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Link to Navy Speak - Navy Terms & Acronyms: Navy Speak

All Hands Magazine's full length documentary "Making a Sailor": This video follows four recruits through Boot Camp in the spring of 2018 who were assigned to DIV 229, an integrated division, which had PIR on 05/25/2018. 

Boot Camp: Making a Sailor (Full Length Documentary - 2018)

Boot Camp: Behind the Scenes at RTC

...and visit - America's Navy and also Navy Live - The Official Blog of the Navy to learn more.

OPSEC - Navy Operations Security

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**UPDATE 4/26/2022** Effective with the May 6, 2022 PIR 4 guests will be allowed.  Still must be fully vaccinated to attend.

**UPDATE as of 11/10/2022 PIR vaccination is no longer required.

**UPDATE 7/29/2021** You now must be fully vaccinated in order to attend PIR:

In light of observed changes and impact of the Coronavirus Delta Variant and out of an abundance of caution for our recruits, Sailors, staff, and guests, Recruit Training Command is restricting Pass-in-Review (recruit graduation) to ONLY fully immunized guests (14-days post final COVID vaccination dose).  


RTC Graduation

**UPDATE 8/25/2022 - MASK MANDATE IS LIFTED.  Vaccinations still required.

**UPDATE 11/10/22 PIR - Vaccinations no longer required.


Please note! Changes to this guide happened in October 2017. Tickets are now issued for all guests, and all guests must have a ticket to enter base. A separate parking pass is no longer needed to drive on to base for parking.

Please see changes to attending PIR in the PAGES column. The PAGES are located under the member icons on the right side.

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Visite esta página para explorar en su idioma las oportunidades de educación y carreras para sus hijos en el Navy.



Okay, so I'm brand new to this site and let me just say, it's comforting to know that others are going through the same thing I am. However, the pain is still here and I can't seem to escape from it. I've dated my boyfriend for almost 2 years, and we did have a break in that time frame. During that time is when he decided to sign up for the navy. Lets just say, I was devastated. I always told myself I wouldn't date someone in the military, now look at me. So like I said, he left on Monday the 25th, today is Saturday the 30th, and all I seem to know how to do is cry. He called me at 12:45 EST (so technically early, early Tuesday morning). It was a minute phone call and he said he would call me in 2 weeks, I hope that's true. I've already written him a letter, even sent him FB messages even though he wont get it for 8 weeks. I just feel horribly alone right now, and my biggest fear is that we are going to grow apart and he wont want me anymore. Thinking that upsets me more and brings on a waterfall of tears. These 2 weeks are going to be hard, since we can't have any calls or letters. I just wanted to hear other stories and if there is any advice y'all can give me. I'm trying to stay busy, but it doesn't seem to help. It seems like I think of him every minute of the day, and I just can't get him out of my head. I'm worried, scared, and I just want that feeling to end. I'm already picturing when he calls me and I feel like all I'll be able to do is cry because I've missed his voice so bad. But anyway, sorry for the rant. I just feel like I could meet others that understand what I'm going through. Anything will help!!!

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Well, he better be doing really well! Lol, or in a great division. So your boyfriend is graduating this Friday? That's awesome! I never heard about the "Recruit Heaven" thing. Is that on base or something? You seem to know a lot about all of this. Do you have a FB or something? I think it would be easier to talk up there and such. I don't think I can write my name up here though..we need to figure something out.

I totally understand what u guys mean, me and my boyfriend have been together for almost two years and the kost we ever spent away from each oher was like a week. But dukelvr- i dot let myaelf think of the last few days he was home for that reason, it makes me cry so instead i think of like random funny times with him and whats gonna happen when i see him. And iwhy not just go over to his house and take some more of his old shirts? Haha thats what i plan to do.

It's hard not to think of our last couple days together though because those were the most recent. It just hurts so much still :(  And all his clothes are at his mom's house, like 2 hours away. I just keep sleeping with his pillow and comforter, I think that helps a little bit. I'm still just waiting to find out some sort of information.

Okay ladies, let me just go on and say I think I have been crying for like an hour now? So my boyfriends mom just messaged me back on FB, giving me his address (which I was thrilled about!) However, she said she wouldn't be able to go because one of her sons starting college that week, which sucked..but I was still going to try and make it to his graduation. Well along with the address she sent me, also came the graduation date. She told me his PIR will be August 17th, but I figured it would be August 24th since he just left June 25th. At first I was ecstatic, thinking "Wow, a week closer than I though!" But now I realized that is the day I first start school. And not just a typical first day, after working my butt off for 2 years in college I finally got accepted into my medical program. So should I risk missing his graduation for school? Or should I risk my first day into my medical program (and I would actually be missing two days, that Thursday and Friday), to go to his graduation? I'm so upset right now and I feel very alone. Even if I go to his graduation, I'm going to be going by myself which I don't feel comfortable doing. I've never flown before, and I've never even been out of state by myself. I'm really confused on what to do, and what upsets me more than anything that if I don't go, he wont have anybody there for him. Any advice/help I would appreciate. I'm just so lost right now.

Dukelvr- that is possibly the most suckish thing ive ever heard. What about his dad? Or friends? Somebody neeeds to be there, but thats just my opinion. And as far as u going. .... Well most schoola totally understand if heres military personell involved if u just tell them why youre not gonna be there, i just dont know what your course work would be like that youd be missing. Seriously ive never hear of a school saying too bad, either you cant see him if u want a good grade. As far as flying? Its really not a bad deal. Depends on the airline and if u brring something to entertain urself. Its really not that scary or anythig in my opinion i think its kinda fun actually. But as far as going alone? Like i said earlier what about his dad or freinds or something? Or if he has other siblings.

Some college programs have a mandatory drop if students miss the first day. (I know this because I attend a week-long event which starts the same week as many schools, and it gets discussed often).   You need to know it this applies to you, call the school now to find out.  However, you can go to the instructors and talk this over with them, explain your special circumstances and see if an excused absence and make up work is possible.  You won't know until you ask.

Your sailor would completely understand if you need to start your program, boot camp will have taught him how important fulfilling your obligations over personal pleasure can be.  He may be disappointed, but he will also be proud.  As for no one being there, it happens to a lot of the sailors for many reasons.   They band together with their shipmates who are flying solo and enjoy the rime off as a group.  Honest!  Will he be going to A school in Great Lakes?  If not, you'd not have much time with him, as precious as a few hours may be, your schooling is a lot to give up for a short reunion, no matter how sweet.  Be sure someone orders a copy of the DVD for you.

You can travel by yourself, you'll be nervous and scared, but you can do it (if you can go).   If not, you can save the money for a visit during A school.  

Best of luck, post bout what happens so others can benefit from your experience.

Well his dad and him aren't really that close. Plus I don't think his dad would have the money to go (I don't think he works). And I messaged one of his friends on FB so we shall we. I'm hoping something will work out because I want to be there more than anything. It's just so stressful!!

Well i certainly hope his friend can with you! But yes, forst and foremost talk to ur school i think they will understand

Yeah, I'll definitely talk to my school, I hope it will be excused. I'm hoping that my mom can come with me now! She's my last hope lol. But I will keep y'all updated :)

Please do!!

Oh so is your boyfriend at boot camp right now? Do you know when his graduation is? And I agree with you, I have my good days and my bad days. I've only gotten the 1 call, letting me know he arrived. I mailed his first letter yesterday, and I really hope I get a letter or phone call from him soon. I'm trying to stay strong!!

Yeah, his PIR date is on 8/17. I haven't received any letters or phone calls yet still :(


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