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Hi. Please accept my deepest sympathies. My son is a sailor on the Boxer and if you ever wanted to talk please message me. When the ship returns from deployment we the family members of the Boxer are trying to put together a walk in your sons and all those lost at seas honor. Please let me know your thoughts or if you disagree.
I can't find the words. My deepest sympathy to you. I am a Boxer mom and you will always be a part of our group and the entire navy for moms group. Let me know if there is anything that you need.
Years ago when the daughter of a family friend passed away, we created memory cards which were handed out at her service. They were printed on 8.5x11 card stock (cut into 2). On one side was a photo of her along with her favorite poem. Reverse side reserved for any comments her friends wanted to add. Her parents cherished the cards - read the words often. I am in CA. If you like, I can create the cards and send to you in a pdf file - if you have a family friend who can print them. I can print them too but don't know if we have enough time. I have sent you a friend request. Take care.
May you experience the peace that passes all understanding as you grieve the loss of your precious son, Matthew. May God comfort you and may you sense His closeness. Much Love, Laura
I can definitely get it done tonight. Please send me one or two photos of Matthew. His favorite words (thoughts). Find a photo that is a high resolution one if possible.
Melody, are you going to be printing them yourself? I could send the pdf file or jpg file to you or upload it here. You just have to save it to your hard disc. If you are going to have Kinkos print them, then I should send the files directly to kindos. I would print the front first. Then flip the sheet over and print the back 3-4 sheets at a time. Then cut in half. I suggest printing them on 8.5x11 card stock.
If you think you are going to have a hard time print on both sides, we can alter the card, so you print on one side only, fold it in half - the memories words can be written on the inside.
I am full of sorrow, my heart is breaking. My son is also on the Boxer, he is the same age as your son. He turned 21 on the ship in June. Words could never express the grief I feel.Please know, Matt will never be forgotten. I am proud of him, I grieve for you. May God bless you and your family, and help you through this terrible time. A piece of my heart will always be with your son.
I am in CA. If you see this early in the morning, let me know what changes you may want. I could take the poem off. Enlarge photo. Use different color font. I will be in and out most of the day with work. I'll try to make the changes before tomorrow night.
God Bless you and your family. May God grant you peace through this most difficult time and always. You are handeling this with an incredible amount of strength. I admire you much. <3 As your Navy family if there is anything I can do for you please let me know. (((((((HUGS)))))))))
My deepest condolences to you and your family. You have written beautifully about your son and painted a great portrait. He was amazing! May your memories of him and the love that you will always carry for him sustain you. God truly blesses us and honors us when he chooses a son for us to bring into the world.....please know that you have a wonderful support group and we are all here for you. Blessings during this difficult time!
I hope that time has eased some of your pain, and may the love of you son forever be in the hearts and minds of all who have given the ultimate ssacrifice. Please know that my heart is always with you and your family.
I was just looking at some of the precious photos of your matthew. I can't imagine as a mom the pain you are feeling. I don't know if I will ever have the right words for you. Please remember that the loss fo Matthew is a grim reminder that god does not promise tommorrow, and we need to hold our loved ones near. Again, I am sorry for your loss.
Just a quick note to let you know that ads I am celebrating the Homecoming of my sailor, I still greive for you. I hope that time is helping to ease some of your pain.
Thank you for the blessings for my son, my Blessings for you and your family for God to Ease your Pain saw your sons fotos a Treasure Lots of Hugs for You and your family
hi i am a mum who has a son on the boxer and i live in arizona and today i saw a blog about a sailor on the uss reagan his family was driving a car from texas was in a car accident in arizona on there way to san deigo to see there son sean the motther father and brother died nobody knows how much pain that sailor is in but you do i was hoping maybe there was something you could say to help him i am heartbroken for himand wish i could do something
I just wanted to let you know that I still think of Matthew. Doing the memory cards and looking at his photos made me feel like I knew him just a little. I hope you are doing OK. Please know that there are many of us here for you if you need us. I lost my best friend from high school last week. I feel cheated, especially since we were not able to connect after finding each other on FB. I like to think that my friend and Matthew are both reaching out across the space to let us know that they are OK too.
Navy for Moms Admin
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Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
Jul 29, 2011
My most heartfelt thoughts are with you, mom!
Jul 30, 2011
Aug 3, 2011
Terri(Machinist Mate Mom)
Aug 3, 2011
I can't find the words. My deepest sympathy to you. I am a Boxer mom and you will always be a part of our group and the entire navy for moms group. Let me know if there is anything that you need.
Aug 3, 2011
Dear Melody,
Years ago when the daughter of a family friend passed away, we created memory cards which were handed out at her service. They were printed on 8.5x11 card stock (cut into 2). On one side was a photo of her along with her favorite poem. Reverse side reserved for any comments her friends wanted to add. Her parents cherished the cards - read the words often. I am in CA. If you like, I can create the cards and send to you in a pdf file - if you have a family friend who can print them. I can print them too but don't know if we have enough time. I have sent you a friend request. Take care.
Aug 3, 2011
Lovemynavyson (Ship02/DIV933)
Dear Melody,
May you experience the peace that passes all understanding as you grieve the loss of your precious son, Matthew. May God comfort you and may you sense His closeness. Much Love, Laura
Aug 3, 2011
Aug 4, 2011
Melody, are you going to be printing them yourself? I could send the pdf file or jpg file to you or upload it here. You just have to save it to your hard disc. If you are going to have Kinkos print them, then I should send the files directly to kindos. I would print the front first. Then flip the sheet over and print the back 3-4 sheets at a time. Then cut in half. I suggest printing them on 8.5x11 card stock.
If you think you are going to have a hard time print on both sides, we can alter the card, so you print on one side only, fold it in half - the memories words can be written on the inside.
Sample coming in a few minutes.
Aug 4, 2011
Aug 4, 2011
I made these on MS Publisher. If you know how to use it. I can send you the file. Otherwise, let me know what you would like to change.
Love, BQB.
Aug 4, 2011
Aug 5, 2011
Aug 5, 2011
Aug 5, 2011
OK. I changed the year from 1988 to 1990. The first posted at 1:45 am you can print on 8.5x11 and fold it over - inside won't have any printing.
The next two are the back and front - printed on both sides, cut down the middle - they'll be like cards. Here are the files.
memories2.pdf (contains both front and back)
I am in CA. If you see this early in the morning, let me know what changes you may want. I could take the poem off. Enlarge photo. Use different color font. I will be in and out most of the day with work. I'll try to make the changes before tomorrow night.
Don't feel any obligation to use them. Take care.
Aug 5, 2011
Got your photos and will email to you by regular email in pdf and jpg formats.
Take care.
Aug 5, 2011
God Bless you and your family. May God grant you peace through this most difficult time and always. You are handeling this with an incredible amount of strength. I admire you much. <3 As your Navy family if there is anything I can do for you please let me know. (((((((HUGS)))))))))
Aug 5, 2011
Aug 8, 2011
Aug 14, 2011
Aug 14, 2011
Aug 30, 2011
Aug 30, 2011
Please let me know how you are doing? I hope that god has eased some of your pain.
Sep 8, 2011
mom 56
Sep 16, 2011
Oct 27, 2011
Thinking of you and wishiing you peace during these times of sorrow.
Dec 16, 2011
I just wanted to let you know that I still think of Matthew. Doing the memory cards and looking at his photos made me feel like I knew him just a little. I hope you are doing OK. Please know that there are many of us here for you if you need us. I lost my best friend from high school last week. I feel cheated, especially since we were not able to connect after finding each other on FB. I like to think that my friend and Matthew are both reaching out across the space to let us know that they are OK too.
Regards, BQB.
Dec 21, 2011