Navy Moms on Facebook

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  • kazzam(SHIP 13 DIV 313)

    This is great support website and it really helped get me through my SR's 8 weeks of BC. I don't recall there ever being any drama on here, just pure support. @ Vicki, I think that was not a very nice comment you made! Just sayin!

  • ArtBarbie

    Looking for Family of these SR's Ship 13 Division 027 Graduation 11/30/2012 help...please
  • sherry73

    Yeah....Dont know what you are talking about Vicki.

  • JackieD

    ArtBarbie - Did you join Boot Camp Moms group?  There you will find other groups for your PIR date and for your SR's specific division.  It's a great place for information and sharing while your SR is in BC.

  • ArtBarbie

    JackieD Do you have a link how to get to Boot Camp Moms? Thanks!
  • blm

    ArtBarbie-just go to "All Groups"at top of this page and it will be there along with all other discussion groups

  • JackieD

    ArtBarbie - Here it is if you haven't found it.

  • lorriemi navy mom x2

    hi everyone!!!!!!  hope everyone is ok with the aftermath of "Sandy"  wishing a awesome weekend to all  :)

  • MicP68

    hi, i'm pretty new to all this here, my son graduated in august 2012, i hope to find more mom's as friends from that date and hopefully from the same division, you all have a great day 

  • BunkerQB

    Looking for N4M members from the same PIR (Boot Camp Graduation) date?

    Click on this link: GROUPS: Listed By PIR Date

    Looking for N4M members with the same rating?

    Click on this link: GROUPS: Listed By Navy Job (Ratings)

                              Ratings, A School Locations and Links to Groups

    Looking for N4M members on the same Navy vessel (ship/boat)?

    Click on this link: GROUPS Listed By Name of US Naval Ships

    Are you a brand new members and wondering where do I begin?

    Click on these links: Survival Guide for N4M Moms Newbies

                                   Boot Camp Moms group

                                   Things to Do the Last Month Before Recruit Goes to RTC

    Does your recruit need extra help & information?

    Click on this link:

                              This is a site created just for the recruits.

    Do you find this site confusing? and don't know where to go?

    Click on this link: Please Take Some Time & Learn To Use This Site

    I am putting all the above information/links in a discussion above. It'll be titled REFERENCE LINKS. If you encounter new members, you can always refer them to this discussion (within this group's page).  All the above links are on this site. Go to the MAIN tab on the menu bar. They are featured discussions. Be sure to check your personal page (click MY PAGE tab) and your status box (on upper right INBOX, ALERTS, FRIENDS, SETTINGS).

    Regards, BunkerQB.

    P.S. My son finished his 5 year commitment to the Navy and is now a civilian. I survived because of the support I found on this site and I have met some amazing women and men.  Fair winds and following seas.

  • Mommamac MM(CVN77)

    I'm new to this site and trying to join in some chats or discussions. Our son just left 10 days ago for boot camp. Any help would be appreciated
  • BunkerQB

    Just click CHAT on the above menu bar.  Once you connect to CHAT, you stay "connect" until you "disconnect" (find the green or red button either on the lower right of the main screen or on the chat screen).  Being connected will slow down your browsing on the site. It's simple to connect and disconnect. I flip in and out of CHAT consistently but I remember to disconnect each time and remember to to disconnect when you leave the site too.

  • Kathy-Paige's mom

    any moms out there from pir date 4/20 ship 12 division 126??

  • marysuemcc

    Hi All !!!!!!!! finally got power and internet and computer back up and running (power back sat. night/internet etc today ..........

    still outta school and waiting now for the NEXT storm which sayz we are in the 6+ inches of SNOW for thursday.......hopefully that wont happen...worried more about the high winds tomorrow.............sigh..........anyway 

    To "BunkerQB"....thanx for all the info in your comment on Saturday....i will DEF have to go thru alot of that..........

    i just feel so IGNORANT right now...and feel like i dont even know WHAT i need to know let alone HOW to find it out !!!!!

    i am surprised at how HARD this has been....i have been teary a LOT .......and i am usually NOT "that girl" ...............!!!!!

    thank you all for your support.......


  • twosailorsmom

    My son left for boot camp in Great Lakes Nov. 1 and got my first real letter Friday.  He said he was chosen for Ship's Staff and said he didn't know if that was good or bad.  Does anyone know whatit means to be on Ship's Staff?

  • Marksmom ship 03 div 091

    Hello everyone. My journey is about to begin as my son leaves for BC in less than a week(12.11.12). We did not have much time to transition to any of this because he went to MEPS just last week and he left with a very short time to prepare. Looking forward to talking with other mom's and sharing experiences. God bless groups like these, don't know what I would do without others who can relate.

  • Hopper-Mom-Ship-03/DIV.40

    Training Group vs. Division

I just spoke to the Public Affairs Office this morning 12/7/12

    Q: Does Training Group mean the same as Division  when it comes to adopting a sailor?


A: No, The training groups is like an umbrella, they hold all  divisions.

(they are eight Division underneath the umbrella of  Training Group 7 )


    So when it comes to adopting  a sailor, as long as there in the same training group you're allowed to adopt  another sailor out. even though they may be in the different division. what they look at is training group not division.


So if anyone is able to adopt my son from the same training group,

    Training Group 7 (TG 7)

      I would really appreciate it!

    these are the 8 Divisions that can adopt

    (039, 040, 041. 042, 043, 044, 906 & 907)
PIR 12/28/2012


My plane arrives on Christmas day at 12 noon. I just found out, that I had to pick up my son between 8 AM and 9 AM. Can someone adopt him for me until I get in?


  • HeatherT(09/003)

    Ok I need help I need to be able to get on the Charleston base on Christmas Eve.... I have gotten permission to deliver Holiday goodies to the Sailors left in base but have to have an escort or sponsor!! My son is in San Antonio so won't be able to help!!!! Any ideas???
  • Danielle

    I see other moms that their son/daughter just left for boot camp on Dec 11th.  My daughter also just left on the 11th from Michigan. Any others from Michigan?

  • ashsmash~Shp14Div 098

    My daughter left for boot camp on Dec 13th from Michigan

  • Chele ship 12 div 048

    There s a Michigan moms group. Please join it. What part of Michigan are you from? I am from Imlay City. My SR graduates from boot camp 1/4/13
  • Danielle

    I am from birch run, we just received her form letter. She graduates feb 8th. She is in ship 12 div 089
  • Trevor's mom

    Hi, I have added a group for all mom's with Sailors aboard the USS Gonzalez.


  • LI mom

    Merry Christmas everyone!!!
  • RanesMom(Ship02Div905)

    I officially became a Navy Mom last week.  We are so happy to have our new Sailor home for Christmas.  May all my new Navy Mom friends have a Happy Christmas and I pray your Sailor, where ever he/she may be this Christmas, will know peace and love in their heart.  Bless ya'll. 

  • MABsprings

    anyone else with a sailor in norfalk?uss kearsarge? My daughter is there

  • katysmom

    MABsprings  My daughter is there, she gets to home (California) for a few days soon so I'm ery excitedm, how about yours?  Does she like Norfolk?

  • katysmom

    GwenB I tried to click on your facebook page and it said page is unavailable :(

  • MABsprings

    well, she hated it at first(just Sat) but since then,she sounds more resigned.And a few more people she knows from chicago have showed up.

  • TechGirl777

    I am an official Navy mom as of this past Friday with my daughter's graduation from boot camp. I am so proud of her!

  • blm

    Congratulations techgirl. Where does she go from here
  • TechGirl777

    She goes to GL for A there 15 days....then off to Pensacola for duty station.

  • blm

    my daughter also stayed at GL then went off to Japan. It is great while they are in school, because communications are back!! Good luck to her and to you

  • farmwifetyper71911

    Hi all.....did everyone have a good Christmas? I loved my secret sister gift!!
  • wfindley

    My son goes to bc on April 8th.  Does anyone have any information on the PACT program in the Navy,  That is what he is going into, and we are cincerned he should have picked something else.  He was told at MEPS that this was a good opportunity.

  • rporter1023

    My Son Cory left for basic on December 10 2012. He graduates Feb 1, 2013. He is my middle son of 5. I just got a letter from him and it was such a relief.....he loves it!!!
  • yvmblzd5775

    My son will also Graduate Feb 1, 2013 I think with every letter and every phone call we have been counting the days he is my oldest son. I can't wait to see him....Counting down the days.....

  • BunkerQB


    you should join your PIR group and connect with all the families with recruits graduating from boot camp on feb 1. Besure to sign up for the meet and greets.

    Here is the link.

  • debnchris

    I do not think that there is a facebook for navy moms.

  • Trevor's mom

    We have a group on facebook called Texas Military Moms
  • HeatherT(09/003)

    There is a navy for moms face book page.... It is linked or was a link on this group at one time.... Also many areas you are from states etc will have Facebook pages. You just have to search them.
  • debnchris

    Gwen Thank you I will continue to search.

  • toddsmompir020813

    you have to go to and you will get all kinds of have to be approved. you will get a sr wil graduate 020813 ship03

  • SoCal Ohana

    It is here from what I can tell!/groups/40865546374/

  • SoCal Ohana

    Joined :)

  • lavendergrl8

    my son is leaving feb  5th and we just lost our bloved dog. we are heartbroken. it was sudden and we dont even know what happened ..she was golden retreiver named stephanie   i have 4 boys so she was my daughter. :-) .it will be even harder for me to say goodbye to andrew without her.....just had to share..thx 

  • mikes mom

    Ohhhh Lavender I am so sorry. : ( I know what its like to lose a prcious friend. Where is your son going ?
  • Gerald's Mom(ship03 div154)

    My son is leaveing Feb 19th. and his best friend of 8 years just lost his mom 3 weeks ago. It hit my son really hard because she was like a mother to him. He is worried to leave his friend behind. He spends all his time over there so his friend won't be alone. I am worried my sons friend is gonna have a rough time when he leaves. I just tell myself I have one son leaving and another adopted son I have to support while my son is away.

  • Popeye's Mom Alum DIV 031 1-6-12

    Hi all! Just saw this group & I've been accused of being a facebook stalker so thought it was the group for me. LOL! Our sailor PIR'ed January 6th, 2012 & is now on his first 6 month deployment. He's a submariner based in Groton, CT.

  • racer88girl

    My daughter just left for bootcamp on January 28, 2013.  This is the first time she is been away from home for any length of time.  She is my best friend and I didn't think it would be so hard for her to be gone.  I support her decision to join the Navy.  I guess I just wasn't ready for it.  How do you handle the emptiness?