I rarely get on this website since son has graduated boot camp &, more recently, A school. He did graduate after Battlestations. He didn't have a ceremony, just received his cap but he was ready to go. It took a few weeks to finally get to A school. He graduated from there about 2 wks ago. He's here in Texas on leave but leaves Friday for Norfolk VA & C school.
Keep your chin up. Write, write, write and then, write again. I wrote & mailed something every single day. That included news, sports info, jokes. Didn't send anything too long, just about one page.
Jan 26, 2012
PaulaP (Ship11/Div 178)
Hey Ang! So, how's L doing? Are you going to graduation?
Feb 22, 2012
CoastalKat (Ship 09 Div 360)
I rarely get on this website since son has graduated boot camp &, more recently, A school. He did graduate after Battlestations. He didn't have a ceremony, just received his cap but he was ready to go. It took a few weeks to finally get to A school. He graduated from there about 2 wks ago. He's here in Texas on leave but leaves Friday for Norfolk VA & C school.
Keep your chin up. Write, write, write and then, write again. I wrote & mailed something every single day. That included news, sports info, jokes. Didn't send anything too long, just about one page.
Take care & keep the faith!
Apr 17, 2012