Well when I say temporary I mean we are just out here for his training :) and we are waiting on his permanent orders since he finishes school in less than a month!
Good morning! My husband is stationed in WA and attached to the WIZARDS squadron! I'll be joining him in WA, when he returns from his first deployment with the USS JOHN C. STENNIS. Sooo ready to see him!
Urabisswife thanks for the suggestion! I think I'm going to like living up there. Can't wait until we are finally reunited under one roof. I don't know exactly where I'll be living now because my husband can't make up his mind. :)
Adriane you are welcome :P I hope you like it up here. the sun is finally starting to show I haven't seen it what seems like all winter lol. people say its really pretty up here during the summer. we live off base, but it was hard trying to find a home big enough with the right price. I know a lot of people live in base housing. make sure you guys go to the homes to check them out. the pictures on line are not what they seem to be lol .
My husband said in a letter that I will be able to accompany him to his A school in Pensacola, FL because he will also have C school there. So I believe the Navy has to pay for my move since that is a whole year. I really hope this is true, but when will I find out? Will they send me a letter with his orders a few days before PIR or is that something he can hand me when I see him? Do you know anything about that? Thanks for all your help :-)
ohwhere:::: if he will be in school for longer than 6 months they will move you out to where he is. as far as if they add A school and C school together I don't know. im sure he will know more when he gets checked into A school. they may have info for you when you see him at graduation, but im not for sure on that....what is your husband job going to be. b/c know my husband went to A school in Pensacola and he did C school at his first command .
Hi Everyone, My husband (MA) will be picking orders soon. We would like to go overseas again (Bahrain 2009-2011) and I would like to know from others where they have lived overseas and what were some of the good and bad things they did not like about that doing station. I plan on working, so please let me know if their were jobs for spouses - I have a Master's degree. In addition, we have teenager in high school whom will be graduating at our next duty station. So, I want to ensure she goes to a great school as well as enjoy her time in her last 2 years of high school.
Thanks UrabissWife for responding. It's been frustrating not getting any answers and now after reading more info I am not getting too excited about the Navy actually moving our stuff because it sounds like it might not happen. I'm going to try and calm down and just know it's out of my hands either way and when I find out I find out. I'm just so antsy to see my husband. I haven't gotten any calls for more than two weeks and only get a letter once a week. I'm very thankful for the letters but all the stuff he writes is almost two weeks old by the time I get to respond to it and get any kind of feedback. Only 14 more days till PIR and then things will get better. Man this is hard, missing him is one thing but NO communication is another… I hadn’t really understood what that meant until now. I’m having a bit of an emotional day today. But it’s Thursday and that means LETTER DAY so I will be floating on clouds soon. Take care everyone and thanks for all the helpful information.
I know its really hard. I was in your shoes last summer. I knew what we were getting into, but nothing could prepare for what to expect. no communication was the hardest for me also. I was use to talking to my husband every single day. than bammm nothing. the letters being behind didn't bother me, I think b/c I was so overwhelmed in actually getting a letter :P than again he never really gave me any feedback. didn't answer and questions, he just wrote. I don't know your situation exactl, but this is what I did. I moved down to Pensacola while my husband was in A school. we don't have any kids, so that was a big thing. I loaded my car up with what I could and made the long drive down there. when he went to basic I moved in with my sister, so all of our stuff was in storage anyway. I made arrangements to make payments over the phone with them b/c I was leaving. I stayed at an extended stay there in Pensacola. it was like a hotel setting, but we paid monthly. it wasn't too expensive either. there were more cheap places, but they were super ghetto! and there were more expensive places, but too expensive. when I went down there, I seen my husband every single day, and he got to stay on the weekends. then he got foxtrotted and he was able to stay all week with me, and just go to school. there are probably a LOT of people telling you "he will be too busy with school" don't listen to them. it frustrates me. unless they have been there, don't listen to them. there were some days I didn't get much time with him, but not because school, because he had watch.....keep in mind everyone's experience in the navy will be different you just have to live and learn. some girls I talked to filled my head with crap .. nothing they said was true. a lot has changed today than even 2 years ago. if you need any info on Pensacola, I can help you out... or if you just wanna vent, girl im here. I know what you are going through. <3
Oh my god thank you so much UrabissWife. Thanks for friending me. I will defiantly be hitting you up with tons of questions especially about the hotel you stayed at. If the Navy doesn't move me than I'm going to put everything in storage too. The only difficult thing for me is my cat. I'm afraid I won't be able to find an extended stay hotel that allow pets and isn't ghetto. So yes after PIR I will be inundating you with questions. I feel so much better. You are so right people don't really know what they are talking about and you gotta just try and do what's right for you. Talk to you soon :-)
Oh yeah to answer your earlier question my husband’s rating is IT and he was told that his A & C school are both going to be in Pensacola FL. He signed a 6 year contract so I think that means a guaranteed spot in A & C school if I understand it correctly.
Hey everyone, my husband is currently in bootcamp. He will be graduating June 21st. I haven't gotten a call or letter, so I don't know where we are going, but I was wondering if anyone here knows how things work after book camp. I know that he will be going to "A" school, but in wondering if anyone knows how that works for spouses, do I go with him, get sent to our assigned base, or stay here while he's doing that. Also does anyone know how long before they get their first phone call?
The first phone call is not something is guaranteed in fact I got my first call from my husband the last Saturday of bootcamp. Some times they miss it or lose the privilege of calling. So hope for one but don't get so strung out over it either. You should be getting your first letter soon.
What is his job? Depending on that is how you will know if the school is long enough for you to move with him. If it is not 24 weeks or longer you won't be authorized for a move. By the Navy's standard not your own of course. He only gets orders after school is over so you won't know where you will be assigned till then. Trust me it is driving me insane right now! To be moving and what not.
Yea it's driving me insane too, he's intel, I haven't heard anything yet so Idk how long school will be. If he's only doing four months, do I stay home until then? Also did u get ur military I'd yet I haven't gotten mine, I'm not sure how to get all that started.
hey dijana how many he gets and when he gets them are all up to his RDCs unfortunately. I got a total of 5 calls from my husband when we was at basic. i looked online and it says IS go to a school for 89 days. so if that is his rate, that's how long he will be gone. which could be longer depending on how long it takes him to class up or is he is on hold. you wont find out where his fist command will be until he is all done with school. and you wont be able to move there until he gets his orders. you can stay home or you can go out to where his school is. my husbands a school was only a month long. and i went to be with him. i just stayed at an extended stay and i was able to see him every day. but being an IS they have to have top security clearance so im not sure how that will effect his schooling. and for your military ID you have to wait until your DEERS forms come with the paperwork he is sending. it will have your insurance info and dental info in there as well. once you get that paper work you go to the nearest location that makes them and get your ID :)
Than, you for your comment, it explained a lot. My husband has so far only been gone a little over a week, so I haven't heard anything yet. I did receive the letter of where to send my letters as well as the box of belongings. I have to admit that even this little bit of the whole journey has been pretty rough. I hate not knowing anything or not being able to talk to him. I'm dying to find out what's going to happen to us after bootcamp, so far ive had a lot of ppl say that he will go on to A school and ill stay here and wait for him to get orders. He was under the assumption that we'd both be able to go to. His A school destination together but I don't think that will happen.
the navy wont move you that is for sure. you can go down there and be with him though. just on your on expense. that's great that they have phases at the school, my husband had phases also so that means he will have free time. and welcome to the navy life, not knowing anything . and I promise you that does not change :P drives me crazy! my husbands deployment has been changed 3 times and his DETS have changed so much I don't even remember how many times. keep in mind, if you move to be with him, the navy will only pay for you to move where you are now, b//c that is where your BAH is for. and since the navy doesn't move you to be with him, your BAH location will not change. yes the NRTC FB page still does the pictures :P I wasn't lucky enough to see my husband but they post new pictures all the time :)
Every A school has phases. And BAH does change even the Navy does not move you, like if you move yourself to be with your husband during his A school for only 3 months. BAH changes for whatever zip code you reside in while your husband is in school, AS LONG AS HE UPDATES HIS PAGE 2. The only reason BAH would not get changed is if he doesn't update his page 2.
My husband has A school here in great lakes and his school is s about 6 months. The military paid me back for my move. I packed everything myself and drove it to great lakes. My husband got us a house after he was in school for only two weeks once he went to phase 2. So if he is in school more than 6 months they will move you. I knew where his school was going g to be before he ever left for boot camp because of his rank. Everyone has different stories though but I called fleet and family several times to get my facts and then waited on my husbands letters which had the same info.
not every A school has phases....I suppose its different depending on the situation because we were told BAH would not change because the navy didn't approve of me going to be with my husband.... just an example of how everyone's experience in the navy is different
As fare as BAH and page 2...I was on my husband's order to move, he updated his page 2 but they kept giving us BAH for our old zip code. Originally he was told told BAH wouldn't change until I moved. However BAH changes on day of PIR because his school is over 20 weeks. We now owe them back the difference in BAH for several months. They said just because page 2 is updated doesn't mean the Sailor's LES is updated...that was our experience as UravissWife said, everyone's experience is different.
We had decided if the Navy didn't move us, I was going to put every thing in storage and stay with family. Then use BAH to go visit a few times on weekends.
Urabisswife, sorry to tell you, someone probably just didn't want to do the paperwork. That's not true. While your husband is in school they are supposed to give you BAH for where ever YOU live (not him-you as the spouse). Whether that is you stay at home or move with him. I also was not "approved" to move with my husband. They can't approve or disapprove it - they can only pay or not pay for the move. But they still changed our BAH because I was now residing in a different location. Some commands require a copy of the lease though to update your address and change BAH, so since you were living in a hotel and not an apartment, I don't know if they would have been able to update that anyway.
RebeccaProudNavyWife, the LES is the Leave and Earnings Statement-basically it's their pay stub. It just reflects how much they get paid. It can be found on my pay. When their page 2 is updated with a new address it can take a couple of pay periods to kick in. It is our husband's responsibilities to check their LES's to make sure their pay is correct because the military does like to screw up pay but I haven't heard of BAH being changed before the spouse moves.
Does anyone have info on moving to pcola? My husband is there fòr A school for 6 months. Just got there about a week ago. I want to move myself and my son out there. I believe this has to be a do it yourself move. Any info will e helpful! I've already called fleet and family support left a couple of voicemails.
Abuon18 Yes, :) the information you said is what we have. :)
It was our understanding that BAH wouldn't change till I move but the guy in the office told us it changes on PIR date because I was on his orders.He could have filled out a chit to keep the BAH to my location until i moved.
We look very closely at the LES every month and had the understanding it takes a month or so, as you said. But by the time you add in how long it took me to move here and the month of waiting to see the changes, it was 4 months. My husband went in as soon as he could to change it. We knew there can be a mix up on the pay so we saved the difference in BAH, just thought it was 1 month not 4. The gentleman also said that it is a separate task to change the LES to reflect on BAH.
Has anyone's husband been at NAS in pensacola? My husband has been there for 2 weeks and hasn't started class yet. He says he is in backlog waiting to start class. Can anyone give me any kind of idea how long back log is? The longer he is waiting, the longer before he comes home :/
There is no way to tell how long it could be, just hope it is soon. My husband spent two months at Corry Base in Pensacola before classing up but don't be alarmed every class works at its own pace.
Hi all my husband is in BC and I wanted to know when his form letter comes in will that include the DEERS pkg and such? Also will it come in my mail box or delivery? Any info would be great. :) Thank you ahead of time.
Navywife, my husband was recently there are NAS Pcola. it took my husband a month to class up. it just all depends on what is going on there. make sure to tell him to get all of his quals done ASAP. you can always go see him :) I stayed a month there in Pcola to be with my husband. it was amazing!
Ladyshai, my DEERS/insurance paperwork came separately. You should get the form packet then the DEERS. my husbands paperwork got messed up because he asked a question he was not allowed to mail his address to me until later, so I got his form packet a week after I got the DEERS packet. it will come in your mailbox :) let me know if you have any other questions I can try and help you out
I was just about to post that same question! My husband left for BC on the 15th, too! I am due with our first child on June 18th, so I am anxiously awaiting the DEERS package so I can be sure to have all our insurance info ready for when our baby girl gets here. Last thing I want to deal with is hunting down insurance info between contractions!
Congrats on your first baby girl! Babies are pure bliss! I hear you on the insurance and understand why you would be eagerly looking for it. It will be coming soon I am sure. :) Have you received the box and/or form letter yet? Don't stress to much. I second that thanks to Urabisswife <3
Bryler, even if you do go into labor, they navy shouldcover you. just b/c you don't have the insurance or DEERs packet doesn't mean you are not in the system. they put you in the system long before you get the info. once you get your military ID you already have basic insurance. b/c you are having a baby I suggest you fill out the paper work to get Tricare prime. with Prime you don't have to pay a penny for anything. at least I haven't had to will all the times ive had to go to the doctor/ER :P make sure as soon as you get your info that you call Tricare and get your doctor set up. that way you can be prepared for that baby :) ....the navy assigns you a doctor ....if you live away from a base you should be able to pick your doctor with prime. but only some doctors take Tricare.
i wonder if there is away you can call Tricare and get that paperwork on its way since it takes about a month for it to get going and you are due soon. i would try and call them. you should only need your husbands social security number. and explain your situation. they are normally really nice. if you get someone who is rude just hang up and call back :) here is the link http://www.tricare.mil/ContactUs.aspx
Thank you UrabissWife! I will definitely be calling them to get everything going asap! I qualify for Tricare Prime Remote, so I will be able to use the hospital that I was planning on delivering at - just have to get all the paperwork set up.
I will be heading to San Diego next week!
Mar 1, 2013
abuon18 thats what we hope for too ! and donika thats great hopefully we can all meet one day !
Mar 7, 2013
Mar 7, 2013
Mar 9, 2013
Adriane does that mean you will be stationed on nas Whidbey island??
Mar 12, 2013
we are on Whidbey island my husband is with the garudas :)
Mar 12, 2013
Mar 12, 2013
Awww, I just moved from Whidbey in September and I miss it so much. Hubby was with the now decommed Rangers, VQ-2.
Mar 14, 2013
Mar 15, 2013
there is a facebook for Whidbey island navy wives. you should check it out.
Mar 19, 2013
Mar 22, 2013
Mar 23, 2013
Ashley it took a month and a couple days for my husbands pay to kick in
Mar 25, 2013
Adriane you are welcome :P I hope you like it up here. the sun is finally starting to show I haven't seen it what seems like all winter lol. people say its really pretty up here during the summer. we live off base, but it was hard trying to find a home big enough with the right price. I know a lot of people live in base housing. make sure you guys go to the homes to check them out. the pictures on line are not what they seem to be lol .
Mar 25, 2013
Question for all you Wives:
My husband said in a letter that I will be able to accompany him to his A school in Pensacola, FL because he will also have C school there. So I believe the Navy has to pay for my move since that is a whole year. I really hope this is true, but when will I find out? Will they send me a letter with his orders a few days before PIR or is that something he can hand me when I see him? Do you know anything about that? Thanks for all your help :-)
Mar 25, 2013
NavyWife09 Ship 3 Div 193
Just found out my husband is in Ship 3, Division 193? Anybody else in the same division?
Mar 26, 2013
ohwhere:::: if he will be in school for longer than 6 months they will move you out to where he is. as far as if they add A school and C school together I don't know. im sure he will know more when he gets checked into A school. they may have info for you when you see him at graduation, but im not for sure on that....what is your husband job going to be. b/c know my husband went to A school in Pensacola and he did C school at his first command .
Mar 27, 2013
Hi Everyone, My husband (MA) will be picking orders soon. We would like to go overseas again (Bahrain 2009-2011) and I would like to know from others where they have lived overseas and what were some of the good and bad things they did not like about that doing station. I plan on working, so please let me know if their were jobs for spouses - I have a Master's degree. In addition, we have teenager in high school whom will be graduating at our next duty station. So, I want to ensure she goes to a great school as well as enjoy her time in her last 2 years of high school.
Mar 27, 2013
Thanks UrabissWife for responding. It's been frustrating not getting any answers and now after reading more info I am not getting too excited about the Navy actually moving our stuff because it sounds like it might not happen. I'm going to try and calm down and just know it's out of my hands either way and when I find out I find out. I'm just so antsy to see my husband. I haven't gotten any calls for more than two weeks and only get a letter once a week. I'm very thankful for the letters but all the stuff he writes is almost two weeks old by the time I get to respond to it and get any kind of feedback. Only 14 more days till PIR and then things will get better. Man this is hard, missing him is one thing but NO communication is another… I hadn’t really understood what that meant until now. I’m having a bit of an emotional day today. But it’s Thursday and that means LETTER DAY so I will be floating on clouds soon. Take care everyone and thanks for all the helpful information.
Mar 28, 2013
I know its really hard. I was in your shoes last summer. I knew what we were getting into, but nothing could prepare for what to expect. no communication was the hardest for me also. I was use to talking to my husband every single day. than bammm nothing. the letters being behind didn't bother me, I think b/c I was so overwhelmed in actually getting a letter :P than again he never really gave me any feedback. didn't answer and questions, he just wrote. I don't know your situation exactl, but this is what I did. I moved down to Pensacola while my husband was in A school. we don't have any kids, so that was a big thing. I loaded my car up with what I could and made the long drive down there. when he went to basic I moved in with my sister, so all of our stuff was in storage anyway. I made arrangements to make payments over the phone with them b/c I was leaving. I stayed at an extended stay there in Pensacola. it was like a hotel setting, but we paid monthly. it wasn't too expensive either. there were more cheap places, but they were super ghetto! and there were more expensive places, but too expensive. when I went down there, I seen my husband every single day, and he got to stay on the weekends. then he got foxtrotted and he was able to stay all week with me, and just go to school. there are probably a LOT of people telling you "he will be too busy with school" don't listen to them. it frustrates me. unless they have been there, don't listen to them. there were some days I didn't get much time with him, but not because school, because he had watch.....keep in mind everyone's experience in the navy will be different you just have to live and learn. some girls I talked to filled my head with crap .. nothing they said was true. a lot has changed today than even 2 years ago. if you need any info on Pensacola, I can help you out... or if you just wanna vent, girl im here. I know what you are going through. <3
Mar 29, 2013
Oh my god thank you so much UrabissWife. Thanks for friending me. I will defiantly be hitting you up with tons of questions especially about the hotel you stayed at. If the Navy doesn't move me than I'm going to put everything in storage too. The only difficult thing for me is my cat. I'm afraid I won't be able to find an extended stay hotel that allow pets and isn't ghetto. So yes after PIR I will be inundating you with questions. I feel so much better. You are so right people don't really know what they are talking about and you gotta just try and do what's right for you. Talk to you soon :-)
Oh yeah to answer your earlier question my husband’s rating is IT and he was told that his A & C school are both going to be in Pensacola FL. He signed a 6 year contract so I think that means a guaranteed spot in A & C school if I understand it correctly.
Mar 30, 2013
ohwhere I sent you a message .. check your inbox :P
Mar 30, 2013
May 1, 2013
The first phone call is not something is guaranteed in fact I got my first call from my husband the last Saturday of bootcamp. Some times they miss it or lose the privilege of calling. So hope for one but don't get so strung out over it either. You should be getting your first letter soon.
What is his job? Depending on that is how you will know if the school is long enough for you to move with him. If it is not 24 weeks or longer you won't be authorized for a move. By the Navy's standard not your own of course. He only gets orders after school is over so you won't know where you will be assigned till then. Trust me it is driving me insane right now! To be moving and what not.
May 1, 2013
May 1, 2013
hey dijana how many he gets and when he gets them are all up to his RDCs unfortunately. I got a total of 5 calls from my husband when we was at basic. i looked online and it says IS go to a school for 89 days. so if that is his rate, that's how long he will be gone. which could be longer depending on how long it takes him to class up or is he is on hold. you wont find out where his fist command will be until he is all done with school. and you wont be able to move there until he gets his orders. you can stay home or you can go out to where his school is. my husbands a school was only a month long. and i went to be with him. i just stayed at an extended stay and i was able to see him every day. but being an IS they have to have top security clearance so im not sure how that will effect his schooling. and for your military ID you have to wait until your DEERS forms come with the paperwork he is sending. it will have your insurance info and dental info in there as well. once you get that paper work you go to the nearest location that makes them and get your ID :)
May 1, 2013
May 2, 2013
the navy wont move you that is for sure. you can go down there and be with him though. just on your on expense. that's great that they have phases at the school, my husband had phases also so that means he will have free time. and welcome to the navy life, not knowing anything . and I promise you that does not change :P drives me crazy! my husbands deployment has been changed 3 times and his DETS have changed so much I don't even remember how many times.
keep in mind, if you move to be with him, the navy will only pay for you to move where you are now, b//c that is where your BAH is for. and since the navy doesn't move you to be with him, your BAH location will not change. yes the NRTC FB page still does the pictures :P I wasn't lucky enough to see my husband but they post new pictures all the time :)
May 2, 2013
May 2, 2013
Tiff(Ship 11 Div 057)
My husband has A school here in great lakes and his school is s about 6 months. The military paid me back for my move. I packed everything myself and drove it to great lakes. My husband got us a house after he was in school for only two weeks once he went to phase 2. So if he is in school more than 6 months they will move you. I knew where his school was going g to be before he ever left for boot camp because of his rank. Everyone has different stories though but I called fleet and family several times to get my facts and then waited on my husbands letters which had the same info.
May 2, 2013
not every A school has phases....I suppose its different depending on the situation because we were told BAH would not change because the navy didn't approve of me going to be with my husband.... just an example of how everyone's experience in the navy is different
May 3, 2013
As fare as BAH and page 2...I was on my husband's order to move, he updated his page 2 but they kept giving us BAH for our old zip code. Originally he was told told BAH wouldn't change until I moved. However BAH changes on day of PIR because his school is over 20 weeks. We now owe them back the difference in BAH for several months. They said just because page 2 is updated doesn't mean the Sailor's LES is updated...that was our experience as UravissWife said, everyone's experience is different.
We had decided if the Navy didn't move us, I was going to put every thing in storage and stay with family. Then use BAH to go visit a few times on weekends.
May 3, 2013
RebeccaProudNavyWife, the LES is the Leave and Earnings Statement-basically it's their pay stub. It just reflects how much they get paid. It can be found on my pay. When their page 2 is updated with a new address it can take a couple of pay periods to kick in. It is our husband's responsibilities to check their LES's to make sure their pay is correct because the military does like to screw up pay but I haven't heard of BAH being changed before the spouse moves.
May 9, 2013
May 9, 2013
Abuon18 Yes, :) the information you said is what we have. :)
It was our understanding that BAH wouldn't change till I move but the guy in the office told us it changes on PIR date because I was on his orders.He could have filled out a chit to keep the BAH to my location until i moved.
We look very closely at the LES every month and had the understanding it takes a month or so, as you said. But by the time you add in how long it took me to move here and the month of waiting to see the changes, it was 4 months. My husband went in as soon as he could to change it. We knew there can be a mix up on the pay so we saved the difference in BAH, just thought it was 1 month not 4. The gentleman also said that it is a separate task to change the LES to reflect on BAH.
That is what happened for us.
May 9, 2013
Has anyone's husband been at NAS in pensacola? My husband has been there for 2 weeks and hasn't started class yet. He says he is in backlog waiting to start class. Can anyone give me any kind of idea how long back log is? The longer he is waiting, the longer before he comes home :/
May 23, 2013
There is no way to tell how long it could be, just hope it is soon. My husband spent two months at Corry Base in Pensacola before classing up but don't be alarmed every class works at its own pace.
May 23, 2013
Hi all my husband is in BC and I wanted to know when his form letter comes in will that include the DEERS pkg and such? Also will it come in my mail box or delivery? Any info would be great. :) Thank you ahead of time.
May 23, 2013
Navywife, my husband was recently there are NAS Pcola. it took my husband a month to class up. it just all depends on what is going on there. make sure to tell him to get all of his quals done ASAP. you can always go see him :) I stayed a month there in Pcola to be with my husband. it was amazing!
May 23, 2013
my DEERS/insurance paperwork came separately. You should get the form packet then the DEERS. my husbands paperwork got messed up because he asked a question he was not allowed to mail his address to me until later, so I got his form packet a week after I got the DEERS packet. it will come in your mailbox :) let me know if you have any other questions I can try and help you out
May 23, 2013
Hi Urabisswife! Thank you for the help. I am hoping for his form letter soon...hopefully. He left May 15th. I miss him. Staying strong though.
May 24, 2013
I was just about to post that same question! My husband left for BC on the 15th, too! I am due with our first child on June 18th, so I am anxiously awaiting the DEERS package so I can be sure to have all our insurance info ready for when our baby girl gets here. Last thing I want to deal with is hunting down insurance info between contractions!
Thanks UrabissWife for the info!
May 24, 2013
Hi Bryler!
Congrats on your first baby girl! Babies are pure bliss! I hear you on the insurance and understand why you would be eagerly looking for it. It will be coming soon I am sure. :) Have you received the box and/or form letter yet? Don't stress to much. I second that thanks to Urabisswife <3
May 24, 2013
I've received the box, so now I am just waiting on the Form letter and the DEERS packet.
May 24, 2013
That is exciting news Bryler!!! I am sure you were happy for that box! I know I was certainly happy when I received mine. The rest will come soon.
May 25, 2013
Bryler, even if you do go into labor, they navy shouldcover you. just b/c you don't have the insurance or DEERs packet doesn't mean you are not in the system. they put you in the system long before you get the info. once you get your military ID you already have basic insurance. b/c you are having a baby I suggest you fill out the paper work to get Tricare prime. with Prime you don't have to pay a penny for anything. at least I haven't had to will all the times ive had to go to the doctor/ER :P make sure as soon as you get your info that you call Tricare and get your doctor set up. that way you can be prepared for that baby :) ....the navy assigns you a doctor ....if you live away from a base you should be able to pick your doctor with prime. but only some doctors take Tricare.
May 25, 2013
i wonder if there is away you can call Tricare and get that paperwork on its way since it takes about a month for it to get going and you are due soon. i would try and call them. you should only need your husbands social security number. and explain your situation. they are normally really nice. if you get someone who is rude just hang up and call back :) here is the link http://www.tricare.mil/ContactUs.aspx
May 25, 2013
Thank you UrabissWife! I will definitely be calling them to get everything going asap! I qualify for Tricare Prime Remote, so I will be able to use the hospital that I was planning on delivering at - just have to get all the paperwork set up.
Thanks so much for the information!!!!
May 25, 2013
you're very welcome. and congratulations on the baby :P
May 25, 2013
having one of those nights where I just miss him so much! ship 14 div 231 uss Arizona. almost there
May 27, 2013