

Canton, OH

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am a mother of 4 children.1 son and 3 daughters, my oldest daughter is a USN Seabee, she is a CECN.
She loves her job and her fellow Seabee co-workers.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
perseverance, never give up on your kids. I have weathered a lot with my daughter while she was trying to get finished with BC. She has the heart and soul and showed me that she will never give up. I have now watched as one made it through with trials and as one will come home and have to start his life over again. My advice, hang on tight. Things that seems so on the civilian side can change and not be so on the Navy side. Use God as your Guide.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • diannep

    Hang in there, Tobianne. I know that it will be sad not being there with all of these ladies that you have come to know and love, and to see K. But don't worry...God has a plan and hers is a bit challenging right now...but He is her biggest supporter and running right along side her! This time next week....a whole different story for both of you! I hope you get on the 8/20 site and get to know some of those ladies. I have been on there some and they are a wonderful group. Half the size of 8/13, but just as feisty! HA! Praying for all of you!
  • diannep

    Good girl!
  • diannep

    sorry about spelling your name wrong on Christian Chat. I certainly know it is Tobianne and Tocianne! Was in a hurry! Will pray and pray...
  • Sandy's_sailor son

    Tobianne, I am praying for your daughter. She will make it.
  • diannep

    Any news today? Could she be doing BStations tonight if she passed today?
  • diannep

    Tobianne: I so admire how strong you have stayed in this, wishing others well when I know you are thinking of your daughter. Only God knows why she is having to go through all of this, but having your eyes on Him is so perfect! You have been an example to others through your posts. Hang in there....when it finally happens for Kayla, there will be celebration here and in heaven!
  • diannep

  • gjsmomShip6div943

    YES! My son did graduate from Timken. He graduated in June and Left July 13th! It sure has been a emotional summer! only 16 days until he graduates from basic! I am not sure if you are familar with Taggerts in Canton, ICE CREAM! :) He worked there since he was 14, I also have a daughter that is going into 8th grade at Lehman. Waiting to turn 14 to take her brothers spot. All my son's life he has said he was going to be a military man. I think I blinked and he is a man. A MILITARY MAN! 16 days cant come any sooner! So nice to find such a nice MOM to talk to! I have only been on this site for less than 1 week still learning. I so wish I would have found it before he went in. That does not matter, I am here now. Talk SOON! :)
  • diannep

    Tobianne. oh boy. I think of you and Kayla often and pray for you two. Perseverance is being taught for sure! BStations were run on Wed night this week, none last night (PIR day for 9/2) and none today. I think the next ones go on Monday, the 6th. Gosh, I so wish you knew SOMETHING!
  • diannep

    Hang in there, Tobianne. Once she is a sailor, none of this will matter! :-)
  • teaparty24-ship9div302

    Praying you'll find peace as you wait! Hang in and holler a loud Hoo-yah when you get that call so we'll all know.
  • Fastduck

    My girl called at 4:48 pri 8/20/10 est
  • diannep

    Tobianne: The only time I contacted them was for an new password since my son was asmoed and the new one wasn't sent. They asked me for the old one and the old PIR group, which I gave them, along with his new PIR group and new password. That is my only dealing with them. BUT....I have seen some moms post that they have called there to confirm that their son is in a certain PIR group (in other words, the moms give them a specific group to check). I'm wondering if you call up there and say: could you confirm that she is in the 9/17 group, here is her origianl PIR group and password, because I will need a new password....seems that they will at least tell you if she is or is not in that one. I know you are completely frustrated with the lack of communication....ugh! But it is their way! Can her recruiter help at all?
  • diannep

    Gosh, Tobianne....I just can't imagine what you are feeling. I think your son could be right on what he said. They could be restricting their calls as a division, or it could be possible that they are using that with Kayla as a motivator...saying, "No more calls home until you pass this run!" You're not getting letters either? I guess she has now been there a month past her PIR and they want her to move on as badly as she wants to. It may not be that she is not motivated because you know she is....but maybe she is SO CLOSE that she needs this extra "penalty" to push her right into her time. I think at this point, your only hope is what the recruiter can find out, and I know that they don't tell you much. This is one of those things that we just don't understand, but I know once she makes that run, she will know that she can do anything! It is within her. To have only been 7 seconds close. And on the TMJ stuff....I hope that isn't causing her terrible pain. Wish I knew what else to tell you....I just don't. There is a male recruit who just got bumped back to 9/17 because he didn't make his run. His mom has been in touch with me. I know it happens more often than we think. I hope that Kayla is "blooming where she is planted" in faith. Sounds like she is! I hope you can dry your tears....and know that the Lord is watching out for your baby...
  • diannep

    Praying, Tobianne....because He knows what we don't!
  • Suzi-OH

    Tobi.....thinking of you and Kayla and sending prayers and positive thoughts your way!! I'll be looking out for your posts...

  • Sandy's_sailor son

    How are you doing today Tobianne? I hope you are feeling better about your daughter. I will be praying that you get a call from her this week end. Just keep writing her letters of encouragement.
  • Sandy's_sailor son

    I have a feeling that they are not letting Kayla write to you. My son said that when he was having trouble with his run, they wouldn't let him write either. There was a time when I didn't hear from him for more than 3 weeks. He said that his division was doing really bad so they punished everybody. I found this out by accident because one of the recruits in my division had to call his girlfriend to get legal information. I have a feeling that that's what is going on Tobianne.
  • Suzi-OH

    TOBI!!!! Awesome happy for all of you!! Please let us know how everything goes from here on....

  • diannep

    HOOYAH HOOYAH HOOYAH! Way to go, KAYLA! SO SO SO happy for you! She is in the grand finale and will be a sailor tomorrow! YEAH! And good luck to your son, T.A.!
  • stlvan(ship12div.341-PIR 10/15)

    Tobianne--Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, Liz's recruiter was pretty useless, but it is worth a try.
  • Fastduck

    It is strange how our children have more in them than we could have endured . My girl came home to her brother's furneal and was a rock that the family could lean on I wish the best for yours and you
  • Chris Jason

    Thank you for your support and help Tobianne, Nicole said she met Kayla and said she is great! You must be so proud of her!! It is so hard not knowing what is going on. All I can do is pray that the Lord will take care of her and carry her over that finish line in time!
  • Chris Jason

    I read my bible 5 nights a week, I am a Decon at our Church and I play guitar in a Christian rock band called 'Days of Awe' So I know prayer works! It is the only thing keeping me going right now...I know the
    Lord Jesus Christ has a plan and his ways are not our ways...You know when it is your little girl you just
    want to protect them and take care of them.When she first missed the run on the PFA I threatened to call
    the Secretary of the Navy and ask what kind of Navy are they running!!!! :) I calmed down from that stage!
  • diannep

    Hey, Tobianne. Hope Kayla is doing well.
    The moms on the site need to start asking their recruits after a couple of weeks if they notice recruits not getting mail. The recruit can then supply their names to their moms on the site. THEN, those moms can post that they have some names to share, and if a mom wants some to write to, they need to private message that mom for the info. Names/addresses should not be posted on the board. I think it's a great thing to do! I have 2 letters sitting here from one recruit that I wrote too....she wrote me back two different times....5 page letters! She is now in A School so I have lost track of her.
    Good luck!
  • SOBE,PIR 6/4/10 IT Mom, Italy

    Again?? Are you crazy??? But now you are a pro at this!!! Write a couple of "dear recruit" letters and mail them to your own recruit. Ask them to hand them out to those who don't get much mail (or any mail). In your letter, introduce yourself as a pen pal, give a little bit of info about yourself and your own recruit, then ask questions like.... where are you going to A-School, what are your hobbies, etc. Offer your address so they can write back too. I always tell them that we know bc is hard and that they can use me as a sounding board. Good luck!!!
  • Kgswifeforever

    Hey so when do you pay for the sweatshirt cause i def want one!!!! when we go to PIR? let me know
  • Suzi-OH

    Soooooooo??? How is Kayla??? Are you recovered yet?

  • Suzi-OH

    Aw Tobi.....was hoping for better pain meds?? Can you say barbaric? When my ex was out on a long cruise, they had to operate on a pilonidal cyst.....had to cut him open at his tail bone with nothing for pain or numbing.

    Will keep up the prayers for she still at ship 5? She really is a trooper and more than earning her angel wings, poor kid! You are going to be a GL whiz!! Take some time for yourself and relax, mom!! I know it's easier said than done.....but a strong mom is what they will all need!

    <3 Suzi
  • Kgswifeforever

    Proverbs 3:5~ Trust in the Lord with All your heart and lean not on your own understanding....
  • diannep

    Tobianne: I can't remember which site she was on, but she did say that he had the hearing issue in MEPS but they "cleared him" there, so she is wondering why they are making an issue of it now. It is heartbreaking, as you know, but I think your faith that it is all according to God's plan may benefit this lady for sure. Because when these things happen, we can only turn to Him in trust because we don't understand. I know you will be a great help to this mom. I feel sure she will accept your friend request. When is Kyle coming home?
  • Nick'sMomTerri

    I am sorry to hear about your son. I guess I joined later but I don't want to pry. I hope all goes well for your son and his future.
  • diannep

    Hey! Just pulled up an article on about wearing the camos off base. They are allowed to now...during a work day...during routine stops and at eating establishments during the workday. This was as of June 2009. Said that the sailors were proud of their uniforms and ready to show them off!
  • JoeysmomAOVFA22

    Hi Tobianne. Im Liz and I live in Allaince. Actually Marlington. My son is an AO just graduated but still in Pensacola. Hopefully he will be home soon. Hope to here from you.
  • joyfuljoy

    Awwe thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate it. I would love to hear some of those stories.
  • joyfuljoy

    do you know if they can leave with their families during liberty weekend? i mean can they come and stay the night at our hotel?
  • josteph(Ship02/Div952)

    So sorry I misread your post. Glad to hear that your son was in the same PIR as my husband. And yes, my husband is super excited to go to P.H. to become a CM for the Seabees. I will follow your advice to try to find out when he will have off for the holidays and to find out what to expect. Thanks Tobianne!
  • HockeyMom

    Love that song, Mary did you know, I use to sing this song, to my son, when I was pregnant with him. Very sentimental song for me to him. God Bless
  • John and Yvonne

    Thank you for your kind comments. Depending on where she is there may be. If you want to PM me and let me know more details I would be happy to check into it and see if I can find something. Sometimes when the kids get away from home they really find out if they have the same faith that mom and dad have. They have to get it for themselves. God bless.
    John Wagner
  • stacoul

    We have all the more reason to be friends.

  • DSailorMom

    Thank you Tobianne...we hope to hear from him tomorrow.
  • PrdNavyMom2Sailors

    Thank you,
  • Ellen S.

    Hi Tobianne, Dianne P sent me to you for some help/guidance on my daughter Kim.  She has not been able to pass her run and was supposed to graduate tomorrow. Her recruiter was told that she was to be set back a week but the person who called thought she was on the Arleigh Burke.  Do you have any wisdom to share with me?  Thanks so much for your help.  Ellen S
  • Ellen S.

    She has had a cold almost from the start and has problems running.  Do you know if Ship 6 or 4 has a name?  Thanks for the encouragment. 
  • Ellen S.

    She is going to be a CTN.  Going back to Pcola.  We were stationed there for a while.  Not on Corry but on NAS.  I was a CTM so I am familar with Corry.  Once she gets there she will be good I know.  I will keep you informed.
  • Ellen S.

    Thanks, now if the recruiter would give me a call back to confirm what we have figured out.  Take care and tell your daughter I am proud of her.  Had some good friends in the Seabees at Charleston.  They always seemed to me to have a lot of fun and a good job.
  • Ellen S.

    Hi Tobianne, My girl passed her run this morning!!!!!!!!  I am so excited and my whole office now knows.  Something about running two of my coworkers over while getting close to a window for the reception clued them in!!!!  Thank you for your prayers and good wishes.  You were right a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders.  She called me on Saturday so devastated and today in great joy.  God is so good and faithful.  Ellen
  • Ellen S.

    The Navy Hymn just came on my station which prompted me to check for the submariners verses,  and found these for Kayla:

     Lord, stand beside the Women who build,
    And give them courage, strength, and skill.
    O grant them peace of heart and mind,
    And comfort loved ones left behind.
    Lord, hear our prayers for all Seabees,
    Where'er they be on land or sea.

    • R. J. Dietrich (1960)


    O God, protect the women who,
    In service, faith in thee renew;
    O guide devoted hands of skill
    And bless their work within thy will;
    Inspire their lives that they may be
    Examples fair on land and sea.

    • Lines 1-4, Merle E. Strickland (1972) and
    • adapted by James D. Shannon (1973)
    • Lines 5-6, Beatrice M. Truitt (1948)

  • ktssong

    Mason is by Kings Island.  We are about 20 minutes North of Ohio River/City of Cincinnati.  Thank you for the tip about the Ohio Group.  I will look for it too.
  • Thomdent (Dustin's mom)

    So do tell, how is Kayla doing?  Dustin finally called yesterday...his girlfriend, which is fine.  She said he told her to throw away the letters he wrote the first week because he definately feels different now. (whew)  Keep me posted on activities, I would love to help with any project!  Robin