ALUMNI OF PIR 11/21/2014 TG 02 - 11 Divisions (009-018, and 902)

This group is for those who have loved ones that graduated from boot camp on November 21, 2014. A place to keep in touch with each other as the sailors continue their Navy journey.

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  • diannep

    J Freshie/SBMom:  Yep, binoculars are allowed and suggested! 

    Congrats to the new sailors in Div 009-012! 

  • SBMom

    Thank you!
  • navymomma458

    Good morning!
    My SR is in Division 15 (Ship 12).
    Is there a Facebook page set up?
    So excited to get the call!!
    Less than a week to hug our kids!
  • navymomma458

    Just found it and sent request. I have searched and searched. Wish I found it sooner...
  • diannep

    Good Morning All !  Captains Cup starting very soon for this PIR group.  I know it will be great fun for all of your SRs/sailors!

  • SBMom

    Well deserved fun! Enjoy the day SR's!!!
  • joy

    Guessing DIV 017 and 018 will be last to go to BS....praying they all pass PFA and BS
  • joy

    Thank y'all so much....being I haven't heard from my son in 3 weeks now, I'm just nervous and pray all is well.
  • joy

    J Freshie,
    I'm going crazy over here. I you tube everything about the navy bootcamp and etc...down to the A school he will be going too. Oh and watching documentaries on the Navy's USS carriers. I'm just ready to see my son and that day can't get here fast enough.
  • Lendea001

    Any news on div 16
  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

  • diannep

    Yes, 017/018 are the last to go through BattleStations....but remember....what can trip up the SRs is passing that final PFA.... once they do that, they should get through BattleStations, and if they don't, they are able to repeat them and pass.

  • diannep

    Just want to add about the baskets for is a wonderful idea and thanks to all who do this, but please don't feel you cannot attend Sarge's MeetandGreet without donating a basket or donating money there---this event is free to all of you.  It is totally voluntary for anyone to do either of these things!  I know that many are strapped financially these days....and just making it to PIR may be a $$ stretch for so please stay in your budget and if you can't donate or prefer not to, please still attend and enjoy the food and info! 

  • diannep

    joy:  Sent you a friend request with the date I have for BattleStations for 017/018...probably the same as Freshie' don't need to ACCEPT the request....just read the info! 

  • kim

    I agree with everything said about the baskets. If you want to donate but the idea of a basket is daunting. could always pick up a Christmas platter, or a cool picture frame. It doesn't have to be a big thing. Or you can help by just buying a few tickets for the raffle tickets there. Mist important, come and enjoy
  • CatMom509

    Hello All!

         Every word of God is pure;

         He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him."

                                                             Proverbs 30:5

  • jrk'smom

    Anyone heard which Div won Captains Cup?
  • Ship12div016mom

    I haven't decided if my husband and I will attend the Sarge event. We will be in the area in time but I can't bring a basket or do the door hanging thing. I feel like I'm surrounded by soccer moms( good thing), and I'm struggling just to get the time off work. I'm willing to buy tickets for baskets if I go but all of this basket talk has really made me apprehensive and I'm not sure if I want to be the one mom who opted out of the basket.
  • Career Mom

    @ship12divmom, i understand exactly how you feel. Im working most of the weekend and long hours just to get out of town for a few days. No basket here, but we are going to attend and will make a donation. Please consider attending. Don't let the basket thing concern you.
  • jrk'smom

    Ship12Div016mom- please do not feel like you cant go to the meet and greet or that you have to have a poster for your door. It is not a competition nor should you feel like you HAVE to do these things to be included. I'm sorry if some of us overzealous moms made you feel that way. We are all in this together, we are all Navy Moms. No prerequisite, we all did our time together.
  • sodaknavymom

    Excited!!  Just got a phone call from my son. He's  in Div 902. He called with graduation info. I watched the graduation yesterday  & I saw him. I'm so proud of him. 

  • sodaknavymom

    Thank you!

  • CatMom509


    Please don't feel like you have to bring anything or do anything extra for your SR's PIR!!   All of you Navy families are there to celebrate your soon-to-be-Sailor sons and daughters!!  The focus will be on them, for sure!!

    The baskets and decorating hotel room doors are just an extra thing a few do.  Definitely it is not a majority thing and totally voluntary in all ways~~

    At my Sailor daughter's PIR, our group didn't do either and none of the groups before us did it (that I'm aware of).  No one had pitched the idea to us...

    Go to the Meet & Greet to get the information that Sarge has for all of you, eat together, and meet each other.  If they have name tags, put your Navy for Moms username on the tag too.  It is a little hard to meet if you're not looking for each other as there are families there who are not part of N4M~~

    Did everyone get a chance to RSVP in the Events section?  First put if you will attend, then you can go comment down on that page how many are going in your little group~~  Sarge needs to know to order enough food!

  • amity109


    there will be approximately 1,000 new sailors at PIR there are only 113 members on this PIR Community. We are the lucky ones that get to know what's going on during boot camp and we feel as we are a family. Don't you worry about anything. there are at least 800 families that don't know anything about the baskets. This is time for celebration. This is all about your new Sailor's accomplishments. I also appreciate other mom's desire to help Serge on his beautiful commitment to celebrate us Navymoms and families.  

    At the end of the day that's all it is a BIG CELEBRATION!!!

  • diannep

    Well said, amity!  All family members are so very welcome at the MeetandGreet!  It is not about money!  Go and enjoy!

    Good Morning All !

  • Shelly

     Ship12div016mom, Please come to the M & G.

    What Division is your loved one in? We are flying in, thus I don't have room for a basket. We will however be donating to Sarge and his wife for the hard work. I cant believe we only have 4 more days !!!!

  • diannep

    Ladies, just a reminder that we cannot post exact BattleStations dates on this page....but you can post that you HAVE one for Div ___ and ask others to contact you for it.  Please click on the "x" in the box to remove your post if you disclose a BattleStations date!  Thanks!

  • diannep

    J Freshie:  Please do not worry about this!  I just was concerned that some would pick up on part of the conversation, and not all of it --- and not understand the purely voluntary part of it (and that most do NOT participate in it who attend the MeetandGreet).  Probably best to just refer people to the discussion above if they are interested in participating, but enough said....I know you are helping to do a good thing for Sarge. 

    Like I said, so many are strapped right now financially....and to think that they would be embarrassed/stand out if they do not donate is something none should feel so wanted to make sure they know this is not true....and I know that was not your intention at all!  It is just a touchy subject when people are suggesting donations....even for a good cause.

    Having said that, the baskets are mentioned on most every PIR group.  Some groups have interest in them, some do not.  So there really is no problem mentioning them and setting up a discussion for them.

  • CatMom509

    You're doing great, J Freshie~~

  • CatMom509

    Blessed Sunday!

         "You will seek Me and find Me when

          you seek Me with all your heart."

                                        Jeremiah 29:13

  • anasazigypsy

  • Ship12div016mom

    Thanks all for the kind words. I thought it would look terrible if we didn't bring a basket. We are flying in and we have zero extra space and to be honest I have been working so much I just don't have the time to put anything together, I haven't even packed yet. I will totally donate but I was super embarrassed to show up empty handed! Thanks so much for the feedback, I feel much better!
  • jrk'smom

    diannep-  Any word if any divisions started BS 21 last night?

  • diannep

    jrk'smom:  I doubt they went last night.....they haven't gone on Sunday night in months.  If anyone did, the calls would start in about 3 hours or so. 

    Shipe12div016: Do not for a moment worry about being embarrassed showing up with no basket....and no need to feel obligated to donate either!  Believe is not expected....I'm sure many are not able to donate or decide not to ..... and they enjoy the evening as much as anyone else!   This basket idea is relatively new for Sarge's group.  Some groups like it, some do not.  So no worries!  :-)

  • SBMom

    Is it true that cell phones are not allowed at PIR? I will bring a camera just in case, but cell phones are handier. So excited!!!
  • CatMom509


    Cell phones are certainly allowed and so are cameras~~

  • CatMom509

    Good Morning!

         "Finally, be strong in the Lord

           and in His mighty power."

                              Ephesians 6:10

  • SBMom

    Thank you! This forum has been invaluable! I am blessed to be welcomed by this sisterhood :)
  • jrk'smom

    diannep Thank you so much for the information. Can't wait for that call.

  • yulontay1

    So stressed. My son is in DIV18 and is suppose to graduate on Fri. He called his girlfriend who is not attending PIR and told her he may be held over for 2 weeks after graduation for his heart. He has a waiver for an innocent murmur and now this. What is the hold for and will he still graduate.
  • amity109


    Sorry to hear that. Wish you and your son the best. Hopefully all will clear. Praying for you and your SR.

  • amity109

    Father, in the coming days, I will need You, but my recruit will need You more!
    Let him perform his tasks with a sense of duty, not of anger or vengeance. Let his reflexes be quick and his hands steady. Let his head be clear and his eyes sharp. Let his mind and body be strong and his spirit stronger.

    God, please stand by my recruit and watch his back when he cannot!
    Father, I love this recruit of mine! Take from me what he needs and give me what he does not.

    I will pace the nights, if it means he gets some sleep.
    I will deal with fatigue, if it means he will have energy.
    I will carry his fear, if it means it gives him courage.
    I will take his pain, if it means he is healthy and whole.
    I will take his anger, if it means he is at peace.
    Take my love and pride and let him feel it!
    Let him know that I am with him every step of the way!
    Please, take from me what You can; I give it willingly and with love.
    It is all I have besides my prayers.
    Above all, please help my recruit to achieve his goal of becoming...
    A United States Navy Sailor!

    This I ask on bended knee, that which I cannot do without YOU!

  • jrk'smom

    yulontay- Are you a member of the FB group that his girlfriend is?  There was a really good explanation of that. I'll see if I can copy it and send you a PM.

  • bluera12

    Tick Tick Tick, All packed and ready to go.

  • AmandaHisNavyGirl

    Amity109 that was beautiful. You got me crying at work.
  • amity109

    This is a prayer for another navy mom. I think it expresses our feelings while we wait for the sailor call
  • Ndlove09

    I love this prayer amity109.  Thank you for sharing! :-)

  • peejinator

    I love that prayer Amity109...I'm going to share on my FB because I find it so helpful for parents everywhere.

  • N4M10756

    How beautiful!!! Thank you so much!!!
  • heyma313

    amity109- Thank you so much for posting that prayer, it expresses exactly how I've been feeling through this entire experience.  so moving.

    AmandaHisNavyGirl- I agree, I'm crying at work as well. But then again, its not the first time since we started on this journey.