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Link to Navy Speak - Navy Terms & Acronyms: Navy Speak

All Hands Magazine's full length documentary "Making a Sailor": This video follows four recruits through Boot Camp in the spring of 2018 who were assigned to DIV 229, an integrated division, which had PIR on 05/25/2018. 

Boot Camp: Making a Sailor (Full Length Documentary - 2018)

Boot Camp: Behind the Scenes at RTC

...and visit - America's Navy and also Navy Live - The Official Blog of the Navy to learn more.

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**UPDATE 4/26/2022** Effective with the May 6, 2022 PIR 4 guests will be allowed.  Still must be fully vaccinated to attend.

**UPDATE as of 11/10/2022 PIR vaccination is no longer required.

**UPDATE 7/29/2021** You now must be fully vaccinated in order to attend PIR:

In light of observed changes and impact of the Coronavirus Delta Variant and out of an abundance of caution for our recruits, Sailors, staff, and guests, Recruit Training Command is restricting Pass-in-Review (recruit graduation) to ONLY fully immunized guests (14-days post final COVID vaccination dose).  


RTC Graduation

**UPDATE 8/25/2022 - MASK MANDATE IS LIFTED.  Vaccinations still required.

**UPDATE 11/10/22 PIR - Vaccinations no longer required.


Please note! Changes to this guide happened in October 2017. Tickets are now issued for all guests, and all guests must have a ticket to enter base. A separate parking pass is no longer needed to drive on to base for parking.

Please see changes to attending PIR in the PAGES column. The PAGES are located under the member icons on the right side.

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Navy Speak

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Visite esta página para explorar en su idioma las oportunidades de educación y carreras para sus hijos en el Navy.



Is the Lap Band surgery an auto DQ? Would it be possible to have the surgery, lose the weight needed, then get it removed? I know what the moms are going to say, lose the weight naturally, but I lost 28lbs, hit a plateau, have done nothing different in my eating and excercise routine and gained 5 back... I'm at a loss and am considering all options. If it is an auto DQ, obviously I won't do it, but I could use some guidance and info on weight loss procedures and any type of surgery prior to enlistment.



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Generally, the lap band is for people who are 100 lbs or more over weight. Having this type of surgery is not to be taken lightly. Certainly, it is not designed for a patient to undergo the procedure and then discard it. Becomming a weight loss surgery patient is a lifelong committment. Candidates for this procedure are people who have tried everything to lose weight and are unable to, so they use surgery as a "last resort" (usually, to help prolong their life...yes, it becomes that serious).
These are some of the criteria for the lap band:
Your BMI is more than 40 or more than 35 with obesity related health conditions
You weigh twice your ideal weight or are at least 100 pounds overweight
You are between the ages of 18 and 60
You have been overweight for 5 years or more
You have been unable to lose weight thru diet and exercise
You do not have an illness that has caused you to be overweight
You do not drink too much alcohol
You are committed to making changes in your diet and lifestyle
You are willing to continue working with and be monitored by your LAP-BAND doctor

In regards to being disqualifying, I do not know. I could not imagine though, a sailor with a lap band (or having had gastric bypass) because that person's anatomy is no longer the same as a "normal" one. The unique needs of a weight loss surgery patient may not be understood and could potentially become dangerous or even deadly if not handled right.
I suggest you research the lap band for more information ...a good site is
I also suggest instead, to seek a personal trainer, perhaps with military backround with knowledge of nutrition and follow up with your physician to make sure you are going about losing weight and gaining health as safely as possible.

I know the lure of the "quick fix" is soooo attractive. Trust me when I say weight loss surgery is not by any means, the the "quick fix"...It is a BIG surgery and recovery is more than just comming home afterwards and being relatively "pain free". Complications can and DO happen and because this is such a SERIOUS surgery, it is only used as a last resort to save one's life....
Good luck with your journey!
Thanks for your reply! I do meet many of those qualifications with the exception of the weight. My BMI is right at 40, but I only need to lose 35lbs to meet the Navy max weight limit for my height with a total of 70 to be the perfect weight for my height... I checked with my medical provider and it can take 6-12 months to get approved and in that time frame, with an EXTREMELY STRICT diet and rigurous workout, I can lose the weight... Plus, I didnt think about the process afterwards... What if there is too much pressure on my stomach? What if it breaks or the pouch leaks and I have saline running through my body lol... Having a foreign object in my body that has to be adjusted multiple times by inflating this tube via a needle in my abdomen is not something I'm fond of... I still to this day hate it when I use tampons. I was just thinking of the quick fast and easy way rather than the reality of it.

Thanks for your reply Lynne
Hello Anxious~I have stuggled with my weight most of my adult life. I have cycled from super fit to fat and back around and around so I understand that your struggle. I recommend trying P90X. I did it last summer and dropped over 30 pounds and my BMI went down drastically without gaining it back. I recommend it to you especially since you have BC coming up. My son also did it and dropped from 18% to 11% body fat. It isn't easy but if you follow the plan you will see great results pretty quickly. I know that I sound like a commercial but it really sounds like a good fit for you. Good Luck.
Thanks! I have a friend who got the DVD's, but not the diet portion, which is why I have stalled on starting it... I heard it wont work unless you follow the exact diet plan... Is that true or can I make up my own strict diet?
Exactly right! If i don't train my body now, it will come back.

I swim and walk now... When I was going to a gym, I was doing it all... Cardio on the bike, elyptical, pool laps and stair stepper. I even did a Step + Abs class once a week. Then the next day, I would do mainly weight training for my arms, didnt do much of legs. My legs are extremely strong, have always been. Ever since I can remember, my arms have always been my problem. I have big arms and that stupid tire. I will check out that site and see what I can find. I didnt pay for the P90X. A friend of mine had the DVD's and burned me copies. I have people that are mixed about me losing weight... I mean obviously I need to bc I'm pretty unhealthy, but this is whats holding me back from enlisting, so to most of them, the longer it takes, the better lol... But my mom and uncle have been my main supporters bc they walk with me and when I get lazy and say "nah I'll walk tomorrow" HA, they wont hear it and i'm walking with them anyway lol....

Diet is not my problem. I only drink water with sugar free flavor packets, I eat wheat and have been for about 3 years now. I don't have a sweet tooth. My problem is carbs and dairy.... Even though I only eat wheat, I can't stay away from the wheat pasta and sandwiches. I also can't stay away from cheese. So that I need to gain more self control over but I don't over indulge. My problem is I work 9a-8p at a job where I sit behind a computer the entire time on the phones doing customer service work... Were not allowed to eat at our desk, so my I get to snack on something at noon for my first 15 min break, I get to eat my lunch at 3Pm then I get another 15 at 5:15p and I don't go home to eat dinner until about 9pm and I'm in bed at midnight. I do NOT know how to work an eating schedule around my work schedule thats fast and requires no cook or prep time. The last thing I want to do after a 10 hour work day with only 3 hours to do anything for myself is cook for the next day lol. Any suggestions?
Dear Anxious F. R. I agree - it will take take time and lots of work to get the weight off and have a healthy body. I believe surgery should be your last option though!

I watch my weight with the "Belly Fat Cure" and have had good results. It teaches you to watch for the sugar in your diet and to eat healthy carbs and lean meat. And there is a ton of sugar in foods you thought were healthy ! I think it is easy and tasty. Just made delish chicken enchilades tonight!

Good luck and best wishes. Oh - and when you hit a plateau - you should definitely changed up your exercise routine and add weight training if you are not now.

But it is important that you make it a lifestyle - to eat, exercise and be healthy... whether you are in the Navy or not.

Best wishes!

Hoppi - I agree 33% bmi is not healthy - it is hard to believe that is an acceptable number...
Hmm, I will have to check that out, never heard of it.

I am going to start mixing it up. I have Netflix and am going to start watching those excercise vids on the instant part so that I can do in my living room without waiting for them to come to me lol...

The best thing I can tell you is to seek a solid nutritionist, so you understand fully how to acheive a healthy body, not just a smaller body, right? If you meet a few times with a trainer, (yes, wise to invest in both of these professionals so they can be your support and yes, they may be expensive but this is for a VERY good cause...your health and you acheiving your dream) You are worth the investment! I would caution you on not trying to go this alone, or listening to others who are not health professionals becaseu that could potentially cause you to fail or cause you to become sick. Health is the real goal here! When you have a healthy body, it will be at or close to, the ideal body weight for you. Best of luck
I don't want smaller, I want healthy. I looked at a personal trainer at my gym. It was $55 for every 30 min session on top of a $99 enrollment fee with the trainer only to meet with me once a week. I was saving up for it and budgeting for it, then my boyfriend lost his job, so that was out of the question and have even had to put my gym membership on hold... Right now, I have no other choice but to go about this alone... Believe me, I would rather work with a professional because they are going to help, support and get me to achieve my goal (they want to get paid of course and they know you will stick with them if you see results lol) but Im not in the position to get that type of aid right now.

Thanks for the advice!!
There are other resources available - do some research. It doesn't take a professionaly to know that you can not go wrong with eating healthy whole grains and lean meats. Limit your sugar (it is hidden in so many foods) and watch the bad fats. Change up your exercise - your video's sound good! And it never hurts to have an exercise buddy to do the runs with!

You could go to the Doctor too (if you have insurance it may be covered) just to get a good physical that shows you are healthy for diet and exercise. There are also low cost clinics for this.

You sound determined - keep telling yourself that you are worth it and that you have a worthy goal - not only to join the Navy, but to have a healthy body. I will keep you in my prayers - keep us posted - we care!

~ Vikki


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