Pat L. in IL


Carol Stream, IL

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
Mother of 5. Our youngest Jeffrey left for Great Lake Mar 4
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was concerned or afraid
The Navy offers opportunities that...
how many mixed emotions I have and that they are all valid.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • Dianne

    I think KellyAnn knows Jeff. I was reading facebook and they talked about being on the same flight. Hope you had a great visit.
  • Brenda Sue

    Wow - that is great!! I hope the GL understands the disease and does not make him do too much too soon!!
    That is AWESOME that they family got to be together on Christmas - I know they could not have had a better gift.
    Thanks for keeping us informed!!!
    I check her page every so often for news - but I know she is pretty busy!!
  • Brenda Sue

    That is good news also!! I know they will be glad to be getting back to somewhat normal.
    Wow - one year and from near death to normal!!

    Did they mention that they received the box??
  • Brenda Sue

    Well, I have the FedEx receipt that says it was delivered. I just hope they are the ones that got it!!
    Thanks for checking!!
  • Dianne

    Yes I am planning on going and would love to drive with you. Thanks for the offer.
  • Sherry James

    Hi Pat,

    Thanks for the compliment and I'm happy to be able to represent this Wonderful site for us moms!! And I appreciate you writing to say that I did well!! ;>D Sherry
  • carols_kitchen

    Just noticed in Nukes that you also have an upcoming wedding! Isn't it something? For us, it's our sailor in May. We'll have to catch up--been too long since we have chatted.
    Luv Ya!
  • carols_kitchen

    June 20th is my half birthday and my oldest brother's anniversary! So it is a good date.
    Our sailor's is May 30th---it's a journey once again in new relationships and changes. God is good!
    Love ya
  • carols_kitchen

    Hi Pat--too long no see. Power school grad for us is July 31. Can't believe he has been gone for a year as of tomorrow. Where has that time gone?
    Take care
  • carols_kitchen

    Hi Pat
    How was the wedding? You have any pictures yet? Our newlyweds are here for about 10 days before reporting back to Goose Creek (yeh--he got his choice for prototype!)
  • carols_kitchen

    I would call asap just to check. You have the number?
  • Susan mom to Niko

    Hello... waiting to chat!
  • Brenda Sue

  • carols_kitchen

    Counting days until we meet in Bloomington! Hugs now and then......
    What a great photo below. I am so jealous and happy you got together!
  • carols_kitchen

    Now, I could kick myself for not getting a pix with you. How are we supposed to get that done?
    Loved meeting you--you are fantastic!
  • carols_kitchen

    I love Janis and Michael. You two will have a blast--get a pix of both of you if you can!
  • Sue-Pillowcase lady

    I will send you a personal message with an address. thank you!
  • valeriejean

    Thank you Pat, I really appreciate it! I will check it out!
  • carols_kitchen

    ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))) and fair winds, my friend.
  • mamaWella

    Thanks for the welcome, neighbor. Are you new to N4Ms, too? I'm still trying to understand how it all works - comments, email, discussions - which & when! Is your son out of Grt Lakes? What's his job?
  • DeniseR

    Hi Pat L. in IL. My son is on a sub, and he loves it. He is on the Alaska. Throughout his 14 year career, he has been on subs and wouldn't have it any other way. He is a MT.
  • Kimber

    I grew up in Des Plaines. My mother use to work for United Airlines and my father use to work for City Products as an Accountant... It will be nice to meet you there
  • Kimber

    Thank you for the pictures. Those appear to be really nice dorms... It is nice to see what it looks like down there. I hope I will be able to go see him soon. He said he gets time off around his birthday in July So I might drive down. Thank you again
  • Kimber

    Thank you for the pics Yes it looks very nice. I am tired we just got into Chicago I can't wait to see Thomas tomorrow. I know one thing I signed up for the shuttle to the base. I would get lost for sure up here. Thank you for the advise. I will tell him giving him a heads up.. I am so excited for him. A new beginning for him.
  • Kimber

    Chicago was awesome and yes I couldn't help but cry especially when I saw him. It was all wonderful I am so proud of all the young men and women My weekend there was such a blessing!! God is so good!
  • carols_kitchen

    Gosh darn, I miss you. Pampered Chef is getting ready to open up our registration for the July 11-15th conference. So, I'm waiting to see the cost of hotels, and whether to drive or take the train up there. Our conference is at McCormick. Hubby may or may not go--depends upon what he could do since he always used to have his buddy, our son, with him to go site see.
  • Navytwo

    Hello Pat. I have a brother who lives in Elmhurst IL. Is that close to you? Today my youngest is headed for California. I have mixed emotions. My son who is the Nuc is waiting to take the oral examination. It should be later this week or next week. I am not sure what happens after that. He has his orders for Groton Connetc. How is your son Jeff doing? Have a good day.
  • Kimber

    Hi Pat, how are you. I haven't been on in a while... I blog in FB and on my Christian page Ezekiel's Wheel. I've also been dealing with my older son who has Tumors on his Thyroid. Thomas is doing well. I went and saw him over Memorial Weekend. We had such a good time. He graduates A school this Friday with honors and will next begin Power school. He has also applied to OCS and waits to hear on it.... Hope to talk soon
  • Kimber

    That is waaaaaaay cool!!! Thomas 3 lists are Hawaii, Japan or Washington. He wants a sub too. I told him just remember your old mom and he promised me on leave he would bring me over to Japan or Hawaii ;) He should hear from OCS by October which might pull him away from Power School temporarily until he completes OCS then he will go back. I will have to tell him about your son.. Thomas gets a leave in August so I can't wait to see him. I plan on Power school graduation. That sounds exciting. That is good news about Thyroid cancer and that she is doing well. I know I've been worried about it. He has had problems swallowing for 3 years and they kind of blew him off.
  • carols_kitchen

    Gee Pat--wish I could extend my stay in Chicago. I will be there July 12-15 for the Pampered Chef conference, and now I see there is a great concert, I believe, on July 17. Oh, well, unemployment doesn't pay for the extras.
  • diane {Shawns mom}

    OK...Listen HERE MOLLY's MOMs...We So need all of YOUR help...This is of the ***UTMOST importance*** " to the survival of Molly's Adopt a Sailor" and "MOllys MOMS"
    WE are all aware of the Pepsi Refresh, well here is the kicker, yea we look pretty sitting at 6 or 7...but getting to 5 is a MUST.4-3-2-1-..not a MAYBE a MUST The old saying doing an outstanding job is easier then continuing to do AN OUTSTANDING JOB!

    What WE need is if you were/are a month of the month PLEASE make contact with POC and send Pepsi Refresh instructions on voting and HOW IMPORTANT THIS the survival of MAS...Facebook...Text...Pepsi Site, PLEASE make sure all avenues are covered...
    We are NOT WINNING THIS...NOW we MUST HUNKER down and get **SERIOUS**..If you love MAS/Molly..We will all worker harder then we have over the PAST 4 months...I cannot tell any of you HOW important this is..

    I know we can do this...We have discovered over the past 2 years what AMAZING things We do here!!!!....WE MUST DO THIS!!!♥...NOW GET BUSY LADIES...We are MOMS....We will prevail!
  • carols_kitchen

    Hi, can you help meet some peeps up in your area? Thanks!
  • carols_kitchen

  • Kris, Stevens mom

    Hi Pat, thanks for the welcome & friendship! Can't wait to start spreading some love and encouragement.
  • Debbie (Stephen's mom)

    Hey Pat, thanks for the friend request. Boy your son looks just like you, he is very handsome.
  • MissMySailor

    Thanks Pat!
  • 10/334-GC-ET Mom

    Hi Pat L
    What is Mollys Sailors?
  • 10/334-GC-ET Mom

    Thanks Pat.
    I'll look at the sites.
    Colleen aka NativeChicagoan
  • Kris, Stevens mom

    Thanks Pat, I know you sent me stuff before but my mind has been nutso lately. Your the best!!
  • Kris, Stevens mom

    Hi Pat, regarding white jello - do you mix the raspberry sauce in before it sets?
    thanks Kris
  • Sailor'sGirl NukeWife

    thanks pat!!! just as i thought i will have ohare then... so is there any bus or airporter or something from the airport that can drop me off to the hotel im staying to?
  • DramaboysMom

    Thanks Pat. How exciting for your son! Proud family I bet you have! ( sorry, I went all Yoda on you) We are very proud of Cole and his choice. KIT!
  • Sailor'sGirl NukeWife

    okey thanks i'll do your advice!!! it's only 19 days and still have no clue or any firm plan about PiR...
  • Ruth, Gun's Mom

    Pat, could you fill me in on the adopt a sailor program and also the VFW Thanksgiving? My son is an instructor at GL and won't be coming home this week. Maybe I could suggest one of these to him. Thanks for posting these ideas.
  • Ruth, Gun's Mom

    Thank you! I don't know what he'll decide to do, but I hope he doesn't spend the day alone. Volunteering is a good thing!
  • navy25

    Thank you so much Pat for your response but my son was not able to go today because he had watch and also too far for him to get there but mostly he want able to leave the base today .I want to wish you and your Sailor and family a Happy Thanksgiving
  • Anita MA Mom

    Hi Pat,
    Thank you so much for helping with the VFW on Thanksgiving!! It made things easier in Alabama for this Momma knowing that he was getting a good meal and was around some caring people. I have looked at Sally's pics and will try to look up the ones you left on my page. When does your sailor graduate, or do you have a sailor graduating? Nick my son will graduate 12/17 we are looking forward to our trip to Chicago. Many Blessings to you and a Heart Felt Thank You again!!
    Sincerely, Anita

  • Anita MA Mom

    Oh I bet it was a Great place for you to be. It was wonderful to get to talk with him several times through out the day. Our whole family go to talk with him some. It made Thanksgiving even more wonderful. I als got some pics via cell phone and I have made copies from the Newspaper or news station that was there. Maybe one day I can volunteer to help some where like that. He said the food was good, and that it was the firs time that he had eaten anything sweet since arriving at BC . Look forward to more notes from you!
  • elizabeth77(USS SAN FRANCISCO)

    Hi Pat L. Thanks so much. My son is horrible at sending me pictures. My email is He blames it on his phone so I can only see what he posts on his Facebbok page which is only a couple of shots of him in uniform.
  • elizabeth77(USS SAN FRANCISCO)

    Pat, Thank you so much. It does look pretty nice.