Im a single Mom since my son was 2 years old his Dad (Army a Vietnam Vet) passed away at the age of 39 so I have had a double duty with my son as Dad and Mom for most of my sons life and I have raised with the help of my parents and my fiancee who has been there for my son for the last 13 years he is now a wonderful young man.All the good qualities he has were formatted by the love and care of our family plus his will of being a good person and caring. we have have been very lucky to have the type of son that he is and we miss him very much. I have always being a hard working person many of times worked 2 jobs to support my son to give him the best. Im a college graduate of Graphics Design and eventhought at one time I had to leave my career for my sons needs i dont regret it for a second because his needs was the most important thing in my life and it formed a strong bond between us. As his mother and my only child, I was afraid of him joining the Navy but I support his decision and I'm extremely proud of him. I can't wait to see him at Graduation I just hope I can make it there,I hope I can financially afford the trip for his Grandmother and Stepdad would also like to be there to support him. Is funny how life is I have a foto of my son as a 3 year old wearing a sailor's outfit and now with God's help he actually will be a Sailor of the USA .We pray to God for my sons safety and for the rest of our troops that defend our Freedom. I was born in Cuba and came to USA as a 10 year old and became a US Citizen I have always been very patriotic for my Country United States of America 4th of July is my favorite Holiday for over 41 years and now more than ever my love and respect for USA is even greater. God Bless America and GO NAVY
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
I know from articles that I have read or from history facts and friends and others who have been in the Navy that its a a close unit of brotherhood/sisterhood and Im looking forward to learning more as my son progress in his new career as a Sailor
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.
Hi Maria, my name is Lorelei. my email is . My son has been a cook on the ship since June. He loves it. Please send a note to my email. You are the only one I know on the ship also.
Hi Maria, just admiring all of your beautiful pictures. I especially "love" the B'Day cake (looks like your son couldn't be there),but you still had a cake for him, But he made it home for Christmas! Uh.... Oh.... also looks like you have some "Cowboy" fans in your family!! Big rivals with us South Jersey "Eagle" fans!!!!!
My dad was a die hard Redskins game. He hardly ever missed a game. SF likes his deployment. I am fortunate that he keeps in contact with me. I hear from him via ship to shore radio about once a week and facebook several times per week. He does not know how to skype. That would be fun. I'd love to be able to look at his face. I miss him. He has grown his first mustache. I'd like to see it. What rate is your son? Mine is a sonar tech. They promised him to change rates to journalism then went back on that. He is disappointed about that but likes what he is doing well enough. The deployment is in a place that doesn't have very interesting ports. Also not safe for them to move about freely. Of that he is not very pleased either. He was hoping to get to see more of the world. But it is what it is. He will make do.
Aug 30, 2011
Sep 4, 2011
Sep 16, 2011