I am a proud Texas Navy Mom of two Sailors.
It has been a long journey, but a proud one.
One son is a Corpsman, who is currently in New Orleans, and the other is a CS (culinary specialist). He is in San Diego and is assigned to the USS Bonhomme Richard LHD-6.
My daughter is still at home enjoying being the only child and when something goes wrong, she misses her brothers as she can no longer "Blame" them for mishapes that happen around the house.
As much as I miss my boys, I am proud that they are part of the world's finest Navy!
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
It is hard to let go, and I want to be there for them and let them know how proud I am of them.
Never give up on encouraging them.
Since my boys have left, I feel that I have grown closer to them. I look forward to our daily call and miss them even more during the days I can't talk to them.
I am A Proud Navy Mom.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.
Margaret, It seems we have a bit in common. I, too, have 2 boys going into the Navy. My youngest is 18 and leaves for BC in March (with Brandon'smoms son) and is a CS and my oldest just got his Med Waiver and is getting ready to take his ASVAB. This leaves my youngest, a girl, 15 at home.
We just face timed with our son, and yours LOL.....They were making fun of you and me because they know we chat on N4M :) It was a quick chat b/c they were heading for chow. Hopefully I'll get another call later.
I told them that they better behave or we may drop by for visit. They both looked great - I would love it if one day we could meet up stateside, with Austins mom too and all fly to Japan together....Wishful thinking, I'm sure, but imagine how much fun that would be!
J&R's Mom
Nov 19, 2010
Hi Margaret,
We just face timed with our son, and yours LOL.....They were making fun of you and me because they know we chat on N4M :) It was a quick chat b/c they were heading for chow. Hopefully I'll get another call later.
I told them that they better behave or we may drop by for visit. They both looked great - I would love it if one day we could meet up stateside, with Austins mom too and all fly to Japan together....Wishful thinking, I'm sure, but imagine how much fun that would be!
Hope all is well ~ Michelle (Gio's mom)
Jan 10, 2013
Jan 12, 2018