

Queensbury, NY

United States

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I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • navymom 74 Ship 4 Div 805

    Hello there...my son did tell me about the incident that some got set back..these phases are so confusing...my son is waiting to class up to RSS...I miss him so much...he also gets frustrated at times he says that its just to much waiting ..we leave to Florida tomorrow .....will be over there for 10 days...we all are very excited!! I hope you get to see your son soon!! Take care..
  • mary


    Hugs:)  I swear this is so hard,but it does help talking to others who are missing thier love ones just as much! Thanks for the friend request.

  • navymom 74 Ship 4 Div 805

    Hi this is Virginia... We met at the Nex about a year ago.. My son is in San Diego now.. He is finishing up his last school. It's been quite a journey . I will be visiting him next week. I hope your son is doing well. Hope to here from you!