MJ~ Erik's mom


Wethersfield, CT

United States

Profile Information:

I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
In the NROTC program
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • Wifey-in-CT

    Hey there!

    Thanks for writing :) It is nice to know someone else lives here in Connecticut! haha! Yes I am very far from home and it stinks! But I will follow my husband anywhere :) Yeah I would love to get together with other Navy moms/wives! I don't know anyone here yet!

  • Wifey-in-CT

    That would be nice :) Yeah I live in Waterford. I won't have my car for a little bit it's suppose to be transported here soon. I will let you know when I have mobility haha

  • prayforthesailors

    Hi MJ,


    Thanks for the friend request.  It was so nice to meet you at the packing party.  You and your husband were so kind to visit with me at lunch.  I did not know a soul when I got there.  What a spectacular day, I am so excited for the crew to receive all the packages.  I wish I could be a fly on the wall Christmas morning.  Have a great week!

    Take Care,

    Bonnie (Prayforthesailors)