Tiff'sMom (Sharon)


Houston, TX

United States

Profile Information:

I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the featured forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community.
    Also, check out this OPSEC Internet Safety Video

    Enjoy your time here and we look forward (along with the community) to
    reading more about you! :)

    Elizabeth and Colleen
  • Anna

    I see you recently joined the Moms of Daughters 2 group and I want to welcome you!!! So sorry I didn't get to do this sooner but I'm visiting my sailor son and daughter in law in Nevada since they just had a new baby. Our first grandchild!!! I see you've already commented on the group page - please feel free to jump in and joing our chats. We are a friendly, caring group of moms always willing to help and support as you begin this journey called being a NavyMom!!!!! Feel free to ask any questions - that's how we all learn. Looking forward to getting to know you and your sailor!! Again, Welcome Aboard!!!
  • BunkerQB

    Welcome to N4M. I see you have gotten the hang of this site already. That is great!
    1. Depper’s… in but not yet . is a group for those just waiting for bootcamp to start (Delayed Entry Program – a depper)
    2. Boot Camp Moms group. Just about to go into Bootcamp? or already in?

    Check your page (click on MY PAGE) & status box (INBOX, FRIENDS, SETTINGS) often. If you don't you'll never find out what messages your new N4M friends have left

    Best of luck, BunkerBee and AbbyblueOK (from the New Moms Stop Here Group)
  • Tee-1sailor's mom

    Hi, and WELCOME to the Roller Coaster. Buckle up because the Navy can be a bumpy place! We're here for you.
  • jean

    Welcome to NM it is a wonderful place.
    If your daughter or others are not sure about the Navy I just found a paper at our HS tp fill out to get release from the Dep program.
    I wish I had done this for my son so he could have gone to college first.
    I wish the Navy says college first and then Navy.
    My son has been in the Navy for two years but no college degree yet and most of his friends have graduated from college and going on with their lives.
    Something to think about.
  • PKMom

    Hi! Just recovering from a whirlwind week; Patrick's party was awesome, weather was perfect, but still exhausted from it all. Fortunately I don't have to work this week so I'm being lazy today. Patrick said he'll find out later today the details for leaving on Monday when he talks to the 'chief'. It's definitely feeling real now! Thanks for asking!
  • txsailorsam-Donna

    Ask away! I'll share anything I know. We are getting ready to take him to the hotel, check him in and then take him out to dinner. Pretty girl!
  • PKMom

    Hi, Sharon, thinking of you and your little girl today, I think it'll be easier for her once she's busy and involved at BC. Hang in there! I feel bad that I DIDN'T cry today but I think it's probably different with a son, and an older recruit at that. I'll miss him like crazy but I know he's where he wants to be. I showed Patrick Tiffany's pic and said 'look out for her'! :-)
  • txsailorsam-Donna

    I love the Abner pic. Has your recruit seen it? Have a great day.
  • Penny0910

    YES!! Thats Kaya! I seen your green suburban at the hotel Sunday! What a small world. Have you gotten the form letter yet?
  • PKMom

    I have no idea how I did this, just clicked on 'comment'!
    I'm still learning my way around here. :)
  • SimplyJRB-ADs Mom

    Are you sure your getting it??? HA-HA
  • DanaMN ~Kris's Mom~NCTS SanDiego

    Hi! So glad you are on Navy for Moms!!! :)
  • txsailorsam-Donna

    I tried to comment earlier but it would not send. Frustration. No I didn't get it figured out. I am technologically challenged. I really need someone to walk me through this stuff step by step.
  • txsailorsam-Donna

    Did you get the post answering your last question where I answered I was techno challenged?
  • txsailorsam-Donna

    haha... got it. Thanks. I can be taught.
  • DanaMN ~Kris's Mom~NCTS SanDiego

    Now you can comment to me!!! :)
  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    lol, all small unmarked bills right? lmbo---- I know you are going to have a great time at PIR. I hope Tiffany is doing well. She is very pretty. If you put blonde hair on her she would look very much like my daughter :)
  • diannep

    No, no word from her and I see from her page that she has not posted on any site since then. Weird! Have you heard from Tiff about her run at all? We're hoping that she won't call until after BStations to say she's a sailor, right? YAH! Most of them make it during their PIR group, although sometimes they carry over into the next one. Rooting for Tiff!
  • diannep

    Me too! No phone call so far is a good thing!
  • diannep

    If she has not made her run by Tues, she will call you. That would be the "do not come to PIR" call. BUT even those who make that call still usually get another chance to run and then do BStations on that Thurs night with the next PIR group (and sit in the balcony during PIR). Again...you don't want a call on Tues. You want an I'm a Sailor call on Wed!
    I'm headed to bed....hoping that Tiff is sleeping soundly because she made her run and is headed into BStations!
  • diannep

    Hey! MommyHunt posted that Catysmom was at PIR and Caty passed her run, BStations, and graduated!! Next will be Tiff! You can see her post on the 9/17 group.
  • ProudNvyMom

    Our biggest hurdle was the swim test, trouble with run test is new to me.
  • Chris Jason

    Hi Tiffs Mom,
    This how it went for us, Got a call the tues. morning before PIR telling me she didn't pass the run, it took me 3 minutes to get her to stop crying so I could get so info. She said they were going to let her try again on wed. Tues night I got another 1 minute 'offical' call saying don't come to PIR she didn't pass but everything on the earlier call applied. no call wed no call thurs. We had hotel resevations so on faith we went thrus. night hoping for a call. No call. So we went to PIR and got to visit with her after it was over. She told us when she passes her run and BS21 she does not get to march in PIR. They are having her do PFA on Mon. Wed. and Fri. so I am just waiting for that phone call.....It is very hard to just wait...... I will add your daughter to my prayer list,keep me posted and have faith!! It is the thing that keeps me going!!! :)
  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    I got the money, all small unmarked bill like I asked, you did well young grasshopper. You next mission will come in a private message... lmao.

    I have been thinking about you and Tiff, please let me know how things are going. I hope and pray all is well!!!!
  • DorothyM-seabeemom

    Hi Tiffs mom, sorry i have talked to you for a while. But i'm suspecting you are in Great lakes now for pir. i'm so happy for you. we just got back in town monday from being up there. it was a nice time, but very cold as i'm sure you are experiencing right now. Hope all is well with you, and with Tiffany too.
  • DorothyM-seabeemom

    That's awesome. Have a wonderful time :)
  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    I am so happy for you. And I may not know Tiff but I am very proud of her for sticking it out and passing. Good for her. Please keep me informed in her next journey. I know she will do great. As I am typing this you are waiting for PIR to begin. Have a great time and take lots of pics. Congrats to you all. LaLa
  • Fleur de lis Mom

    Just wanted to say congrats to Tiff - Mollie would have been graduating today also - she was div 327.
  • Serendipity(Teri),ship13 div 328

    Hey Tiffs Mom (Sharon) it's great hearing from you. I'm doing okay. Ariel is fine, but she did not graduate with her division. She did not pass the last run. I was saddened by the whole thing. We still came to graduation, and it was awesome. We got the call from Ariel, Tuesday before graduation that she did not pass the run. I thought everything was fine before that because we never heard there was a problem, and she was to have the final run friday before they were scheduled for BS. I was thinking no news was good news, but it wasn't. It turns out Ariel had been complaining about having difficulty breathing when she was running. They took her to the medic and she is Anemic.
  • Serendipity(Teri),ship13 div 328

    They are giving her iron suppliement, and once she passes the run she'll go to BS and gradute. Since we went to graduation they let us see her. We travelled came to graduation, because it was up in the air if she woud graduate and we didn't want to take a chance she would pass and miss the ceremony. There is no such thing of purchasing refundable tickets and we would have lost the money spent on the airfare. We made a vacation of it. I haven't heard anything from her since last week, and don't have an address to write her. It's really horrible not knowing what's going on with her. I plan to go back as soon as she graduates and can have liberty. Thanks for asking, and tell Tiff hello (Teri).
  • Serendipity(Teri),ship13 div 328

    Ariel will be in Great Lakes for A school. I sure hope I hear from her soon. I'll keep you posted. Not hearing from her is worse now, because I don't have an address to write her. I have a good friend who lives in Chicago, and she said she wrote her at the old address we had. When we saw her she said she was moved to a different ship, but had no address for us.
  • SimplyJRB-ADs Mom

    Sharon, LOVE those pics!!! :)
  • Serendipity(Teri),ship13 div 328

    She's now on medical because she's anemic. They are not making her run again until the anemia is resolved. Once she completes the last run she'll go to BS and graduate. I am happy they finally paid attention to her when she said she was having trouble breathing when she was running. Tiff looks great in uniform. Tell Tiff congratulations. I'm happy you guys didn't have to go through this.
  • Anna

    I've been talking to Serendipity and I saw your comments on her page. I noticed you also have a daughter and I want to invite you to our group Moms of Daughters 2. We are a friendly, caring group of moms with girls in all stages of Navy life - from newbies to those who have been in for a couple years - - from enlisted to officer. I have a daughter and a son enlisted now and another daughter is enlisted as an officer candidate finishing school before going off to be a Naval Flight Officer. My son has been in over 5 years and my daughter over 2. We would love to have you join our chats and let us get to know you and your sailor. We love to hear the great accomplishments our girls make but also to be there for each other when we are missing our girls!! Here is the link to the group:
    http://www.navyformoms.com/group/momsofdaughters2. Again, Welcome Aboard!!!!
  • Serendipity(Teri),ship13 div 328

    We have known that she was anemic, and in the past she had to have iron i.v. because it took a very longtime to get the anemia stable with oral iron supplements. They told her they could only give her iron supplements so it may take awhile for the anemia to resolve. I'll update her on Tiff as well, and I know she's looking forward to seeing people from her division.
  • Serendipity(Teri),ship13 div 328

    P.S. Because she did not graduate with her ship and division she does not want to participate in the graduation ceremony with another division. So once she completes her run and goes to BS, she will probably not participate in PIR. We'll see. I tried to bribe her and told her I would return to her PIR if she participates. Thanks for your concern and prayers.
  • SimplyJRB-ADs Mom

    Doing well, LOVING Pensacola! Found this week he graduates on 11-19. :)) Hoping to spend Thanksgiving with him in FL (if my job doesn't get in the way! :( ) How long will she be in school?
  • SimplyJRB-ADs Mom

    I wish, I could say it was mandatory! LOL. I even stated that we were going to spend it with our son. But my supervisor has just little ones & no military experience, so I don't think it means anything to her. My manager on the other hand, has military family, I'm thinking I'll slide it into our conversation today while him & I are talking. Fingers Crossed! She might make good money if she offered to take duty for others over thanksgiving. Someone from Jimmy's PIR made over $100 for taking someone else's duty. NICE! Just a thought. Tell her to dress in layers when it starts getting cold, it will help. Keep me updated, would love to hear how she is doing! Do you have a preference on CA or VA?? My husband was in Norfolk, it is beautiful!!
  • Serendipity(Teri),ship13 div 328

    Finally got a letter from her yesterday written 10/16 and 10/17. She still seems encouraged, and says her RDC is really helping her. So I'm remaining optimistic she'll get through this. She now says she's looking forward to making the "I'm a U.S Navy Sailor call" and walking through Freedom Hall". I just don't want her to get discouraged. I'll keep you posted. I would love for her to come home for the holidays, but we need to get her healthy and make it out of bc first:).
  • Serendipity(Teri),ship13 div 328

    I'm not sure what her address is. Once I get a call from her, I should have a good address. The recruiter and public affairs both gave me different addresses, and the return address on her letter is different as well.
  • Serendipity(Teri),ship13 div 328

    Sharon how is Tiff liking her new room? How much room do they have to keep their navy stuff and personal items? So is it true that when they leave the base they have to travel in pairs? What internet service did Tiff get, and is it on a cell phone or laptop? It's been almost 3 months since Ariel went to the hair salon. I know she'll really be in need of a trip to the salon so she can get a perm and a decent hair cut. When we saw her she said she looked like sonic the hedge hog. I didn't comment but her hair was in bad shape, and there is no where on base that can care for black hair. I found a salon nearby where she can go once she graduates. Please Lord let Ariel get healthy and graduate soon. ... Amen!!!!!! Have a hsppy Sunday:)
  • Anna

    Welcome to Moms of Daughters 2!! Glad you found us - - now jump in and let us all get to know you and your sailor!!!!
    Looking forward to chatting with you!!
  • Serendipity(Teri),ship13 div 328

    Sharon I am on facebook (Teri Harper). Let me warn you I am really bad about going to facebook. Since my daughter has been in the Navy this is the most that I have ever accessed the computer. I love this website. A member of my church was asking me how Ariel was, and her daughter is considering going to the Navy. I told her about the website, because it has really been a lfesaver. I don't know what I would have done if I had not signed up here. Also my husband got a call from Ariel, but it was the shortest since the first call when she arrived at bootcamp. She feeling down, but still optimistic. Her iron and hemoglobin both dropped and now she has shin spints and a bad knee. This girl has been through the wringer. I pray things get better and she graduates soon.
  • CharitySailor'sWife2B

    When did your daughter PIR?
  • Serendipity(Teri),ship13 div 328

    There were two other girls from div. 328 that were held back because they did not pass the run, but when Ariel was placed on medical hold I don't think she knew anyone. She says a friend goes to visit her and mentioned one of the petty officer's being very encouraging. She goes to church alot and reads her bible.
  • Serendipity(Teri),ship13 div 328

    Okay you were reading my mind. I was thinking about you earlier and was wondering how Tiff's doing and if she would come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Ariel is doing okay, and we are still waiting for her to get released from medical hold. I received a letter from her yesterday dated, Oct. 26th and she was scheduled to see the doctor, Oct. 28th for an update. She was hoping the doctor would okay her to start running again. I'm not sure who she's in contact with. I think it's a completely new group of recruits. Her letters are more encouraging and optimistic. So I'm still waiting to get a call with good news..
  • Serendipity(Teri),ship13 div 328

    We've only had one phone call since she's been in RCU. She is writing, but no word yet when things could be finalized. She is phasing up in therapy, and waiting to be released from medical hold so she can run. I'll go to facebook and send you her address. I know Tiff is so happy to wear her clothes and have some individuality. Is Tiff coming home for Thanksgiving? I hope you get to see her for the holidays. Things are so uncertain with Ariel I just want her to finally finish bootcamp.