Good morning Navy family! Wanted to share with you all what's been on my heart. As I'm sure you too can relate and we approach these final weeks and BS21. :)
I remember the exact moment we found out that my baby sister (Division 120)signed up to become a US Sailor. A FLOOD of emotions came over me. For a second I thought I was dying because HER whole life flashed before my eyes slamming down on my tear gates. I saw this little blonde ringlets curly headed green eye innocent beauty, with a smile that lights up the day, walking into a Recruiter's office, just a tiny little girl signing up for the military. I wont ever forget the exact moment last summer. With that image in mind, I couldn't stop crying. Time went on, and still her whole life was flashing and running through my head.
We were hearing all kinds of stories about other's experiences in the Navy. Some were exciting and encouraging...others...not so much. Now, it was Christmas time. My mom got our dad a Navy shirt and on the back it said ' A Global Force For Good' - I froze. It hit me like a ray of sunshine on a cold cloudy day, with its depths yet to be revealed. For some reason I had never heard that before and it's never left me. It's challenged me, inspired me, encouraged and assured me, even further, its changed my prayer life. Time has passed from those first moments. God has revealed many great things to me through this one little phrase. I will treasure them all.
As I will try to do it justice, I hope you too will be inspired by these 5 little words.
A : one; singular
GLOBAL: (does anyone find this word small haha) worldwide; WHOLE world; round; all encompassing (this word encompassing just feels like a hug)
FORCE: ("DON'T MAKE ME USE IT!" Lol) strength possessed by a living being; might; moral strength; physical power; value; significance; & power to influence, affect, or control.
FOR: stand; go; object purpose of intended to belonging to in order to obtain; gain; acquire; on behalf of; in honor of... (seems like just a small 3 letter word we use everyday, but it is more profound when we think about it. FOR is the reason, the motivation, the purpose, the light we seek in darkness that brightens the way and gets us up and through the day. What comes after 'for' can change everything, determines it)
GOOD: first thing that comes to mind God is good; good is God expressed so it has an extra O ;); it's a level we are all comfortable; it's what we always aim to feel, the goal; it's not too much and it's not too little-it's just right; worthy; excellent condition; free of distress or pain.
In this world today it's no secret to any of us how bad things are/getting/may get. Do we feel like or see things are getting better. We get paralyzed with fear from the worry. Who is gonna stand up for the good in the midst of it all, and not be over taken by the fear and darkness...because honestly sometimes I just want to hide; and I definitely didn't want it to be my baby sister. But it was, it is, and so has your loved one. I realize that in this world there are many reasons to feel cowardly, but there are even more reasons to stand up and have something to fight for. God sees the good in all of us, whether or not we see it in each other. He does. Praise Jesus for that! Some of us judge one another, and hide behind the church so she [the church] and ultimately, Jesus, and God take the blame & heat, causing others to reflect badly towards Him. He is the soul-source-enpowerment behind the Force For Good. That good is intended for all of mankind.
As I continually seek to know our heavenly Father, one thing becomes more and more evident to me: Love is the greatest thing of all, the greatest thing that we can do for all is love. Most of the time what matters most are the little things. Great love often requires great sacrifice. No matter the interpretation, the whole New Testament, not only points towards a greater love, beyond flesh, love beyond our own understanding, it gives us the map. We, as humans, have blinders, and language barriers, lots of hindrances that keep us from interpreting it properly. At the same, there are many who do, and you can tell by their fruits. Jesus said it basically like this 'you might not feel like it, or even understand completely, know it's so much bigger than what you are capable of understanding, but do it anyway and here's is labor, it's something that you do because you feel something good inside' One of the first things he says to that is for us to 'remove the log out of our own eye, that we may see properly in order to remove the spec in our brothers eye." Therefore, I believe it is safe to say, that we are not called to judge, but to love. Yes, the Bible gives us instruction to be the best that we can be. We are each called and appointed to a purpose. That purpose isn't to make others feel bad about themselves, especially not to feel so ashamed in our sins that we run from God, the church, & most importantly prayer. Jesus made it simple for us. We are all sinners, he laid down his life anyway. In that same way, we are still all sinners, we should lay aside ourselves and love anyway. God's love can be measured in this simple way as a reflection of his love for us. Inspite our sins & darkness as long as we still have a spark of good left in us, He won't be giving up. He will stand up for us. Confirmation of God's voice and will comes with peace. Peace that we can feel and gives us chills right down to our soul. What are we called to do then? Well if it comes down to fighting amongst each other, before you judge and throw stones, think about the good inside the person that God loves so greatly. And for the greatness of good, in which we all share the same passion and need for good. In that we are united with Him. I say all of that incase anyone reading this feels like God is far away. He isnt. He is right here, he is holding each and everyone of us and our beloved and treasured Recruits in His hands because they are apart of the Force For Good. In His eyes that good is for everyone. Not everyone is appointed to enforce it, but we are called to be apart of it.
I'm inspired even more everyday to try and be a better person, because I know they didn't sign up for freedom to judge, room to hate, or to set a path for pain. They did it for GOOD.
Just yesterday on sex trafficking awareness day, I looked at the bracelet I wear everyday. It took me back to Christmas 2014, when my baby sister gave it to me as a gift. She had bought it from a Trading Co. that uses the funds to fight for and help sex trafficking rescue victims. Looking at this bracelet I always wear, it got real. Proud- fully, and joyously hope-filled tears ran down my face...ok, really I was completely flooded again(because I miss her like crazy too) but this time it made this simple little bracelet instantly even more special and profound. It was her "For", her passion, (amongst many others) One driving forced reason to stand up and become apart of a greater force to do something about it. It doesn't matter to her what ANY of the things those precious women and children may have done(as sin), what is being done is WRONG! I don't know about you, but that gets me pumped up! Get'em! And since college wasn't "for her" she was gonna do something about it! Yes, that is one reason. I can tell you that she also did it for her nieces, her children one day, for your child, for all children, and because of her love and understanding of Jesus Christ, she did it for all of God's children.
For the things that we all share and identify with, no matter what, if you love good, if you have a spark of good left you ;) please join with me and pray this prayer for our Hero's and for the greater cause of good. Let's praise the God Almighty and be thankful to Jesus, the Lamplight, which is intended to warm and protect us, not harm us. As I am sure you are too, I am so appreciative for each of you and your loved ones and Navyformoms, as someone said is a God-send. THANK YOU! In the weeks to come and forever more I will be praying this prayer for those who are 'A Global Force For Good.'
Father in heaven it is not your will for any of these little ones to perish. The Harvest is plenty but the workers are few. Since day one there was darkness, but you created light, and you said the light was good. You are the one God, who parted the Red Sea, made the blue prints for the greatest Arc in history-ever; wrote and protect the oldest and greatest best seller in all of History. Your love and miracles go beyond what Science can explain. You designed and created this the world. You appoint watchmen and soliders. You see more darkness and evil in this world than we do but you are the Greatest Healer and won't ever give up on us. Jesus didn't come for the healthy, he came for the sick. We are not perfect, we fall short, and get sick but still you rise for us everyday. You give us our daily bread, your glory gives us light, you lead us not into temptation, but you deliver us from evil. You never leave or forsake us. Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we need not fear evil, for you are with us. Though we in this world may bring you grief, you show us compassion, so greatly in your unfailing love. Those who seek righteousness and love find life, prosperity, and honor. It's not about thy wonders or the multitude of thy mercies, it's about love and life, which you give, and desire for us to have abundantly. Though our hearts plan our paths, You direct our steps. You have not given our beloved's into the hands of the enemy, but set them in a spacious place, in Your hands. Forgive us when it's hard to see and when it's hard to trust in you, when we lean on our own understanding, we submit our hearts to you, and you make our paths straight. Proven genuineness of our faith is of greater worth than gold. Your work is good. In their weakness, Lord almighty, they are blessed because you are with them -strengthening them. You have crowned them, equipped them, to press on towards the goal to bring us all to the place of Your promises. Storms will come and pass, waters will rise, oceans deep, fiery heat, you are with them, guiding the future for prosperity, hope, love and light. For the child we see in them Lord, a flame inside us all, some shine bright, some shine small, the rains will come and the waters rise but please don't let them loose their light, or forget who's child they are. This little light of mine, Let it shine let it shine. If this life is like a journey up the mountains, inspite what it may bring, may they rise each day, together, and reach the top each time. May the mark that they leave glorify You and shine for all to see, that this path less traveled's unknown always leads to light. The light that warms not burns, that loves and truths, where life stands for love and goodness. Thank you, Father with all our hearts, where our words fail, and seeing us as more than sinners, but conquerors through Him who first loved us. Keep them safe and please keep our minds focused on the greater picture, where we have seen your handiwork, change our loved ones from precious little children into your precious righteous brave heroes. Let our hearts be enlightened so that we may see and have faith in You, no matter the storm. Each day may they as your soliders, first put on the Armor of God, and then their uniforms. Double protect from the inside-out. May this team you have assembled and called to be the best one yet and make this world of darkness a better place filled with love and light for all, in Jesus' name. Hallelujah, Amen.
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