You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
Last night's dinner was short but wonderful! My MIL got to join us also. He had to be back at the hotel for a meeting at 8:30, so my husband took him back. - He'll be at MEPS today & fly out this evening..I'm doing ok, but do miss him.
My other son will still be home for 2 more years & will keep me very busy with all his activities. Hoping that will keep my mind occupied..
How are you doing:)...
WOW! I'll be praying for you to get through these next few months.. I have a 16 year old still at home who's talking about the Air Force. I actually don't know what I'd do without him still around.. But I have 2 years to prepare myself for when he leaves the nest:)
Yes. I will be at graduation. If my calculations are correct it should be September 14th..? My husband, my mom, & his mom will be there too.
I'm actually doing great! Trying to stay busy. I do work outside the house & that is helping.. Yea. The first call, the "I'm here" call, doesn't last more than 15 seconds:(. Mine was about 10 seconds: "Mom, I'm here. You'll get my box with information in it within 2 weeks. And that's all I've gotta say right now. Talk to you later." They're moving them along like cattle because the RDC's have SO much to cover!.. Yes. A letter will come before a call, usually about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. I think the boys' first letter writing opportunity will be Sunday, but it could be the following Sunday:(.. I'm a planner too, Girl, & it's driving me CRAZY not knowing much!!.. Have a awesome day!
Hello Jordansmom, nice to meet up with someone who is on the same time line with our sons!! Waiting for the letter to come soon, so I can write and send him phone cards. I am looking forward to touching base with you!
Hi, yes I am glad to have found someone whos son is on the same ship/div as my son. My son also left on the 17th, I received the call that night and yesterday received the box, but still no letter :/. Cant wait for that so we can book airline tickets, but I need to confirm the PIR date first. There is alot of great information on this site for PIR weekend. I am doing as well as can be expected, Simon is my only son so it has been way too quiet around my house. But as long as he is ok I will be ok :). How are ya'll adjusting? his siblings must miss him as well. It sure is a hard adjustment. I wrote a letter to him last night and told him I connected with a mom and gave him your sons first name and told him they should look out for each other as I am sure they all are doing anyway. Well, we will have to keep in touch and I will for sure see you in 7weeks :)
Navy for Moms Admin
Welcome to NAVYForMoms!
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Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
Jul 16, 2012
Last night's dinner was short but wonderful! My MIL got to join us also. He had to be back at the hotel for a meeting at 8:30, so my husband took him back. - He'll be at MEPS today & fly out this evening..I'm doing ok, but do miss him.
My other son will still be home for 2 more years & will keep me very busy with all his activities. Hoping that will keep my mind occupied..
How are you doing:)...
Jul 17, 2012
WOW! I'll be praying for you to get through these next few months.. I have a 16 year old still at home who's talking about the Air Force. I actually don't know what I'd do without him still around.. But I have 2 years to prepare myself for when he leaves the nest:)
Yes. I will be at graduation. If my calculations are correct it should be September 14th..? My husband, my mom, & his mom will be there too.
You got your "I'm here" call last night?...
Jul 18, 2012
FresnoNavyMom (Nuke School)
Hi! My son also left for boot camp on July 17. I saw your post in the Christian group and wanted to say hi.
Jul 18, 2012
I'm actually doing great! Trying to stay busy. I do work outside the house & that is helping.. Yea. The first call, the "I'm here" call, doesn't last more than 15 seconds:(. Mine was about 10 seconds: "Mom, I'm here. You'll get my box with information in it within 2 weeks. And that's all I've gotta say right now. Talk to you later." They're moving them along like cattle because the RDC's have SO much to cover!.. Yes. A letter will come before a call, usually about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. I think the boys' first letter writing opportunity will be Sunday, but it could be the following Sunday:(.. I'm a planner too, Girl, & it's driving me CRAZY not knowing much!!.. Have a awesome day!
Jul 20, 2012
Hello Jordansmom, nice to meet up with someone who is on the same time line with our sons!! Waiting for the letter to come soon, so I can write and send him phone cards. I am looking forward to touching base with you!
Jul 20, 2012
happyfeet(ship 09/Div 288)
Hi Jordansmom! Glad to be your friend! I just found out my daughters info ship 09/Div 288, yaay! Do you know yet?
Jul 23, 2012
Chriss ship14 Div292
Yah, Finally found someone who's Son is on the same Ship and Div.!!
Jul 23, 2012
Mike's Mom (S-PACT/Yokosuka,JP)
Jul 24, 2012
Chriss ship14 Div292
Hi, yes I am glad to have found someone whos son is on the same ship/div as my son. My son also left on the 17th, I received the call that night and yesterday received the box, but still no letter :/. Cant wait for that so we can book airline tickets, but I need to confirm the PIR date first. There is alot of great information on this site for PIR weekend. I am doing as well as can be expected, Simon is my only son so it has been way too quiet around my house. But as long as he is ok I will be ok :). How are ya'll adjusting? his siblings must miss him as well. It sure is a hard adjustment. I wrote a letter to him last night and told him I connected with a mom and gave him your sons first name and told him they should look out for each other as I am sure they all are doing anyway. Well, we will have to keep in touch and I will for sure see you in 7weeks :)
Jul 24, 2012