
Wilmer, AL

United States

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I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • southcarolinamom(Nuke MM)

    Hi RanesMom, thank you for the friend add.

    Where is your son leaving from? My son will be leaving from columbia SC. I am excited for him but I wish time between now and the 23rd will go slowly :) Im enjoying every single second I have with him over the next two weeks :) Good luck.

  • Zman'smom

    Hi RanesMom! My son, Zach, left for BC on the 25th and still no form letter. I'm in Az. I pray it arrives tomorrow! How you holdin up?
  • RanesMom(Ship02Div905)

    Hey, Zman'smom - I'm hanging in there - waiting patiently - no form letter.  WE are waaay down south in Mobile, AL so it may take another day or two.  I am collecting his letters - 9 of them so far.