

Santa Rosa, CA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
Nurse Practitioner in Northern California. Married with three grown children
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
The opportunity for my daughter to become a nuclear officer and develop a meaningful, challenging, and rewarding career with the Navy, and the ability to take advantage of the nuclear program to use as a launching pad for a scientific civilian career.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • NupocMom

    It's official!! Our daughter was just welcomed as an officer candidate into the Nupoc Program on Tuesday, August 7! She begins OCS in a few months. We are so proud that she is serving her country in this capacity. Thank you for all the welcome comments - I joined before she had her final, official interview so was waiting to hear before I posted again. Look forward to meeting many of you in the months and years to come.

  • BunkerQB

    Tell her to run, run and then run some more. Start getting in shape. If she has never iron before, start practicing. Same goes for folding undies into 4" squares. Also shining shoes. Threads were always coming of the seams of my son's pants. Apparently there is a glue like thing that she can buy at the Nx preventing the seams from fraying.  Hey, drop in on the group and drop a line (on the San  Fran page)

  • Pat

    Good morning NupocMom,
    I just read your post about OCS on the Nuke mom page. You may want to ask that same question in the Officer group that you are on. Not many of the Nuke moms would have that answer. You may also want to check for an OCS group on this website...they may have the information you are looking for.