HI, I am doing well, Simon's letters and that phone call is helping me get through. I hope Elliott has had a speedy recovery! My son is doing well he was made section leader, but the most I got out of him about that job is that he gets to eat first and has to make sure the guys in his section do what they are supposed to do lol. I can not believe they are half way through already some days it feels like it is going fast others I just miss him so much. Are you all going to PIR? We are flying in on Thursday morning and staying until Monday. Where is your son going for A school? Simon is staying in GL for A school so lucky that we get to spend the whole weekend with him cant wait. My first name is Christine. Take care and chat with you again soon :)
Hello Akeewee,nice to have you on as a friend. Just 24 more days til PIR, and it will be so nice to see our children, but I guess they aren't children, lol, they are grown now. I have my travel plans all done and ready to go, lol. Been just doing the waiting game now for that day. How have the letters and calls been coming? my son has sent 4 letters and made 2 calls. He was homesick at first but is now feeling better and getting on with it, he has matured in such a big way. Hope things are going well with you and that you are already planned for PIR.
Chriss ship14 Div292
HI, I am doing well, Simon's letters and that phone call is helping me get through. I hope Elliott has had a speedy recovery! My son is doing well he was made section leader, but the most I got out of him about that job is that he gets to eat first and has to make sure the guys in his section do what they are supposed to do lol. I can not believe they are half way through already some days it feels like it is going fast others I just miss him so much. Are you all going to PIR? We are flying in on Thursday morning and staying until Monday. Where is your son going for A school? Simon is staying in GL for A school so lucky that we get to spend the whole weekend with him cant wait. My first name is Christine. Take care and chat with you again soon :)
Aug 15, 2012
Hello Akeewee,nice to have you on as a friend. Just 24 more days til PIR, and it will be so nice to see our children, but I guess they aren't children, lol, they are grown now. I have my travel plans all done and ready to go, lol. Been just doing the waiting game now for that day. How have the letters and calls been coming? my son has sent 4 letters and made 2 calls. He was homesick at first but is now feeling better and getting on with it, he has matured in such a big way. Hope things are going well with you and that you are already planned for PIR.
Aug 20, 2012