Navy Moms on Facebook

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  • Maria ( 9/132 - HM- 04-2011)

    Racer, my only son left 2 years ago this month. You cry and cry that first few weeks, then little by little it gets better. Just make sure u go to Pir (pass in review). Then u realize it is well worth it. Good luck . I still miss my son but once they graduate it is better as you can communicate more often. Maria
  • racer88girl

    Thanks Maria.  I just didn't realize it was going to be has hard as it is.  We are planning on going to her PIR.  We support her all the way.  It is her and I are really close and not being able to talk to her and wondering how she is doing is the hardest part.

  • blm

    I have a question-my daughter worked for a few weeks here in PA before she left for BC in Feb 2012. We just got here W2 and are unsure if we should send it to her,or file her taxes for her??She is currently on deployment out of Japan  for what might be a few months. Do they have to file state and fed tax returns and do they have someone on ship to help them??

    racer88girl-it is really hard to loose contact with your children-but know she is safe and write to her daily as soon as you get the address-check out the group for boot camp moms-that is extremely helpful

  • kazzam(SHIP 13 DIV 313)

    Thank you for asking this blm~ I too have received my sons W2's and not sure what to do? He is also deployed in Japan.

  • Maria ( 9/132 - HM- 04-2011)

    Racer, I agree that was the hardest part! Just remember no news is good news. The navy will take good care of her and will provider with the resources to succeed .
  • MartiB_TX

    Someone said there were pictures of current recruits on here is that correct or does anyone know where to go?

  • LI mom

    Recruit training command site
  • MartiB_TX

    Thanks LImom

  • SoCal Ohana

    For taxes - if they make less than a certain amount they do not need to file - unfortunately I am not sure what that amount is! The IRS website might be helpful

    This is one of the websites where they post pics:!/NavyRecruitTrainingCommand?fref=ts





  • TammieB(Ship14Div343)

    My son graduated "A"school Friday!!! One happy mom!!!

  • Texasproud6272

    Does anyone know if the navy pays for flights home due to an emergency for grandfather going to pass away?,I know about the space A and red cross ,but is there any other way ?

  • mom38024

    I do not believe that the Navy pays for flight homes under any circumstance, but I could be wrong. The last time I heard they will not allow Sailors to come home for a death unless it is immediate family, such as father, mother, brother or sister. But I could be wrong there too.

  • cbrmom

    Anyone have a seabee? Will be going to mississippi for A school

  • number3

    thanks for the welcome 

  • puertorico-USSGHWB

    My son gradutes BC PIR/ 5/17/13. Will attend A school in GL :)

  • Cathy

    Just got home from Ft. Meade after watching her leave for boot camp. WOW

  • codysmom SHIP11 DIV 383

    My son has been in DEP since November. He leaves August 13th. I am extremely proud of him but have so many questions and anxiety.
  • TammieB(Ship14Div343)

    My son made a surprise visit home the day my granddaughter was born!!! What a wonderful day!!! He will be leaving in a few weeks to the sandbox for 2 years!! :(

  • teeny

    cbrmom   mine just left mississippi,  what is yours doing?  mine is a ps

  • mona/VERY PROUD

    just want to say hello to all u navy lovers/and to all my new freinds ive found on the chat line/good to be part of a great family/god bless to all our military

  • mona/VERY PROUD

    anyone have a sailor out of san


  • Luvmyson

    Hi there, My son is at BC now he left San Diego on 4/11

  • fbettyboop

    hi mona  i have a son stationed in san diego  he is on deployment right now

  • mona/VERY PROUD

    hi just saw everyones mee/thanks for answering/good to know many others are out there my sons been in for 11s going strong and loves what he does/he has so many goods to say about the navy/what it has done for him and how he has matured and grown to be the man he has become/it really does go along way for a parent or a loved one to give encouragment and praise to their enlisties/they have and will sacrifice many journeys ahead/many missed holidays/personal fam days and alot of missed luv from everyone whe cares and luvs them////hooorrraaaay for our military


  • Irene McClure

    Just got back from there. If you get the chance you need to go!!!Mine have been there a year already!!

  • Ladichez

    @cathy did he leave from ft. Meade md?
  • JTSF

    Our son just called.  He is now a Sailor after 36 hours of Battlestation 21. Division 169 did great with "no hits"   Bravo Zulu to all.

  • Zacksmom

    For all my Navy Mom & Wife Friends... My cousin Nancy is making these awesome dog tags... If you would like to order one please let me by finding me on Facebook under Dawn Caskey Garner... I am a Navy Mom too of a son currently Deployed on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower....

  • Zacksmom

  • ConnieL

    My son graduates from high school this month then leaves for bootcamp June 13th! I'm happy, proud, worried, scared...misty and sniffley...He's soooooo excited to get started...and so happy with his choice. I just wanna hug him every second until he goes!
  • codysmom SHIP11 DIV 383

    ConnieL... my son graduates next Saturday the 11th and leaves for boot camp august 13th. I have a few more months with him due to he doesn't turn 18 till July. I am so proud of his decision but boy have I been an emotional wreck. Hes on his senior trip this weekend and it brought tear to my eyes when I dropped him off for tat.. let alone next weekend when he graduates and I will be a basket case when he leaves in August. Still very proud but boy this momma isn't ready for him to leave lol
  • ConnieL

    Chaverfield! We can do this...with a lot of tissues....I got all misty making meatloaf's my son's favorite meal and was a little saltier 'cause a coupla tears fell in! (Only kidding a little!)
  • jenb

    My son grads the end o the month and doesn't go to GL til October 22, but I hear ya.. Starting to get all emotional.. I think it's hard just to see ur child grad n become an adult, but knowing they are leaving us to go in the service seems to make it harder.. At least that's how I feel... I agree with u ladies.. What a mix of emotions.. Gonna need a lot of wine ;)
  • Jo(Bre's mom) Ship 02, DIV 939

    So glad to find this FB group! My beautiful 19 year young daughter leaves for BC June 11th. She came home from college classes in April told me was joining the Navy then got a phone call last week informing her to be at MEPS and she ships in June!!! Talk about a whirlwind!!! Now I spend every free moment reading...learning all I can and crying!!! Lol
  • Melinda

    Jo Ann - My 20 year old daughter did the same thing.  She told me in August and she left for BC in March of 2012.  I know exactly what you are going thru.  I look back now and realize she did the best thing for herself.  She was not happy with college but felt like she had gone to far to change.  She is very happy with her decision and says she has absolutely no regrets what so ever (excpet for the first couple of days in BC).  She is now in Washington State, just a 43 hour drive from me.  LOL.  I've been to see her twice and she has been home a couple of times.  She is happy and that makes me happy.  Hang in there, I did alot of crying.  Make sure you keep your phone with you at all times, you never know when she might call once she goes to BC.  Everytime someone would ask about her I would tear up.  It does get better.  She is my only daughter and the baby and we have always had a great relationship, but I think she appreciates her family alot more now that what she did before.  Its a good thing. 


  • beckina

    It has been almost a year since my son left for BC and he is now stationed in San Diego.  I still miss him dearly -  but know this is what he wanted and was the best choice for him.  He loves San Diego and I can't wait to visit him in the near future.  I am very proud of him and all of your sons and daughters who have chosen to serve in the Navy!  Give them all a big THANK YOU!  Anna  BTW - I have cried many a tears as does get a tiny bit better;)

  • Sean the Sailors Mom

    My 18 year old son just left today. I have never cried soooooi much in my life. It honestly feels like a death. I'm so proud of him, he has always wanted this. So, I'll pray for all you moms out there, and do the same for me. God bless these young sons' and daughters'!!!!
  • mom38024

    Sean the Sailors Mom,

    I understand your feelings. I did the same thing when my son left for boot camp. I cried for an entire week. You are correct is does feel like a death and in a way it is because your son will change. He will become a wonderful young man that you will hardly recognize at his PIR. You will be so proud of him!! I am praying for you. Keep your cell phone close because in a few weeks he will probably call and give you an update on how he is doing, but be prepared because the emotions will start all over again. I cried for another week after I got the first phone call. Guess I'm just emotional where he is concerned. He has been in since July 3, 2012, and every time I hear his voice I still want to cry. He sent me flowers for Mother's Day and I stood in my office and cried. But even though I cry, I am so PROUD of him and I brag about him every chance I get. Keep in touch with other Navy Moms that are going through the same thing. When you go to PIR be sure and attend Sarge's reception so you can meet some of the Moms you have connected with on this site. Take care of yourself and write your son everyday. He'll appreciate it!

  • codysmom SHIP11 DIV 383

    Any moms out there have sons or daughters leaving for boot camp in or around August 13th? Or any one that has one that was selected for the Navy Cardinal Company?
  • kadikaboom626

    Hi chaverfield! Please feel free to drop by the MEPS & DEPS FAMILIES group discussion August 2013. We all have family leaving in then. See you there!
  • kadikaboom626

    Sorry thats the discussion group on
  • Superjames

    I raised my son as a single parent since he was 7, the youngest of my 3 kids.  He graduated BC in Jan 2013, A school in April and he is now stationed at Oceana.  He came home for leave and left for Oceana May 7th and he tells me he loves it.  I still cry (yes I am a man but I miss my baby boy so much) when I think about him being on his own but he told me last night "thank you dad for all that you have done for me, taught me and being there when times were tough, you are the greates dad in the world and I love you very much." I cried again.

  • Sean the Sailors Mom

    Superjames: And i just cried reading that
  • Maria ( 9/132 - HM- 04-2011)

    Superjames. That is awesome
  • beckina

    Dear Superjames,  that was an amazing story.  Obviously you did an excellent job being mom&dad for your children and you are to be commended.  You should be very proud of your boy for making such an important decision at such a young age.  My son has been in for exactly 1 year and I still get this pain in the pit of my stomach for missing him so much.  He is in San Diego and can't wait to visit him.

  • Marcy

    It is so nice to hear our children say stuff like that. We know that we all did something right. That put a smile on my face when I read that. My sailor has been in since 2007 but lives in Hawaii and miss him everyday. I also have one boy in the Airforce and he was home in February for a month. I hadn't seen him for 2 yrs. he actually surprised me, I had no idea he was coming. It was the best valentines day present.
  • Doreen ⚓⚓

    Hi all....Looking forward to my son's PIR June 21st. It's so cold in the Great Lakes Area right now. Looking forward to some warmer weather.

  • lmcbwnc

    Hello to all and thank you for this site. I am a proud mom of a navy sailor and looking forward to PIR. What fine young men and women we have in our navy, I can't say thank you enough.


  • huntersmom

    I am a proud mom of a wonderful sailor in Division 264, Ship 14.  This is such an awesome site. Thank you so much.


    Congrats!  Its so exciting isn't it?  I'm still waiting for the box and form letter.