I was honored to be a guardian of a 90 year old Navy veteran on his Honor Flight to DC on April 15. I received several emails afterward that I'd like to share with you.
Sent: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 01:40:12 -0500
Subject: the honor is all mine- to be the daughter of one of these men
It is 12:08am Thursday April 16, 2009. I have just arrived home from dropping my parents off at their home. We had been at the airport. My father went on the Honor Flight/Quad Cities today, he traveled to Washington DC as a guest of the Honor Flight organization. The Patriot Guard, the Marine Moms and I don't know what other organizations were at the airport forming two long lines of flags. The entire waiting area was packed with people who were there to welcome home the veterans from World War II. A 14 month old baby in a fleecy sleeper giggling as she tried to gum the wooden dowel that her miniature flag was stapled to. A young mother corralling her 4 year old son, 6 & 8 year old daughters- all dressed in red, white and blue. A blue-eyed blond 16 year old lounging on the floor of the gift shop propped up against the magazine rack engrossed in a fishing magazine. A 22 year old college student with sore muscles in her arm, hand & fingers after writing a 3 hour final. A 55 year old woman carrying a fluff ball of a Pomeranian named Princess Puff--in the airport--who'd of thunk? Proud wives of "Guardians" with their cameras around their necks. News reporters with their little pads of paper in such contrast to the TV news people in their spike heels and suits being trailed by long black cords and lit up by white bright spot lights.The numerous volunteers wending their way through the masses handing out free parking passes, flags and bottles of water. Airport personnel dragging carts of even more chairs, looking for places to squeeze in a few more. Many 80- 90 year old women looking fatigued at 10:45pm, most had other family members with them, but there were several that captured my attention: standing alone holding the little "old glory" and a handbag, waiting patiently, watching down the long flag lined corridor for a sign of their returning soldier.......looking into the faces of these lone women, I could imagine them standing at an airport or train station years ago, waiting for these same servicemen to come home. I wondered if they had a sense of deja vu or was the romantic in me taking over? I was totally flabbergasted at the size of the crowd. I had to park in Coal Valley---well, not quite, but almost! All of these people, everyone with their own story to tell. I met a woman waiting for her husband who had been assigned to Pearl Harbor to replace the deceased Intel & Com after the attack. Another whose husband had been at Iwo Jima. A niece was waiting for her dying uncle who made the trip to D.C. today, but years ago landed on Normandy Beach. A pilot who had a crowd of people bearing flags bigger than most and wearing badges with photos of him "now" and "then" and that said things like: "you are my hero", "thank you Honor Flight QC", "God Bless the USA", "Always Remember" (made by me). Behind all of the noise of the conversations I could hear strains of patriotic songs and had to waddle dance to "for a duck may be somebody's mother" and march around to "mine eyes have seen the glory" Finally at 11 o'clock there was much applause, we peered down the people lined aisle and saw the flashing light of an airport cart bringing out the first of the vets, cameras flashed, hands were shook, tears were wiped, hugs were given, but what I found to be the most pronounced and notable happening was what I could hear the crowd saying to these men; strangers with paunch bellies, gray hair, wizened, craggy faces with bright eyes. Some were staggering a bit after such a long day, some were riding in the carts or wheelchairs- all had their shoulders back and their heads held high as they shook hands with the throng and the throng said continually....thank you, thank you very much, you are so appreciated, oh how I thank you, God Bless you, and every single variation of thanks........to these total strangers...........these old men......these brave, courageous Americans......the Greatest Generation...........wow..........let us never forget our gratitude to these men who we are losing at a rate of 800 a day. It is because of them that we live the lives we live....let us always remember.
There were so many on this Honor Flight and a few will be featured or mentioned by some form of media, but how wonderful it would be if we could hear the story of each and every one of them. While awaiting their arrival I was caught up in the stories of the crowd, but it is the stories of these heroes that I long to hear. I wish these men wore the special yellow shirts that identify them as Honor Flight participants every day. I am sure that I rush past these men everyday- in the market or the drug store, these men who deserve my thanks, these men who pressed their frail hands into mine, these men who kissed my cheek and thanked ME for coming out to see them, these men who truly are the Greatest Generation.
If you know one of these men, please, get their story. Write it down. Video tape the telling of it, listen and remember it. However you do it, please, get their story.
Other stories that are out there to be told are those of the "Guardians". Who are these people and what makes them pay $600 and give their time to help? These are people with stories of their own lives. Lives that they owe to these men, these veterans of World War II.
My reaction:
From: Ruth
Subject: RE: the honor is all mine- to be the daughter of one of these men
I can hardly see through my tears to type. Tears running down my cheeks….I am so proud to be one of those who pays the money and gives the time to go. What a huge privilege that I took my dad the first flight and now have a new sweetheart of 90 that I spent the day with yesterday! I will write my story within the week, but here’s a short version I wrote this morning to some Navy moms.
Yesterday I flew to Washington, DC, with the Honor Flight out of Moline, IL. We took 97 WWII veterans to see their memorial along with the Korean, Vietnam, Iwo Jima memorials, and the changing of the guard at Arlington. It rained the entire day, but those veterans were real troopers! I was the guardian (that's what a escort/companion is called) for a 90 year old Navy veteran in a wheelchair. At the Iwo Jima memorial with the rain pouring down, I asked him if he wanted to stay on the bus instead of getting off. He said, "You have too much money and planning invested in this day for me to stay on the bus." What a guy! He was a doctor on the DD-779 at Okinawa, so he had stories to tell me. On the way home, we put him in first class instead of the back of the plane. He was mad and told everyone that he wanted "his girl" to sit with him! I am a long ways from being a girl (though yesterday I felt like 20--today I feel like--OLD!)
Maybe one of the neatest things that happened yesterday though was my son at Great Lakes calling to tell me he was headed to Midway airport with some sailors to welcome home an Honor Flight last night. I am so proud of him and the other sailors.
I'll post pictures sometime today. If you know any WWII veterans, check out www.honorflight.org or www.honorflightqc.org
Just a few minutes ago my son called to tell me of all the police, firemen, bagpipers, scouts, Patriot Guard Riders who were there to welcome home the Chicago group. He was so excited that as active military he was honored to get to go through security to welcome home those veterans. When he called me yesterday and wondered what to do, I told him to think of both his grandfathers as he thanked them. I can not be more proud that today he asked me how to be a guardian because now he wants to go!
I can’t wait to share my day with you, but it will take me a day or two….going for the tissues…..
And another email from a NAVY dad who went also:
I was a Lucky man yesterday and went to Washington DC with my new friend Ervin (87 years young). Ervin was a Tail-Gunner on a B-17 Bomber, He has done 33 missions over Germany. He explained to me what every man did on this plane, there was a total of 9 guys and he still remembers everyones name, where they were from, and how they changed his life.
I know that this was not to be MY day, It was for OUR WW II vets, but I did get a lot out of it. All I know is that this has changed my life. If these guys could handle WAR, I should be able to handle my little lifes ups and downs. I handled the days events very well, by focuses on Ervin and making sure that all his needs and wants were handled, and this Rock Solid Man did not demand or expect anything. This is why they are the "Greatest Generation" They have worked for what they have and don't expect everything or anything for free.
At the Vietnam Wall, Ervin was getting tired (he should have used a wheelchair, when I would offer he would say "I want to walk it's good for me and I will never get this chance again) so we started walking back stopping once in awhile so he could rest. We where walking towards the Korean Memorial but Ervin was just too tired and wanted to go back to the bus. On our way there Ruth asked if she could take Ervin back so I would not miss this chance to see the Korean Memorial. It was all I could do not to fall to my knees and cry like a baby knowing what my Dad had gone through when he was in the Korean War and memories of my strong Father. The Memorial was something, I am speechless on my emotions that I felt looking at it.
I have always considered myself a True American since a young age when my Father taught my how to handle a Flag and Insure that I would never wear a hat when the National Anthem was playing.
It was Our Great American Heroes day, but I know that every guardian walked away a different person than when we started. I only wish that I was a better writer and could express my feelings through out the day, what a roller-coaster. I also wish that we, All Americans would have learned from this generation that soon will be gone, They were and are concerned about America more than themselves.
Thanks for listening, John
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