You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
We have a Survival Guide for Navy For Moms Newbie (clickable link). You'll find everything you need to get started. Videos, PDF files of boot camp processing days, links to all the important groups plus tips on how to use this site. Keep in mind the videos and PDF files may take some time to download the first time you try it. It'll look like nothing is happening. Be patient. Best part is it'll be here on your very own page as a reference. Click the MY PAGE tab on above menubar to access your page anytime - you should do it at least once a day to see if you have any postings on your comment wall (like this one). Good luck.
My son did not like Japan either when he first arrived. It's was a culture shock and his first time being so far away from his family....We live in Florida....Now that he's been there nearly two yrs and made some really great friends, things are much better. He and his buddies rent a little place just off base and I think that has helped a great deal. Although he is not saving as much $ as he should, sleeping in a bed rather than a rack is really nice. Your sailor will adjust. It just takes time. Sometimes I think it's harder on us parents than anyone else. My son joined right out of high school - bootcamp, A school, first child to leave home. I probably cried everyday for the first year :( It will does get easier. Send letters, pictures, care packages and email every chance you get. I have found that no new is good news. When I don't hear from him, I know he is out having fun. From what I hear, the port towns are wild and crazy fun. Encourage your sailor to go rock climbing, hit the beach and take in the sites. My son has sent us beautiful pictures from his adventures. He's experiencing things that would not be possible in FL. I'll keep you in my prayers ~ Hang tough, it will get easier.
If your Username contains your last name, you need to make changes 1, 2 (the URL appears to contain a different last name, so that gives even more info about you), and 3 at the bottom of OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) (clickable link). There may be other changes you need to make as well, so read and consider each of the changes.
Navy for Moms Admin
Welcome to Navy For Moms!
You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.
Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
Mar 7, 2012
Mar 7, 2012
We have a Survival Guide for Navy For Moms Newbie (clickable link). You'll find everything you need to get started. Videos, PDF files of boot camp processing days, links to all the important groups plus tips on how to use this site. Keep in mind the videos and PDF files may take some time to download the first time you try it. It'll look like nothing is happening. Be patient. Best part is it'll be here on your very own page as a reference. Click the MY PAGE tab on above menubar to access your page anytime - you should do it at least once a day to see if you have any postings on your comment wall (like this one). Good luck.
Mar 7, 2012
jbr0001-USS Harry Truman-VAQ 130
Hello how are you???
Mar 23, 2012
My son did not like Japan either when he first arrived. It's was a culture shock and his first time being so far away from his family....We live in Florida....Now that he's been there nearly two yrs and made some really great friends, things are much better. He and his buddies rent a little place just off base and I think that has helped a great deal. Although he is not saving as much $ as he should, sleeping in a bed rather than a rack is really nice. Your sailor will adjust. It just takes time. Sometimes I think it's harder on us parents than anyone else. My son joined right out of high school - bootcamp, A school, first child to leave home. I probably cried everyday for the first year :( It will does get easier. Send letters, pictures, care packages and email every chance you get. I have found that no new is good news. When I don't hear from him, I know he is out having fun. From what I hear, the port towns are wild and crazy fun. Encourage your sailor to go rock climbing, hit the beach and take in the sites. My son has sent us beautiful pictures from his adventures. He's experiencing things that would not be possible in FL. I'll keep you in my prayers ~ Hang tough, it will get easier.
Dec 9, 2012
has you son got to come home
Dec 10, 2012
I requested you as a friend but it is still pending. I have a contact name for you if you are interested.
Mar 5, 2013
What is your Sailor's rating (job/specialty) and/or where is he stationed (what vessel, if one)? There may be groups I can direct you to.
Sep 26, 2014
If your Username contains your last name, you need to make changes 1, 2 (the URL appears to contain a different last name, so that gives even more info about you), and 3 at the bottom of OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) (clickable link). There may be other changes you need to make as well, so read and consider each of the changes.
Sep 26, 2014