I am a mother of three sons and live in the Chicagoland area. My "middle" son - he is a twin so it is arguable that those seven minutes count - will graduate boot camp on October 7th and will receive his education in South Carolina as a Navy Nuke.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
To stay supportive, encouraging and loving. They need to learn lessons on their own but know we, as their mothers, have their backs and love them a little more every day.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.
You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
We are happy to have you on the Navy for Moms site. You are invited to join either the Illinois or Missouri family page as listed below. It is a great way to find families in your area and even help plan meet and greets. We also have some packing parties for our troops overseas getting together.
Looking forward to hearing from you in one of our groups!
Be sure and let me know if you have any questions!
PS. Feel free to cruise my page and see if there are any other groups that interest you. One of my passions is supporting our deployed troops. Check out http://www.navyformoms.com/group/mollysadoptasailorproject and see if it is a group you may like to join.
Hi Kimberly, thank you for the friend request, my son is in ship 09 div 331, looking forward to PIR and seeing my son, I am from California and just have the one son, his training will be in Florida as Aviation Tech. And hoping all goes well in Battle Stations next week for all our recruits. Take care, hope to talk to you soon. Gina
My son is Andrew. Last we knew, he had asked for MM but I don't know if it was approved...???? You are so lucky to live close - we are in Michigan and I'm glad we're only 5 1/2 hours away - I'd love to be able to have a graduation party!!! I'm excited for you!!!
Thanks so much for the info, Kimberly. This is our first experience with the military. Things you forget to ask - I fall in that category. I will be looking for more info from you as time passes - thanks for the good word about time off in Jan. We were wondering if he'd be home for Christmas....my vacation time from work is being exhausted with the graduation. So I was hoping for time off after the first of the new year!!!!
Hi Kimberley not sure how much time after graduation I will have with him, he might fly out Saturday, so we just might be able to go to the airport with him too, and spend whatever time we have together there. But I will not know till he let's me know, so I am just waiting. That is sooo great! Your son can come home for graduation! My son would be giving me his list of food he wants, in a letter he wrote to me, he said "mom I miss your home cooking". Will you be at the meet & greet? If so how is it, hope to see you there. Can we take pictures at the graduation? Anything I should know let me know. Gina, have a good night!
Once again, thanks for all the info. I'm definitely checking our the Nukes site. We will be at the airport in the evening or whenever waiting for him to leave for GC. Hope to see you then! We are getting soooo close!! Looking back, the time has flown! Thank goodness...
Thank you Kimberly, just thinking about it and reading your experience, brings a tear to my eyes, good I will bring his phone, I will just have to give it to him at the airport. Do you think whoever yelled f..... You will be in trouble, or maybe will not be able to graduate? You sure will be a busy bee getting everything ready for your son, I would do the same too, my son already told me, when he gets to come home, he wants me to cook, and I gladly will for him. What time should we be there to try to get as close as possible? The dress, I thought comfort but nice, what do you think? Is it getting cold over there? Thank you, Gina
Hi Kimberly, we are in orange county area, in the city of La Habra, thank you for the info. Do you think I should get my son a gift, not sure what I can get him, or should I?what do other parents do? I did order a couple of ribbons from Lora, do you know of a good steak place? Or should I ask the hotel for suggestions. Good luck to our sons this week I wish them all the very best. Ttyl, Gina
Thank you sooo much kimberly, I had no idea there schedule of tests this week, I usually receive my letters on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but my son is of very few words on paper! Lol, I hope to get something today in the mail! Wow there week is sure busy, I will have my cell phone by my side at all times just in case I step out, so I can get the Sailor call, I can't believe it 10 more days! Thank you for updating me with everything that sure helps, hope we chat again, but if not, have fun having your Son home for the day, and enjoy cooking all that good food he requested he sure deserves it, I would do the same. Take care, Gina
Hi Kimberly, The latest letter from Andy said that he knows and likes Zach - HOORAY friends at GC. I can't wait until next week. I'll be glad to email pictures from PIR to you if you'd like. Will you be going to the airport in the evening before they leave?
Navy for Moms Admin
Welcome to Navy For Moms!
You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.
Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
Sep 7, 2011
Sep 8, 2011
Hi and Welcome.
We are happy to have you on the Navy for Moms site. You are invited to join either the Illinois or Missouri family page as listed below. It is a great way to find families in your area and even help plan meet and greets. We also have some packing parties for our troops overseas getting together.
Looking forward to hearing from you in one of our groups!
Be sure and let me know if you have any questions!
PS. Feel free to cruise my page and see if there are any other groups that interest you. One of my passions is supporting our deployed troops. Check out http://www.navyformoms.com/group/mollysadoptasailorproject and see if it is a group you may like to join.
Sep 11, 2011
Gina (Ship 09/ Div 331)
Sep 22, 2011
Hi Kimberly,
Thanks for the friend request. My son is also going to the Nuke program. Looking forward to meeting you at PIR!!!
Sep 22, 2011
My son is Andrew. Last we knew, he had asked for MM but I don't know if it was approved...???? You are so lucky to live close - we are in Michigan and I'm glad we're only 5 1/2 hours away - I'd love to be able to have a graduation party!!! I'm excited for you!!!
Sep 23, 2011
Thanks so much for the info, Kimberly. This is our first experience with the military. Things you forget to ask - I fall in that category. I will be looking for more info from you as time passes - thanks for the good word about time off in Jan. We were wondering if he'd be home for Christmas....my vacation time from work is being exhausted with the graduation. So I was hoping for time off after the first of the new year!!!!
Sep 23, 2011
Gina (Ship 09/ Div 331)
Sep 23, 2011
Once again, thanks for all the info. I'm definitely checking our the Nukes site. We will be at the airport in the evening or whenever waiting for him to leave for GC. Hope to see you then! We are getting soooo close!! Looking back, the time has flown! Thank goodness...
Have a good weekend!
Sep 24, 2011
Gina (Ship 09/ Div 331)
Sep 25, 2011
Gina (Ship 09/ Div 331)
Sep 25, 2011
Gina (Ship 09/ Div 331)
Sep 25, 2011
Gina (Ship 09/ Div 331)
Sep 28, 2011
Hi Kimberly, The latest letter from Andy said that he knows and likes Zach - HOORAY friends at GC. I can't wait until next week. I'll be glad to email pictures from PIR to you if you'd like. Will you be going to the airport in the evening before they leave?
Oct 1, 2011