bless you as you pray and do his work, I am trying my best to find a way to get my behind back into my own church (my father is an Elder so I hear it all the time) but my job is in the way, I work 10 hour mids Fri-Sat-Sun. So driving home is an issue some mornings...

    God Bless you and your family they have a wonderful loving woman and I hope they all can see that.
  • Danyle :)

    Hey sandy, i got a 3 minute call yesterday. hope you got one too!
  • Mary, Proud Mom of Nick

    Hi Sandy, read that your son is going to be an FC and wanted to invite you to join us at:
    It is an active group for families of ETs and FCs. son is an FC and is stationed in Hawaii and my hubby was an FC for 10 years as well. Great rate!
  • Joan F

    Hey Sandy sounds like you had a mini boot camp experience yourself. I'm sorry you had such a crazy time getting there. We had a few scares ourselves. When we tried to print out our boarding passes it only showed one open seat. We then called the airlines and they said that the SanFran airport controls half of the seats aboard the plane. We had to drive to pick up my brother-in-law to drive us to the airport which is about 11/2 hours away from us.
    Then we got lost on the way but luckily had left early so we were at the airport in plenty of time. When we got there they said we would get our seats at the gate. We went through security which took no time at all but my husband was wearing a sling so they made him go to the side after he went through the detector and get swabbed and have his sling checked. Meanwhile I had to get all the bags and such myself. When I put them near him they said I needed to stay back from him. They swabbed his sling with a paper then finally let us go. When we got to the gate they said they would call our names and we were the last confirmed but not assigned seats. They had overbooked our flight by at least 20 people.
    Now when they called our names they had assigned us to an exit row so they had to rearrange it as said we couldn't sit there as his arm in sling and would have to be able to open door in case of emergency. So feel your pain girl. Will keep in touch as you girls have made such an impact on my life. Take care and talk to you soon. Joan
  • CTIgirl

    Awww thank you Sandy, you don't know how much that means to me. Hopefully I will be moving to Great Lakes at the end of this month and they have already said that they will move everything for me so I'm happy about that, and I will be leaving on Feb. 1, 2011
  • Tobianne

    Thank you so much, I know she just has to realize this herself.
  • diannep

    Love the picture, Sandy~ Aren't you just SO PROUD after all he went through?
  • LTLY

    Hi Sandy,
    we have made our travel arrangements, guess it helped me get through some of those harder days to plan. I considered flying into Milwaukee, but because we have so many family members flying up, we all are meeting up in Chicago. Luckily we are flying in rather early so maybe we will miss most of the traffic. We are doing well, but glad we have some days behind us. Those were hard days. Now we have some momentum built to get us through the weeks to come until PIR 10/1/10.
    Thanks for your message!
  • diannep

    Sandy, I looked up Hoppi aka Angie in the "Members" section at the top. Her name came right up. You can send her a message that way. She may not see your post on 8/13 right away. Just put that in the search box under members.
  • diannep

    You're welcome. She's good about getting back to people.
  • AmyTX

    As time gets closer for him to leave, I'm sure I will feel different but for know I'm excited and looking forward to this time in my sons life. Hopefully he will be able to handle bootcamp! He can be a big baby at times - but seriously, I know he will do fine. How about your son? Those are some great pictures of you and your family!
  • lori

    So Brenden feels like a "old" sailor now! Funny how once BC is over they really don't mind the "other" side!
    I hope they do move him to the Franklin. Paul has an opening in his room! It is a much nicer and more relaxed ship- everyone wants to be there from what Paul said. He's enjoying A school. He likes going at night as he's not a morning person. I talked to him briefly when I took a 10 min break at work [ that's all I got today it was so busy!] he said it's getting cold there and wants me to send sweatshirts to him.

    Have you sent any clothes to Brenden? Will you try and go see him or just wait for Christmas?
    How is he doing with ATT?

    got to go and make dinner-
  • Tobianne

    Yes that is all I guess I can do at this point... I am hoping she sends a letter out, have not gotten a letter since last week either.
    Thank you for the prayers.
  • lori

    Hey Sandy- it was good to see your email. I've been so busy at work that by the time I come home I try and check my email but I'm having a hard time keeping up with the AECF site! I had to go back 5 pages!
    I don't like to use this for emailing as i have found the same thing. Glad to see Benden is doing well. Paul just called me and I could hear most of what he said! That boy needs do a better job of not mumbling! Plus it's always noisy in the back ground. I constantly have to ask him to repeat what he just said! But things seem to be going well. I booked a flight to go and see him Columbus Day weekend. I can't wait! I miss him a lot. It seems so long ago since i've seen him.
    I will have to ask Paul about "gaming" or at least what does he do with his free time. Since he has night classes I don't know when his free time is that he's not sleeping! But he also loves being where he is. I was asking him about C school and what he wants to do. He said if you choose where you want to go then if you get that you may not get what you want to do- or the other way round. Seems the Navy ultimately makes the choice for you.
    I hope you get this! let me know.
  • Joan F

    Hey Sandy, how are you and your family? Talked with Matthew last nite he had a lab on bleeding. They had a scenario where the person had a wound in his neck which Matt had to put pressure on and a whole bunch more wounds. Matt said he had a bunch of fake blood all over him but he is liking it. He said he should get his orders next week on the 12th his Dad's birthday so should know if he gets to come back to Cali.
    How is Brandon doing? Will he get to come home for Christmas? Matt should graduate from A school Dec 3, then he wants to wait a few weeks before coming home so he will be home for Christmas.
    Meghan is bringing her boyfriend up our way but he will have Thanksgiving dinner with his Grandma who is dying. I am trying to get our family to celebrate it on fri as I work Thanksgiving this year.
    Well hope you all are doing well, talk to you later. Joan
  • Joan F

    Hey Sandy, just found out that Matt is going to go to FMTB training after he graduates at Camp Pendelton in So Cal for like 2 months where they train with the Marines to take care of stuff that happens in combat and train with the Marines. After that he will be stationed in Nevada at a Naval Airbase in a clinic for 2 years. He is not sure if he will be a grad n go and not be able to come home until after the training. Not sure when he will find out. So he will be about 4 hours away, def driving distance. He is disappointed as wanted to go FMF and be assigned to a Marine group and go on the green side, but am glad that so far he is staying blue. He asked me if I prayed that he wouldn't get it and told him I just prayed that God would have his orders reflect what he wants for Matt, he wasn't happy about that. Meggie should be coming up for Thanksgiving and expect that her bf will ask her daddy for permission to marry his daughter. Wow life is changing fast.
    Hope that your son will finish his ATT soon and get started on A school without too much delay. Is he ready for the winter there? I grew up in Minnesota but not near that big of a lake so don't know how that would be for windchill. Take care Joan
  • diannep

    Sandra:  SO sorry to read the post about your hubby's brother...will be praying...

  • Mary Garner

    Sandy, thank you very much! I am sure with what you told me that you understand all too well! Our son went to christian schools up through the 7th grade and then I home schooled him the rest of the years until he graduated.

    I knew it was going to be rough on him but I don't think he was prepared at all! Oh well, we try don't we?

    Thank you again. It is encouraging to be able to talk to someone and to hear about others.

  • Mary Garner

    A BIG thank you, Sandy!
  • Mary Garner


       My son is doing okay. I have received letters from him and a phone call last week. It was good to hear his voice but he said that he had been sick and had had a headache for a week. He use to get migraines bad enough to make him ill so I am just a bit concerned about him. Although God IS answering prayer! He has met a good friend and is enjoying some aspects so far and looking forward to others.

       We are hanging in there. We have other issues we are contending with besides being empty nesters, but we'll get through. We always do!

       Thanks for asking. I hope all is well you and yours as well. Take care and God bless!

  • jenj

    Sandy, I'm happy to hear from you! We're driving ourselves crazy with worry, afraid she's getting discouraged.
  • R'sproudmom

    We just finished talking.  There were four of them from the Enterprise that moved this weekend.  None of them were notified.  R ran  back to his ship  when he found out while eating and asked about it and they told him not to worry about it and it would get fixed. Somebody goofed and it wasn't them.   What a relief for us but is still depressing for him.  I am literally sick to my stomach because I don't know how it will effect things.   Thanks Sandy.  WIll keep you updated.

  • R'sproudmom

      OK Sandy, I will try this again. Thank you for the greeting this morning.  Means a lot to hear from you. 

      You asked how old R is.  He is 20.  

      I am glad he is making friends and getting out.  Although,  I know he is safe when he is on base.  Chicago is so big as I found out at PIR. 

      He bought a 5Star noteblook yesterday. Knows that ATT will be intense.  He is ready for his NAVY career to get started. 

      Please update me on your Sailor.  Has he completed both A and C school.  You can send a private message if you want.  I get yours!!!

  • R'sproudmom

      Sandy, took me along time to get back to ya.  I have to wait till I have nothing else to do before I get on here. Otherwise, I get nothing else done. 

      I was wondering how jobs worked.  So Brenden got his after his A school.  Makes since.   Probably impossible during ATT or A school.

      How come AEGIS is not over manned?  Is the C school for it more complicated? 

      I am going to try and download Firefox right now.  Thanks




  • R'sproudmom

    Angie told me last night that whenever she uses the little :~} thing, she is joking.  So, all is good.  Have a blessed day.
  • Sandy's_sailor son

    For some reason I can not post anything on my groups in NavyForMoms. I wonder if there are technical difficulties?
  • Gidget28p

    Hi Sandy, I wanted to ask you a question, since you have been through this. When they are finished with bc, are they allowed to have personal belongings while in A school? Laptop, cell phone, do they need any civilian clothes? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Gidget28p

    Thanks for all the great info. I tried to email, but it won't go through.

    Thanks again!!!

  • SailorsCupcake Div269

    Thanks! It's our nicknames at home... so I thought it was fitting! :) Thanks for ACCEPTING my friend request lol.
  • diannep

    No, Sandy, I'm not familiar with GL A School base. But....tell her to look under "members" tab for "Angie, Great Lakes IL".  She has a "logo" as her icon picture (she was on about page 4 of the names when I looked this morning).  She works at that base.  I'm sure she can help this mom.  I hope she is going on the assumption that no news is good news as far as his safety...she would have been contacted.  But if she is worried about his emotional/mental state, as of course she probably is, then I understand.  Hoping she is able to reach him!
  • Sail-on-son's MOM (ship9/div255)


    I havent even the time to figure out how to blog...(respond to comments to me)...DUH!

    But this I of the first that I viewed..I teared up when I see the pix of all the beautiful, "bleeving" as I add this comment to your wall..(and I dont even know HOW to check mine)...I'm simply "bleeving" that our Father GOD has a tear-created, crystal crown for military have beautiful pix!

    ~XOXOX Dane's mommy

  • Sail-on-son's MOM (ship9/div255)

    Thanks..again...sandy..for the 2nd comment...but NO,

    I dont know how to find my PIR group as you said. 

    I do know that my son was the ONLY "WV" sailor-to-be that left from the whole state the week of June 13th...and that his PIR date SHOULD BE 8/12.

    So...I kinda am not following too well, am I? (ha, ha)

    No reply necessary,
    Best wishes...Dane's mommy

    Oh, well, God knows what's going on...and I know HIS arms are around him...

  • Sail-on-son's MOM (ship9/div255)

    Sandy, your PIR remarks went straight to my heart.

    Fair skies...and praying for these boyz of ours,

    Dane's Mommy

  • Sail-on-son's MOM (ship9/div255)

    Thank you for encouraging me...nothing is too hard for GOD, but on our homefront, we are really, really slammed...and I hope this time passes quickly~~as you said.


  • Kassie73

    Thanks Sandy, I will let you know as soon as I hear anything!
  • lanetteinaz


    Thank you for the warm welcome.  So happy to be here.


  • PikesPeakMom

    Hi Sandy,

    We live in Woodland Park. Closer to Peyton than Denver! I would love to get a group of local moms together to do a packing party or at least meet for coffee sometime. We'll just have to set a date sometime soon.



  • Kassie73

    Hi Sandy, I just wanted to let you know that my sons recovery was very speedy and he will do his BS this week and off to A school.  I am so happy for him, he only spent 3 weeks in RCU.  Thanks for your support and prayers, they have all worked for him