Happy Mother's day to all of you! My daughter participated in a video with her in it from Guam. I cried when I saw it on Facebook. She was crying also. I sure do miss her. Praying we all get to hug our babies soon.
I can't find the original question asking about what rate she chose, but our Sailor Girl graduated BC back in Sept and has been in Cyber Warfare school ever since. She was an Honors Student in High School, but this feels 10xs harder. We celebrate every quiz and every exam because of how hard the curriculum is, (only 50% make it) but she's still hoping to graduate in July.
My daughter is a Nuke, specifically a Nuclear Machinist Mate. Nuke's get 2 or so years of schooling before they ever hit the fleet, it's a difficult path but well worth it with a lot of perks.
Her job is like everyone else's job, some days it is great, some days she comes home hating everything.
Hi all, I couldn't find the original thread either, but thought it was such a great question, asking about what rates our daughters chose. My daughter's PIR was last June and she's an HMH Corpsman. She absolutely loves it. She went out with one of the medical ships helping with COVID patients and she's helping with research papers about the disease. She has a long time to go in the clinic, but one day hopes to support the Marines as a medic.
I love seeing where everyone's girls are! There are so many different ways for them to excel.
Hello, I couldn't find the original thread either. My daughter goes to RTC this coming October, she's chosen CS as she is in the Culinary Arts academy at High School and loves it. Her boyfriend is working towards going in to cryptology, his RTC date was September but we're not sure if that's going to change yet...
Purplegiraffe69: In response to your question about the rates daughters have in the Navy, my daughter is a Navy doctor. With your daughter's interest in Corpsman (HM), it may be the most diverse rate for the enlisted - serving within many medical areas and with assignments to Navy and Marine bases. HM offers numerous venues for advanced training. If she accepts HM, once out of A school she should be seeking areas of advanced training - like in the civilian world, opportunities do not fall in the lap but should be sought. My daughter is one of the doctors on the selection committee for HM advanced training at Walter Reed.
With any rate in the Navy, your daughter should research the field and not rely solely upon the recruiter for information. Further, she should not sign on for a rate in which she is not interested with the thought that once at Boot Camp she can switch to another - change in rates based upon preference for another is unlikely. It is better to wait for the desired rate to open even though it may take a few months - the wait time would be "short" in comparison to serving years in one that she dislikes. Additionally, within any rate at any given duty station, there are differences in the command and fellow sailors - akin to any work place in the civilian setting.
The question regarding rates our daughters selected was sent to all members of the group. It will only show up as a message in your email. It was sent by purplegiraffe69.
Oh, and there is a discussion thread that purplegiraffe posted in general discussions which you can access by her profile page if you want to leave comments for her there as well!!
Happy Friday! Missing my girl today, and haven't been on here in a while due to my job and family stuff. Thought I'd reach out and see how you're all doing? She takes her A-school comps Monday for nuke school. She's struggled quite a bit in the program, so I think my mom worries are getting the best of me. Keep her in your prayers this weekend and Monday too please!
Have an amazing weekend, and get outside if you can! Our weather has cooled off again which makes me want to go hike!
I've been chatting in the Navy for Moms group. They just recommended this group to me since they all have sons and I have a daughter in BC. She left for quarantine on the 28th, so I'm guessing she is processing this week. I haven't heard from her yet, and I'm anxiously waiting for a phone call, text, or letter from her. Thanks for the add to this group. :)
deniseg: I'll be curious to hear what your daughter's quarantine experience is like. I'm hearing and reading so many conflicting things. My daughter doesn't ship to BC till Dec 1, unless they move it up earlier.
Hi ladies! Oleander is right, we get quiet but we're always here for you!
Congratulations to your daughter Oleander! That's an awesome achievement! Obviously a sign of good parenting :)
Not much is new here. I'm still working from home and my boss said not to worry about coming back until at least July.
My SIL's sub came in last month after a 6 month deployment. He must be happy to be home as I've not heard from my daughter since he returned, other than a quick picture of her holding a chinchilla. Hopefully she won't get any more exotic pets.
ShawnMom - Thank you so much. I am keeping my phone charged, ringer always on. With all the changes it's hard to know when I might actually hear from her. I went into her room last night to put a few things in there and that was hard. It really made me miss her even more. Glad to have the support from this group.
Jennifer - Yes, I will absolutely keep you posted! I'm guessing this week she is processing. Hoping for word from her soon.
Hello Ladies, so good to hear from several of you and to know that you are all still doing well!!! Welcome to our two new moms, I sent you welcome messages on your profile page. Thank you moms for the words of encouragement and enlightenment for our new moms!! It's wonderful to see the support we give to each other!!
Congratulations Oleander on your daughters recognitions for a job well done!! Bravo Zulu to her!!!
How did your daughter do on her comps? Hope all is going well for her!!!
I will add to enjoy the time you have with your daughter now. My daughter signed up a whole year before she had to report for boot camp and we made several nice plans. But before I knew it she was getting on that bus to report for boot, and I asked myself where that year had gone!!! Be prepared if her time does get moved up!!
Hope you have heard from your girl by now. I am curious to know what the quarantine situation is like for them so if you hear from her please share with us!!
I have been busy of late - still traveling around but have been spending lots of time with each of the kids so that has been the best!!! Officer daughter Jennifer is doing ok, she's bored out of her mind because right now they cannot do any big group teaching and the Navy has banned all non essential travel so she has been finding little jobs to keep herself busy. She is just about finished with her Master's Degree and is due to graduate in August but the University just informed everyone that there will be no inperson graduation!!! Bummer!!
Sailor Son Christopher has been busy because now that he is the Chief he has all kinds of things that he has to deal with!!! He is actually putting in his paperwork to go for Warrant Officer!! He got his endorsement from the Admiral and tomorrow goes before senior officers for the interview process. Next step then is the selection board but that doesn't happen until January. It's a long process - much like going up for Chief!!!
Other than that - all is well here with us - wherever we are!!!!
Kaitlynsmom those first hours and days can be the worst! If you haven't gotten the "I'm here" call yet you should know that it's scripted and fast. I coped by starting a letter to her and added to it several times a day. It was a one sided conversation but good for me. We are here for you, we can be quiet but reach out any time and one of us will answer.
Be sure to Always have your phone handy and the ringer up. A call can come anytime. When my girl was at BC the calls came from a 947 area code but maybe that's changed?
It's okay to cry and sit in their rooms but remember to come out! Our girls are strong!
What is she doing after BC? My girl is a Nuke on the Bush.
Good Morning! I finally got a one hour call with my daughter last night! Hooyah! It was so great to hear her voice. It did take almost 6 weeks to hear from her though, so don't despair if you are still waiting. I hope everyone is doing well. Have a great day!
Oleander - thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm finding it rather difficult to navigate this page so I apologize for my late reply.
JayDee- I did receive that few second call but didn't really help. I'm hoping to receive her letter soon so I have an address. I have actually already written her 3 short but sweet letters to mail just as soon as I receive her address.
She is actually going to A School for CRT.
Thanks ladies for being patient with my reply. Have a great afternoon.
Good Morning and Happy Friday! We made it through another week!
Oleander - Yes, omg, I was trying so hard not to cry during our call because I was afraid it would make her start crying again! Lol!
Gigi - I guess the phone reception is unpredictable. That I"m a sailor call must have been terrific! I can't wait for mine.
Anti M- Good to know that the Navy dentists are so experienced and trustworthy.
LadyBluefire - Ah, technology! A blessing and a curse lol! Thanks the call made my week!
Partyofseven - Yes, she is emotional to begin with, so I'm not surprised. I also got a letter yesterday from her and she was in a very bad mood. I'm glad she had me to vent to. That's what moms are for! Lol. I wanted to get her wisdom teeth taken out beforehand, but then COVID struck. Ugh.
Kaitlynsmom - she has been there since April. She is going to go to C school as well...right now she is #2 in her class. #1 is an Army kid so she has vowed to pass him though their GPA difference is like 0.1% lol. So Close!
LadyBluefire - sorry don't know what C School is. lol That's awesome that your daughter is #2. Wow 0.1% is nothing. I'm sure if she has vowed to pass him she well. So is she in A School until January?
Happy belated birthday Anna. I for one stopped acknowledging birthdays years ago.
B’sNukeMom; congratulations to the couple.
No leave for my Sailor girl. Guess we are all going through missing physical hugs from them. Restrictions flying into Oahu is delaying our visit to her. Everyone do your part and social distance. I have family members that decided to visit churches with hugs and hand shakes and now they are positive for Covid. 84 year old aunt is in the hospital. When hubby and I go to church we social distance. It is that simple. I strongly dislike wearing a mask. But I wear it to protect and respect others. That is my rant. Missing my girl and want this stuff to get controlled.
My daughter is shipping out next week, on the 26th. I'm already a mess of emotions lol. Any tips on what she can/cannot take to BC? Can they bring their own brushes/hair/hygiene products?
Also, if anyone has any info on how quarantine is working. From reading through looks like there are a couple of you whose girls left recently.
My daughter graduated Aug. 6. She was quarantined twice, so she was there a long time. My recommendation is to let go. It's hard; harder than I expected. She will be told what she can bring, which is next to nothing. Don't expect to hear from her while she's there and prepare yourself for that. She will be alright and if not, you will be informed. When you speak to her, remember that she is not alone. Don't say anything to make her cry. Believe her when she says she's fine. She's building her stamina.
Shoosh - be sure to look at the first page on the boot camp group. Phoenixmom just posted the lists this morning of what they can and cannot take.
Also, here's the link to the blog that BelovedByHim posted regarding quarantine - this should give you a good idea of how they are doing things right now:
Shoosh, probably not. My daughter was told that she might be able to keep hers if it was solid black or solid white. She took both with her and both came back in the box with her clothing. That was in 2015 so you can try and see if things have changed. The worst thing that will happen is that they'll make her put it in the box with her personal belongings. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
JayDee659 thanks for the reply! we had her 7 day meeting with the recruiter and I asked. Reply "grannie panties and tightey whiteys for everyone" lol
Her rate is OS. I'm starting to get super emotional. I just assumed I would be able to see her between boot camp and A school. Nope. One should never assume. I know we will both be fine, but boy this is hard. And she's not even gone yet!!
Oleander thanks for your reply and support! Trying to stay present and enjoy each moment. It is tough to let go, she is my baby. I made it through Marine boot camp with my son 10 years ago, honestly this should be a piece of cake!!
119, that is HOT!! You can feel the seasons changing here on the east coast, this week has been beautiful warm days and cool nights. Sad to see summer end. I love fall, but hate what comes after that!!
VillageMum so you're feeling all the things I am!! It's so hard, I'm happy, excited for her to spread her wings and have some adventures, but I am going to miss her like crazy. I just keep telling myself, 8-10 weeks. And then we will be able to talk on a regular basis (I hope) :)
Really just so thankful for this website!! We are not alone! And neither are our girls.
Shoosh and VillageMum, it doesn't seem like it now, but you'll look back at BC and think "that wasn't so bad". It's amazing how quickly it can pass. You raised incredible daughters who want to serve their country. That right there makes you awesome moms! You'll find that being a military mom, which sometimes hard, has the best rewards, not the least of which is the instant bond with other military moms. I met some of my best friends right here on this site.
JayDee659 thank you - I keep telling my daughter the same thing. It's really such a short time and then she can get on and do what it is she has been wanting to do for years. :)
Shoosh - yep! I was great with her joining, traveling, learning, moving on and enjoying life doing what it is she wants to do. Until I realized it means her actually leaving home LOL. We'll be making the most of this weekend with her. Getting the last of what she needs for ROM & RTC, packing a bag for A-School and just having fun together.
I know that it feels so difficult and sometimes unbearable when they leave for BC but since we are on the other side of that just know that it is going to go by so fast.. Remember this is their journey and new adventure.. We thought that the worst was over but now our daughter has been stuck in Spain and is unable to take any leave so it will be probably a year and a half by the times we get to see her again.. We saw her for a couple weeks last November but now they are making everyone stay in place.. it is soooo hard!! We miss her so much and we never thought it would ever be this long in between visits. We do talk on the phone/snapchat everyday which is great but its not the same.. Just don't have any expectations... they belong to the Navy now. My daughter reminds me of that all the time.. She loves her job which makes it easier..Hang in there!! She too is our Oldest and I have 2 boys but she is the only one who wants to serve..we didn't expect it at all when she told us.. She left for BC at 19.
My girl left yesterday for BC. She was able to call me as soon as she landed (thanks for that tip) and we chatted briefly and then she called her dad. The scripted call came at 8:45pm, earlier than I had thought. I honestly didn't hear all she said as I was telling her that I loved her and to be strong. I did hear "arrived safely, quarantine 2 weeks, call again soon." She sounded ok, maybe a bit scared.
Not sure how I will get through this, but I know I will. I didn't think about how many little things will set me off...like making a grocery list!!! Trying to stay busy and not think too much.
Shoosh isn't it wonderful to hear their voice? My girl called at 2 am, her dad picked up and it was so fast that I never spoke to her. It's a very scripted call and they are rushed through it. It was probably more that in her voice. She will do great! Hang in there momma!
Struggling today ladies!! I feel like I've been doing ok, but today feels different. I think it's starting to sink in. I had her leave me a voicemail before she left but I haven't listened to it yet. Miss her so much.
Shoosh - I had my 3rd SR leave me a VM and sometimes it was harder hearing it than not. My 4th one, I asked him and he forgot.
As for my daughter (SR#1) - she calls us several times a week, SR #2 only when his ship is going on a fast cruise or underway, lol. So while this dark time is hard on these Navy allergies once at A school the sky opens and birds start chirping.
SR#3 should be PIR this week and SR#4 is at Ft MCCoy and will turn 18 before he PIRs.
I'm trying to get my laptop up and running because I cannot see anything on my phone it's so tiny that I can't read anything so hopefully I'll get it going this week so I can become involved and leave messages.
May 10, 2020
May 12, 2020
I can't find the original question asking about what rate she chose, but our Sailor Girl graduated BC back in Sept and has been in Cyber Warfare school ever since. She was an Honors Student in High School, but this feels 10xs harder. We celebrate every quiz and every exam because of how hard the curriculum is, (only 50% make it) but she's still hoping to graduate in July.
May 13, 2020
My daughter is a Nuke, specifically a Nuclear Machinist Mate. Nuke's get 2 or so years of schooling before they ever hit the fleet, it's a difficult path but well worth it with a lot of perks.
Her job is like everyone else's job, some days it is great, some days she comes home hating everything.
May 13, 2020
Molly's Proud Mom
Hi all, I couldn't find the original thread either, but thought it was such a great question, asking about what rates our daughters chose. My daughter's PIR was last June and she's an HMH Corpsman. She absolutely loves it. She went out with one of the medical ships helping with COVID patients and she's helping with research papers about the disease. She has a long time to go in the clinic, but one day hopes to support the Marines as a medic.
I love seeing where everyone's girls are! There are so many different ways for them to excel.
May 13, 2020
Hello, I couldn't find the original thread either. My daughter goes to RTC this coming October, she's chosen CS as she is in the Culinary Arts academy at High School and loves it. Her boyfriend is working towards going in to cryptology, his RTC date was September but we're not sure if that's going to change yet...
May 13, 2020
LeAnn ⚖
Purplegiraffe69: In response to your question about the rates daughters have in the Navy, my daughter is a Navy doctor. With your daughter's interest in Corpsman (HM), it may be the most diverse rate for the enlisted - serving within many medical areas and with assignments to Navy and Marine bases. HM offers numerous venues for advanced training. If she accepts HM, once out of A school she should be seeking areas of advanced training - like in the civilian world, opportunities do not fall in the lap but should be sought. My daughter is one of the doctors on the selection committee for HM advanced training at Walter Reed.
With any rate in the Navy, your daughter should research the field and not rely solely upon the recruiter for information. Further, she should not sign on for a rate in which she is not interested with the thought that once at Boot Camp she can switch to another - change in rates based upon preference for another is unlikely. It is better to wait for the desired rate to open even though it may take a few months - the wait time would be "short" in comparison to serving years in one that she dislikes. Additionally, within any rate at any given duty station, there are differences in the command and fellow sailors - akin to any work place in the civilian setting.
Update us once she has her contracted rate!
May 13, 2020
The question regarding rates our daughters selected was sent to all members of the group. It will only show up as a message in your email. It was sent by purplegiraffe69.
May 15, 2020
Oh, and there is a discussion thread that purplegiraffe posted in general discussions which you can access by her profile page if you want to leave comments for her there as well!!
May 15, 2020
Happy Thursday!
Been pretty quiet over here - how's everyone holding up?
Jun 11, 2020
Happy Friday! Missing my girl today, and haven't been on here in a while due to my job and family stuff. Thought I'd reach out and see how you're all doing? She takes her A-school comps Monday for nuke school. She's struggled quite a bit in the program, so I think my mom worries are getting the best of me. Keep her in your prayers this weekend and Monday too please!
Have an amazing weekend, and get outside if you can! Our weather has cooled off again which makes me want to go hike!
Jun 12, 2020
Hi Ladies,
I've been chatting in the Navy for Moms group. They just recommended this group to me since they all have sons and I have a daughter in BC. She left for quarantine on the 28th, so I'm guessing she is processing this week. I haven't heard from her yet, and I'm anxiously waiting for a phone call, text, or letter from her. Thanks for the add to this group. :)
Jun 15, 2020
I'm brand new here, too!
deniseg: I'll be curious to hear what your daughter's quarantine experience is like. I'm hearing and reading so many conflicting things. My daughter doesn't ship to BC till Dec 1, unless they move it up earlier.
Jun 15, 2020
Hi ladies! Oleander is right, we get quiet but we're always here for you!
Congratulations to your daughter Oleander! That's an awesome achievement! Obviously a sign of good parenting :)
Not much is new here. I'm still working from home and my boss said not to worry about coming back until at least July.
My SIL's sub came in last month after a 6 month deployment. He must be happy to be home as I've not heard from my daughter since he returned, other than a quick picture of her holding a chinchilla. Hopefully she won't get any more exotic pets.
Anna, you guys still touring the country?
Jun 15, 2020
ShawnMom - Thank you so much. I am keeping my phone charged, ringer always on. With all the changes it's hard to know when I might actually hear from her. I went into her room last night to put a few things in there and that was hard. It really made me miss her even more. Glad to have the support from this group.
Jennifer - Yes, I will absolutely keep you posted! I'm guessing this week she is processing. Hoping for word from her soon.
Jun 16, 2020
Hello Ladies, so good to hear from several of you and to know that you are all still doing well!!! Welcome to our two new moms, I sent you welcome messages on your profile page. Thank you moms for the words of encouragement and enlightenment for our new moms!! It's wonderful to see the support we give to each other!!
Congratulations Oleander on your daughters recognitions for a job well done!! Bravo Zulu to her!!!
How did your daughter do on her comps? Hope all is going well for her!!!
I will add to enjoy the time you have with your daughter now. My daughter signed up a whole year before she had to report for boot camp and we made several nice plans. But before I knew it she was getting on that bus to report for boot, and I asked myself where that year had gone!!! Be prepared if her time does get moved up!!
Hope you have heard from your girl by now. I am curious to know what the quarantine situation is like for them so if you hear from her please share with us!!
I have been busy of late - still traveling around but have been spending lots of time with each of the kids so that has been the best!!! Officer daughter Jennifer is doing ok, she's bored out of her mind because right now they cannot do any big group teaching and the Navy has banned all non essential travel so she has been finding little jobs to keep herself busy. She is just about finished with her Master's Degree and is due to graduate in August but the University just informed everyone that there will be no inperson graduation!!! Bummer!!
Sailor Son Christopher has been busy because now that he is the Chief he has all kinds of things that he has to deal with!!! He is actually putting in his paperwork to go for Warrant Officer!! He got his endorsement from the Admiral and tomorrow goes before senior officers for the interview process. Next step then is the selection board but that doesn't happen until January. It's a long process - much like going up for Chief!!!
Other than that - all is well here with us - wherever we are!!!!
Stay in touch, stay healthy, and stay safe!!!
Jun 24, 2020
So my daughter just left for BC at 2:00 pm today and I am already overwhelmed with emotions. Any good advise to help me get through this?
Jun 30, 2020
Kaitlynsmom those first hours and days can be the worst! If you haven't gotten the "I'm here" call yet you should know that it's scripted and fast. I coped by starting a letter to her and added to it several times a day. It was a one sided conversation but good for me. We are here for you, we can be quiet but reach out any time and one of us will answer.Be sure to Always have your phone handy and the ringer up. A call can come anytime. When my girl was at BC the calls came from a 947 area code but maybe that's changed?
It's okay to cry and sit in their rooms but remember to come out! Our girls are strong!
What is she doing after BC? My girl is a Nuke on the Bush.
Jun 30, 2020
Good Morning! I finally got a one hour call with my daughter last night! Hooyah! It was so great to hear her voice. It did take almost 6 weeks to hear from her though, so don't despair if you are still waiting. I hope everyone is doing well. Have a great day!
Jul 9, 2020
Oleander - thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm finding it rather difficult to navigate this page so I apologize for my late reply.
JayDee- I did receive that few second call but didn't really help. I'm hoping to receive her letter soon so I have an address. I have actually already written her 3 short but sweet letters to mail just as soon as I receive her address.
She is actually going to A School for CRT.
Thanks ladies for being patient with my reply. Have a great afternoon.
Jul 9, 2020
Good Morning and Happy Friday! We made it through another week!
Oleander - Yes, omg, I was trying so hard not to cry during our call because I was afraid it would make her start crying again! Lol!
Gigi - I guess the phone reception is unpredictable. That I"m a sailor call must have been terrific! I can't wait for mine.
Anti M- Good to know that the Navy dentists are so experienced and trustworthy.
LadyBluefire - Ah, technology! A blessing and a curse lol! Thanks the call made my week!
Partyofseven - Yes, she is emotional to begin with, so I'm not surprised. I also got a letter yesterday from her and she was in a very bad mood. I'm glad she had me to vent to. That's what moms are for! Lol. I wanted to get her wisdom teeth taken out beforehand, but then COVID struck. Ugh.
Jul 10, 2020
LadyBluefire - oops CTR. How long has your daughter been in Pensacola?
Jul 10, 2020
Kaitlynsmom - she has been there since April. She is going to go to C school as well...right now she is #2 in her class. #1 is an Army kid so she has vowed to pass him though their GPA difference is like 0.1% lol. So Close!
Jul 10, 2020
LadyBluefire - sorry don't know what C School is. lol That's awesome that your daughter is #2. Wow 0.1% is nothing. I'm sure if she has vowed to pass him she well. So is she in A School until January?
Jul 10, 2020
Ladies, I fear I was remiss in not acknowledging Anna's birthday last week. Please help me wish a Happy Belated Birthday to our fearless leader!
Sorry Anna :(
Jul 18, 2020
Happy Belated Birthday Anna! I hope it was a good one ;-D
We're in MI right now - B&C are getting married tomorrow. Can't wait!
Jul 18, 2020
Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes!!! Not so sure I'm "fearless" but I so appreciate you thinking so!!!!!
Thank you for the Birthday wishes also!!! Wow, getting married!!! How exciting!!! I wish them all the best!!
Jul 18, 2020
B’sNukeMom; congratulations to the couple.
No leave for my Sailor girl. Guess we are all going through missing physical hugs from them. Restrictions flying into Oahu is delaying our visit to her. Everyone do your part and social distance. I have family members that decided to visit churches with hugs and hand shakes and now they are positive for Covid. 84 year old aunt is in the hospital. When hubby and I go to church we social distance. It is that simple. I strongly dislike wearing a mask. But I wear it to protect and respect others. That is my rant. Missing my girl and want this stuff to get controlled.
Jul 19, 2020
My daughter is shipping out next week, on the 26th. I'm already a mess of emotions lol. Any tips on what she can/cannot take to BC? Can they bring their own brushes/hair/hygiene products?
Also, if anyone has any info on how quarantine is working. From reading through looks like there are a couple of you whose girls left recently.
Thank you! Happy to be here!
Aug 17, 2020
My message for Shoosh:
My daughter graduated Aug. 6. She was quarantined twice, so she was there a long time. My recommendation is to let go. It's hard; harder than I expected. She will be told what she can bring, which is next to nothing. Don't expect to hear from her while she's there and prepare yourself for that. She will be alright and if not, you will be informed. When you speak to her, remember that she is not alone. Don't say anything to make her cry. Believe her when she says she's fine. She's building her stamina.
Aug 17, 2020
Shoosh - be sure to look at the first page on the boot camp group. Phoenixmom just posted the lists this morning of what they can and cannot take.
Also, here's the link to the blog that BelovedByHim posted regarding quarantine - this should give you a good idea of how they are doing things right now:
First things first - quarantine edition
Aug 17, 2020
SailorMom thank you for your advice! Ugh, not looking forward to this.
Aug 17, 2020
B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN thank you for the info!!
Aug 17, 2020
Silly question...can the females bring bras/sports bras?
Aug 19, 2020
Shoosh, probably not. My daughter was told that she might be able to keep hers if it was solid black or solid white. She took both with her and both came back in the box with her clothing. That was in 2015 so you can try and see if things have changed. The worst thing that will happen is that they'll make her put it in the box with her personal belongings. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Aug 19, 2020
Shoosh, btw, NOT a silly question. Any question is game here, we're all here to help.
I've forgotten, what is your daughter doing after boot camp?
Aug 19, 2020
JayDee659 thanks for the reply! we had her 7 day meeting with the recruiter and I asked. Reply "grannie panties and tightey whiteys for everyone" lol
Her rate is OS. I'm starting to get super emotional. I just assumed I would be able to see her between boot camp and A school. Nope. One should never assume. I know we will both be fine, but boy this is hard. And she's not even gone yet!!
Aug 20, 2020
Shoosh - my daughter also ships on 26th! She leaves here on 25th but ships from MEPS 26th. This is my eldest and my first to leave.
Aug 20, 2020
Oleander thanks for your reply and support! Trying to stay present and enjoy each moment. It is tough to let go, she is my baby. I made it through Marine boot camp with my son 10 years ago, honestly this should be a piece of cake!!
119, that is HOT!! You can feel the seasons changing here on the east coast, this week has been beautiful warm days and cool nights. Sad to see summer end. I love fall, but hate what comes after that!!
Aug 21, 2020
VillageMum so you're feeling all the things I am!! It's so hard, I'm happy, excited for her to spread her wings and have some adventures, but I am going to miss her like crazy. I just keep telling myself, 8-10 weeks. And then we will be able to talk on a regular basis (I hope) :)
Really just so thankful for this website!! We are not alone! And neither are our girls.
Aug 21, 2020
Shoosh and VillageMum, it doesn't seem like it now, but you'll look back at BC and think "that wasn't so bad". It's amazing how quickly it can pass. You raised incredible daughters who want to serve their country. That right there makes you awesome moms! You'll find that being a military mom, which sometimes hard, has the best rewards, not the least of which is the instant bond with other military moms. I met some of my best friends right here on this site.
Aug 21, 2020
JayDee659 thank you - I keep telling my daughter the same thing. It's really such a short time and then she can get on and do what it is she has been wanting to do for years. :)
Shoosh - yep! I was great with her joining, traveling, learning, moving on and enjoying life doing what it is she wants to do. Until I realized it means her actually leaving home LOL. We'll be making the most of this weekend with her. Getting the last of what she needs for ROM & RTC, packing a bag for A-School and just having fun together.
Aug 21, 2020
I know that it feels so difficult and sometimes unbearable when they leave for BC but since we are on the other side of that just know that it is going to go by so fast.. Remember this is their journey and new adventure.. We thought that the worst was over but now our daughter has been stuck in Spain and is unable to take any leave so it will be probably a year and a half by the times we get to see her again.. We saw her for a couple weeks last November but now they are making everyone stay in place.. it is soooo hard!! We miss her so much and we never thought it would ever be this long in between visits. We do talk on the phone/snapchat everyday which is great but its not the same.. Just don't have any expectations... they belong to the Navy now. My daughter reminds me of that all the time.. She loves her job which makes it easier..Hang in there!! She too is our Oldest and I have 2 boys but she is the only one who wants to serve..we didn't expect it at all when she told us.. She left for BC at 19.
Aug 22, 2020
My girl left yesterday for BC. She was able to call me as soon as she landed (thanks for that tip) and we chatted briefly and then she called her dad. The scripted call came at 8:45pm, earlier than I had thought. I honestly didn't hear all she said as I was telling her that I loved her and to be strong. I did hear "arrived safely, quarantine 2 weeks, call again soon." She sounded ok, maybe a bit scared.
Not sure how I will get through this, but I know I will. I didn't think about how many little things will set me off...like making a grocery list!!! Trying to stay busy and not think too much.
VillageMum how are you holding up?
Thankful for all of you.
Aug 27, 2020
Shoosh isn't it wonderful to hear their voice? My girl called at 2 am, her dad picked up and it was so fast that I never spoke to her. It's a very scripted call and they are rushed through it. It was probably more that in her voice. She will do great! Hang in there momma!
Aug 27, 2020
Struggling today ladies!! I feel like I've been doing ok, but today feels different. I think it's starting to sink in. I had her leave me a voicemail before she left but I haven't listened to it yet. Miss her so much.
Aug 29, 2020
I know exactly how you feel! My twin girls BOTH left this month, waiting to hear something.
Aug 29, 2020
Well said Oleander.
Holding you in my Prayers. HUGS
NavyMom Strong
Aug 31, 2020
Shoosh - I had my 3rd SR leave me a VM and sometimes it was harder hearing it than not. My 4th one, I asked him and he forgot.
As for my daughter (SR#1) - she calls us several times a week, SR #2 only when his ship is going on a fast cruise or underway, lol. So while this dark time is hard on these Navy allergies once at A school the sky opens and birds start chirping.
SR#3 should be PIR this week and SR#4 is at Ft MCCoy and will turn 18 before he PIRs.
Aug 31, 2020
I'm trying to get my laptop up and running because I cannot see anything on my phone it's so tiny that I can't read anything so hopefully I'll get it going this week so I can become involved and leave messages.
Aug 31, 2020