

Nineveh, IN

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am not a Navy mom, but a very proud Navy sister!! My baby brother joined the Navy and I miss him terribly. He is my very best friend and this is the first time we've been apart.
I am here to support my
Other relative
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was concerned or afraid
The Navy offers opportunities that...
Patience is a virtue! Also that you absolutely need a support system, and this site is wonderful, even though i'm a Navy sister.

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  • Sammy

    Haha it's all good! My brother shipped out on 11/14. My mom called his recruiter and he is ship 11 div 058. From what I've gathered of people whose SR's left last week, we should be getting our form letters next week! We will not get a box because my brother did not take a thing with him but his wallet and wore old clothes so he could throw them away. The first few days were miserable, but reading this site and actually having someone to talk to who is in the same stage as me (as your hubby left the same day) really helps a lot! It's so weird not seeing him everyday like I have for the last 18 years since he was born. We are really close and are best friends. How are you holding up? I'm also 22 years old. I'm married and live in indiana so I'm only about 3 hours from GL!
  • Pat

    Welcome aboard! Come join us on the Indiana group page on this website.
  • jomama132000(ship12Div053)

    Good Morning Sammy, just wanted to say hi and see how you are doing? my kids are very close and when thier sister left for boot camp it was very hard on them, they seem to be hanging in there but the adjustment of her not here is hard..I guess I just wanted you to know that siblings go on this crazy ride just like the moms and dads, but we are all in this together. !! To be able to be on this journy with all the SRs I think is an amazing thing the courage and strength to do it my hat goes off to them!!