

Tomball, TX

United States

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A little about me:
Enjoy scuba diving, hiking biking, reading,
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Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
I am very proud of my son. He will graduated boot camp the 19th. He is a Mechanical Engineer already graduating Ohio Northern and will be going into the Navy Nuclear Engineering program.

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  • Pat L. in IL

    Hi Kimber, I am WAAAYY behind on keeping up with everybody. My daughter had thyroid cancer 10 years ago. She had thyroid removed and has been fine since. I understand what a worry it is with a child having medical problems though. Sounds like Thomas is doing great! Congrats on your new Petty Officer. Be sure you don't miss Power School is awesome! Jeff found out last week that when he is finished with Prototype (late July) he will be going to Hawaii and will be on a fast attack sub. This is exactly what he wanted so he is one happy camper. My husband and I are looking forward to visiting him! Pat
  • Pat L. in IL

    Kimber, I hope you will take this in the spirit in which it is intended, that is information. The only good thing about thyroid cancer, is that there is no chemotherapy needed. They give radioactive iodine and it destroys ALL thyroid cells without damaging any other cells in the body.
  • Kimber

    It's been a while since I've been on. So I need to update. I apologize to everyone.  I am an avid blogger and writer on FB.  My son is now stationed in Goose Creek. He went through Power School did well and then was asked to go through ELT training (which is the chemistry training.  He did that and was asked if he would teach.  So now he is a JSI and stationed there for next 2 1/2 years. He is now an E5 and hopes to make E6 before going out.  A little bit of good news Thomas got married.  He married a little southern belle last Feb. Her name is Lauren and I just love her.

    I've been in a battle too  My mom got breast cancer so dealt with that and now I am on a six month watch for both breast and cervical.  But I believe G-d is good and He will see me through .. Blessings and Shalom to all.