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Link to Navy Speak - Navy Terms & Acronyms: Navy Speak

All Hands Magazine's full length documentary "Making a Sailor": This video follows four recruits through Boot Camp in the spring of 2018 who were assigned to DIV 229, an integrated division, which had PIR on 05/25/2018. 

Boot Camp: Making a Sailor (Full Length Documentary - 2018)

Boot Camp: Behind the Scenes at RTC

...and visit - America's Navy and also Navy Live - The Official Blog of the Navy to learn more.

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**UPDATE 4/26/2022** Effective with the May 6, 2022 PIR 4 guests will be allowed.  Still must be fully vaccinated to attend.

**UPDATE as of 11/10/2022 PIR vaccination is no longer required.

**UPDATE 7/29/2021** You now must be fully vaccinated in order to attend PIR:

In light of observed changes and impact of the Coronavirus Delta Variant and out of an abundance of caution for our recruits, Sailors, staff, and guests, Recruit Training Command is restricting Pass-in-Review (recruit graduation) to ONLY fully immunized guests (14-days post final COVID vaccination dose).  


RTC Graduation

**UPDATE 8/25/2022 - MASK MANDATE IS LIFTED.  Vaccinations still required.

**UPDATE 11/10/22 PIR - Vaccinations no longer required.


Please note! Changes to this guide happened in October 2017. Tickets are now issued for all guests, and all guests must have a ticket to enter base. A separate parking pass is no longer needed to drive on to base for parking.

Please see changes to attending PIR in the PAGES column. The PAGES are located under the member icons on the right side.

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Navy Speak

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Visite esta página para explorar en su idioma las oportunidades de educación y carreras para sus hijos en el Navy.


I don't know where to turn. I'm having a hard enough time dealing with the fact that my son will be leaving for bootcamp in September, but now I'm starting to realize that maybe he really doesn't know what he's getting himself into. For instance, last nite we were talking about selling his car before he leaves and he said he'd like to buy a car from a guy that we know maybe next year. I asked him if he realizes that once he leaves, he's gone for 4 years, with the exception of the times he does get to come home for visits (which I'm sure are not often.) His answer was "I don't know." Of course, I started to cry. My question is - are most kids (I call him a kid even though he's 22) naive about what they're getting into? I'm so panicked that he's going to think he made a mistake and will be miserable when reality sets in. If anyone has any advice - PLEASE SHARE! I'm so sad that my first born is leaving and to think of him being "there" and regretting his decision just makes me sick to my stomach. Sorry if I sound like an overbearing mother - I'm just so worried for him. Thanks for listening!

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Anti M. My son had 9 weeks in DEP.  He had a hard time with the running. He got very bad blisters on his feet and this did not help. I asked him if he would go to boot camp again. . His answer was yes. He said he just would have started running from day 1 in DEP..

Wow, you were only in DEP for One week!!  Yikes!!!  You should be proud of yourself. I don't think most people could make it going in cold like that.

Nukett, You sound like you have your head on the right direction.

My son kind of went through a time where he procrastinated about the PT. I think it is natural. After all, who wants to work out. My son kind of had a diss-advantage because he was only in the DEP program for 9 weeks. He has wanted to join the Navy since he was 8 years old. He has never changed his mind. However, he put off Enlisting until he was nearly 21. He wanted to work and go to college first before joining.  After he left for boot camp he was sorry he hadn't been in the DEP program longer. He was so out of shape physically. Boot Camp is tough. You have to run 1.5 mles in 12 mins 30 seconds. (for a male his age). The Recruit Division Commanders push you to the limit. My son's division started out with 90 and ended up with about 63. Some of his division mates where separated because of medical reasons, others because they really didn't push themselves hard enough. 

I asked my son if he would do it all again and he said yes, only this time, I would run and get myself in good shape before going to boot camp.

Well, to make a long story short. He graduated from boot camp on 8/6/10. He just graduated from (A)school at Great Lakes on 5/6/11.  He is looking forward to getting orders for (C)school and hopefully come home for 2 weeks before reporting. He is an FC

By the way, while you are in (A)school under formal instruction, you can not go home on leave. Unless it is for Christmas Stand Down- ie Christmas vacation. (or a close relative dies) My son came home for 2 weeks this past Christmas.

Nukett, I wish you the best of luck and a happy Navy career. Just remember when you are in boot camp, you are going to get yelled at. There is no such thing as a perfect recruit. Just try not to take it personally. It is all part of molding you into a United States Sailor. You are going to see a lot of your fellow shipmates cry. Just try to be a help to them and be a good example. Most of your shipmates will be 17 or 18 and have never held down a job.





Your daughter sounds like me when I was her age.  It sounds like it was a bit of a relief to you - knowing she'd be in "good hands" and staying out of trouble.  Also knowing that she's being taught respect and responsibility.  I feel that way somewhat with my son.  He's never gone down the wrong road, but he's sooooo naive and spoiled (my fault I know) and I'm kind of glad that maybe now he'll appreciate us more when he sees what's out there.   You sound like wonderful parents and thank you very much for sharing.

I have two sons who decided to go into the Navy. When they would tell me things told to them by the recruiters I would question it. They constantly made BC seem like it would be easier than it is.  When my first son went in he was not as prepared as he should of been because of incorrect information by the recruiters. With my other son, who leaves next month, I made sure he knows exactly what he is in for. I think the hardest thing about BC is the emotional aspect. I keep telling them not to take anything personally, or it will be harder.
NF - thank you so much for that information about the vaccines.  Who would've ever thought of that.  My son is going to get the info from his recruiter at his next meeting. 

 My son was 18, not even a year out of high school when he went in Feb 2011. He is also my first born and I questioned him often in the 7 mnths he was a Depper if he was sure. He always said yes.Bootcamp goes fast for them, some have a hard time with the separation at first, but they get really close to their division, and really support each other. When they were making calls home, some of their calling cards ran out of min. and the other guys would share their cards. It gets better when they get out of bc cuz they get their cell phones back. We even skype with our son now. It wasn't what I had planned for him but it was his plan and if I tried to force my wouldn't have done well. I am so proud of the man he is becoming. We will always worry, that's what we do!

bhebert- I hope things are getting better for your son now that he can talk to his family and friends.

Invisible, wow. I thought the same thing. My sailor is 23 anded I to thoguht that he would make a decision that he would regret. However, we talked about it alot before he joined. I understand your concern, however we cannot make their choices for them. we have to let them fall and then be there top pick them up, if needed. I strongly suggest that he reads some of the post on the navyformoms website with you. That will give you both an insite as to what he is getting into. I hope this helps.
It's great to know someone is in the same boat.  He has gone on the website but nothing seems to concern him.  So, I guess will have to trust that he will be fine and let him know that I will always be there for him.  Thank you for advice.

My son is leaving in September also (ship date Sept. 6) and he is so ready.  He graduates from high school next week, then plans to spend the summer training.  I have been very nervous about him leaving but he is very aware of what he is getting into.  Your son may be more aware than you think.  My son is selling his motercycle but plans to get a new one later after school is done and he knows where he will be.  He doesn't want to pay the insurance while he is gone, and it is a smaller bike anyway.  He rides his dad's more often that not.  He is actually looking forward to BC...he has been fascinated with the military his whole life and is ready to become a sailor.  His dad was Air Force, but the military has changed so much since he was in during the 80's and early 90's (he separated during Clinton's reduction in force when this child was 6 months old).  My son played high school football and is used to people yelling at him (haha).  I know it's not the same, but it comforts me to know that he can handle it.  They all can, otherwise we wouldn't have such a great Navy!

Of course, I plan on spending a couple of days in tears once he's gone, but I'll survive.  I am so proud of him for following his dream, even though other people don't really get why he turned down a college scholarship to join the Navy. 

I wish you the best also.  When in September is your son leaving?  They may be there at the same time.


I agree with you - some people just don't understand why they choose the military instead of college.  My son was never school material and was also always interested in joining.  He leaves Sept. 15, so I guess they will be there the same time.  Did you join the group for recruits leaving in September?  I've joined already. 
No I haven't joined it yet.  We've been so busy with all the end  of school things, this was the first chance I've had to go on here in a while.  This site has been such a blessing...I know what to expect and how things will work.  My son is good in school, but he just wants to do it a different way than most.  His dad is currently in school as a result of the economy, and he knows how much we will owe in student loans...even with his scholarships, he would have owed about $50,000 after 4 years.  This way, he can get the GI bill when he gets out in 5 years, still go while he is in, and be able to do something he really wants to do in the meantime.  His plan is to go into the reserves after the first 5, finish school, then go back in as an officer.  He wants school, but he wants the military too.  This way he can have both.  He is going to be a corpsman, so he will be staying at Great Lakes after boot camp.  I think that means we get to spend the whole weekend with him after PIR, which will be wonderful.  My husband said that when he graduated basic training in 1986, no families came or anything.  I'm glad the Navy makes a big deal out of it.   
Jacket fan, if your son is going for corpsman, he will be in San Antonio for A school. All that training has moved to Tx. This darn economy has hit many of us. In regards to his PIR, it really depends when his flight is. We thought out son was leaving on Saturday (which many did). But sat minute they changed him to flight out on Monday so that worked out great for us. God luck,



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