Yes meryl I got your 1st message and did reply to you. I received a long phone call earlier this week and the next day got a letter. Thank you for your good wishes. My SR is doing good and passing all his tests. I'm so happy now!!!
My son graduated BC on May 28, 2011. It has been a long year but I couldn't be more proud. He will be home with us for 2+ weeks so that makes me so happy. Then off to Hawaii. His ship will be in drydock for a year, so I guess they have them do other things until then. Fine with me. I think they work on their dolphins.
My best to you and your family! Nav4Moms has been a godsend. Now I need to find out if they have anything like this for Hawaii.
May 1, 2011
bussinbier, Ship 09, Div. 208
May 19, 2011
Hi Meryl,
My son graduated BC on May 28, 2011. It has been a long year but I couldn't be more proud. He will be home with us for 2+ weeks so that makes me so happy. Then off to Hawaii. His ship will be in drydock for a year, so I guess they have them do other things until then. Fine with me. I think they work on their dolphins.
My best to you and your family! Nav4Moms has been a godsend. Now I need to find out if they have anything like this for Hawaii.
Apr 2, 2012