

Greendale, WI

United States

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Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was concerned or afraid

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  • corbie (Ship 12 Div 047)

    hi! my son is  Michael from Illinois. Can't wait to start getting letters from him

  • castlerock53(ship11div350)

    Hi, my son is Spencer.  He is 19, but fresh out of high school.  We are from Castle Rock, CO.  Spencer chose the Navy after about a year & 1/2 of trying to decide b/w the different military branches.  We are so glad that he chose Navy over some of the others.  He is a strong kid; has played football & other sports for 12 years, ranched a few summers, worked construction & landscape.  But, as soon as I left him at MEPS on the 28th, I felt like I was leaving him at Kindergarten all over again.  I was a wreck the 1st week he was gone, but am getting better.  I am so glad that I can finally connect w/ others going thru the same thing.  How about your son, what is he like?

  • Aarons_Mom_MI (Ship 9 DIV 004)

    Hi Bryan's Mom. Have you received a letter from your son as of yet? Just curious as to other moms in this division have heard anything. Not sure if they get to write yet or not.