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Link to Navy Speak - Navy Terms & Acronyms: Navy Speak

All Hands Magazine's full length documentary "Making a Sailor": This video follows four recruits through Boot Camp in the spring of 2018 who were assigned to DIV 229, an integrated division, which had PIR on 05/25/2018. 

Boot Camp: Making a Sailor (Full Length Documentary - 2018)

Boot Camp: Behind the Scenes at RTC

...and visit - America's Navy and also Navy Live - The Official Blog of the Navy to learn more.

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Always keep Navy Operations Security in mind.  In the Navy, it's essential to remember that "loose lips sink ships."  OPSEC is everyone's responsibility. 

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**UPDATE 4/26/2022** Effective with the May 6, 2022 PIR 4 guests will be allowed.  Still must be fully vaccinated to attend.

**UPDATE as of 11/10/2022 PIR vaccination is no longer required.

**UPDATE 7/29/2021** You now must be fully vaccinated in order to attend PIR:

In light of observed changes and impact of the Coronavirus Delta Variant and out of an abundance of caution for our recruits, Sailors, staff, and guests, Recruit Training Command is restricting Pass-in-Review (recruit graduation) to ONLY fully immunized guests (14-days post final COVID vaccination dose).  


RTC Graduation

**UPDATE 8/25/2022 - MASK MANDATE IS LIFTED.  Vaccinations still required.

**UPDATE 11/10/22 PIR - Vaccinations no longer required.


Please note! Changes to this guide happened in October 2017. Tickets are now issued for all guests, and all guests must have a ticket to enter base. A separate parking pass is no longer needed to drive on to base for parking.

Please see changes to attending PIR in the PAGES column. The PAGES are located under the member icons on the right side.

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Navy Speak

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Visite esta página para explorar en su idioma las oportunidades de educación y carreras para sus hijos en el Navy.



Address to Write My Son in Boot Camp at Great Lake, IL



I have been waiting patiently to write my son but I have not received the post card they said he would send when he got there.  He left on July 6th, I got my 1 phone call but I just need and want to send him something to let him know I'm thinking about him.  So, is there a general address I can use to send him a letter or do I have to wait for the post card because I will need specific information....please help me, I miss my my son and I just need to make sure he ok, he only 17.   WhooooBoy, this is really hard for me.

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jessesmom:  Wow your pictures are awesome!!!  How'd you do all that??? Girl I barely can navigate around this website!  I find friends and then can't find them again!  Wow, are all those beautiful blonde boys yours?  Gorgeous pictures of a gorgeous, proud and loving mama!!!
Magnoliagirl Thank you so much for your kind words! Of all times I really needed to hear them right now. I'm having a really tough day! I need to dig myself out of thiss dark hole. I miss him so much my heart aches! Answer to your question...he left Monday the 18th. One week down, 7 to go right :) P.S. believe it or not I have a difficult time navigating around the site's kinda confusing! How old is your son? Is he your only?

jessesmom: You inspired me so I figured out how to add pictures.  You might want to go to my page (or whatever you call it) and see them.  Let's see,  if he left the 18th you should be able to call the local recruiter soon and have him look it up.  Have you gotten the box yet?  Trust me, it will be was for me, till I opened it and smelled the stench from the shoes...Then it was a whole nother kind of tears lol!  Let's son left on July 5th and from what I understand from the other moms, some of them called their local recruiter by the 15th and were able to get the address before they received the form letters.  We all pretty much had gotten the form letters by the 18th. Well, hang in there, try to do something fun with the other ones to keep you they're never out of your mind not for one second!

Morning Everyone,


All is well with me.  I have not received an actual letter as of yet but I am hoping I will soon.  I have sent him a couple of letter and cards and I know my family have done so as well.  Magnolia mom, yep, they are two different divisions.  Jessemom, it will get better, just hang in there.  What got me thru is knowing my child has always been a strong individual, I know that he will succeed, and that I know I will eventually see him soon. 

Any letter yet brejones????
Magnoliagirl, you crack me up! Ya I got the box...haven't been able to bring myself to wash them yet. funny thing when I opened it, it smelled like his cologne so I reached down to grab a fistful of clothes and bring it to my nose for a better whif and whoa I realized those were underwear I was holding!!! Very close call! LOL! Thanks for your great advice tho...rallying myself together today to take the other boys boating on the lake....I need to remember I have other sons that need me too. It will be weird to be at the lake w/o Jesse tho :( ...I'm trying!!!   Have a great day and I will be sure to head to your page right now to check out your pics!!!!
hey jesse's are you doing today.  I've had a busy day at work.  We took our grand-daughter, Caroline, to the movies yesterday and then I had to pick up my grand-dogs, Tug and Annabelle, from the boarders for my daughter who was traveling and got in late last night.  Then after all that my husband took me out to the local Mexican restaurant for a margarita (or 2) which was very much appreciated and all in all yesterday was a good day for me...hopefully you too.
Hi Brejones....hope this finds you well...been following your posts. Very handsome son! Hang in there! We can do this!
Guess what you guys???? I got my first letter today! I'm so happy! It was a little upsetting to se his little blurb at the end say " if I told you this was fun that would be Bullsh--! and the last few days have been really hard" Ugh! lump in the throat time! As Mom's we just want to stand up and play SUPERMOM and say "no worries son, I'll be right there to rescue you" guess those days are over....:( at least I have an address now and I can send those 500 letters! hahaha!
oh man...I wish our boys knew each other and we could have them check on each other.  I know exactly what you mean...I am so used to solving everything for my son also...It's the hardest thing.  Do you ever watch Everybody Loves Raymond?  If you do, you'll probably know exactly what I'm talking about..there's an episode where Robert is applying for a job with the FBI and his mom Marie writes a "letter" to the FBI trying to help and of course makes things then when she realizes she made things worse, she goes down there with a plate of brownies trying fix it AGAIN...OMG soo funny and sooo like something I would do..That first week my son hit a little glitch and had to call to ask me the name of a doctor that he saw over 10 years ago in junior high...By 8:00 a.m. the next morning, I had all but bought a plane ticket to chicago!  It took my entire family to keep me from going out there to "fix" it....they kept saying, "Calm down MARIE! and leave this alone"...I guess they were right because that was the last I heard of it.  I actually dialed the number back that the call came in on and of course just got some random person at Great Lakes.  I"m sure it was just a trunk line or something, but I said " this the Navy"  Finally my daughter took my phone away before I could do anymore damage...Oh lands...well I hope I gave you a tiny little chuckle for the night to ease your poor worried mind and heart...all I can say is I know I know I know how you feel....Good night friend...

Still waiting on a formal letter from my son.  He is not the type that would write but I'm hoping the questionnaire I sent him will help with some questions I have.  I am sooo like the type too that would solve his problem or stand bodyguard for my son to make sure that no one is bringing harm to him or if he needs something done, sit down son, I will do it for you.  So all I can do is imagine the RDC??? yelling at my son and giving him order and me saying....Ummmm, stop yelling at him that loud, bring your tone down and that's too much for him to do, you need to find someone else to help or you do it yourself...LOL. 


Anyways, I soooooooo hope my son writes soon so I can know that all is truly well or for him to at least call.  I don't see to many people in my division except for one person so I'm getting kinds anxious to know what's really going on down there with him and his group.


Have a nice day ladies

Ugh brejones I can imagine how frustrated you are! Im glad to hear that you are the same way about being a protective Mom! What can I say they say they come out of boot camp a man? well....they'll always be our babies! We are entitled to that! We gave birth to them!!! lol!


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