

Washington, IN

United States

Profile Information:

I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
He is out on his own, a Navy Nuke, and patience is needed.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • libbynoll

    Thank you Pat! I have joined the group and hope to be an active member.
  • rnindiana

    Thank you Pat.  I joined the group.  Excited for my daughter, and missing her at the same time.  She left for basic on May 4th.
  • UFQ202- Ship 12, Div 231

    I appreciate the kind words. I joined in 79 and it was a different world. I can now appreciate what my mother must have felt when I told her I wanted to join the Navy. I was 17 and needed her signature. Bootcamp for me was in Orlando, Fl. I did go to Corps school at Great Lakes so it will be fun going back when my son graduates in July. He does have an edge on the other recruites since he grew up with a "Sailor" mom.
  • alyssa's mom

    No she has not taken the asvab yet. She has taken the first test they have given her on the computer the first time we met with the recruiters. We are in the very early stages of this. I just want to make sure I am making an informed decision
  • Aussiesmom

    Thanks for the welcome...I am still learning how to navigate around the site.  I will try to find the Indiana group. 
  • jeter2

    Hey Pat. My name is Millie Hamm. My son Richie leaves Tuesday, May 31st for boot camp. I'm excited for him. I will miss him very much. He's my youngest. He's leaving a wife who is pregnant and due August 7th of this year. Hope to learn alot from this website.


  • Elle

    Sweet thank you, I sure will!
  • NukeMom91

    Hi Pat

    Thanks for leaving me a comment.  My son (I believe) would like to be an ET.  He is back and forth on the idea of sub or surface.  So I'm not sure which he'll pick.  How long has your son been in? 

  • myboogaloo

    Thank you very much.   I am so brand new at this.  Thank you for the compliments on my town.  It is a beautiful one if I may say so myself.  My son is graduating boot campJune 17th. He has no idea I am coming.  I have no idea what to do.  I am just gonna wing it.  My best friend and I are traveling up for the event.  Can you tell me if u know of the time he will graduate?  Is there anyway I can get intouch with him before he graduates?   Thanks alot Pat,  Lorna Gooding

  • Nuke Mom

    Thanks Pat for the info.  New at all this. My son doesn't leave till
    Feb. 2012 but wanted to get started early on finding out stuff.
  • CallieJean

    Thanks for the invite, Pat!  Just joined the group  :)
  • carols_kitchen

    Hope to see you at the packing party in August--it's being held during Navy Week and I'm driving over to see my family, too.
  • ktssong

    Yes they are having all kinds of activities.  I will be out of town the weekend of Sept 2, 3 , 4 and five but the Lt. told me we could set up a table next to them to pass out information about Navy4Moms which I would definitely do if I were here.  I will get some brochures from the recruiting station to put at a table for you to distribute if you would like to do that?  I will let him know.  I need to know soon though so I can get the brochures and we would need to borrow a table and put a table cloth on it and then we would be present. Where I'm talking about doing that is at the Cincinnati Riverfest that weekend.  If you are interested in doing that let me know.
  • ktssong

    Pat, are you coming to the breakfast?  It is set as a firm date?  Let me know so I can put you down.  Private message me and if you are coming I will private message you all the details and I need your name, and where you are from and your son or daughters name, rank and duty station and any question you want to submit ahead of time for the Admiral to get the most updated info for us.
  • Debra

    Thank you Pat for all your kind words and as we mothers have a commonality in the Navy, I wish everyone peace and blessings.

  • asia112370

    Thanks Pat,
      I'm new at this my son just left 3 weeks ago for boot camp in Chicago IL.
  • liz

    Where do I find the Indiana site?  I'm very new to this.  My son is a boot camp now and his grad date is 9-1.  Thanks for any help.  This navy for moms site is so wonderful.
  • LisaRG1969

    Thank you so much=) How do I find the Indiana page? lol
  • Holly 4 AWQ

    Thanks so much Pat!  I really appreciate you reaching out to me!  You have been such a help!  Thanks for the suggested groups! 
  • Karen(Nick's Mom)

    Thanks Pat for the welcome.  Trying to learn how to navigate the site. Where is the Indiana page?
  • Tammy (Gar's mom)

    Thank you,  I just came across this site today.  My son, Garrett leaves for Indianapolis next Wednesday (Aug.10) then goes on to Boot Camp on Thursday at Great Lakes.  I have no idea of what to expect.  I'm so full of emotion right now with all of the changes that I know will take place.  I know that Garrett has made the right decisions for him and I am so proud of him, but I'm going to miss him so much. 
  • youknowjojo

    nope... going to prototype soon
  • alex's mom(Tina)

    Hello. This is alex's mom. My name is tina and I would love to join you at the fair. Just tell me when navy week is and where will you be. How do I join the Indiana mom's? I'm so thankful for the other moms out there. Do you ever get used to them not being around? everything makes me want to cry. This is most definately the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I also know it's the right decision for him and his future. I am so proud of him. He graduates friday aug 12th and his div got alll the flags and so far even the hall of fame. I can't wait to see him.



  • Navy Mom times 2

    Thanks Pat.  I'm excited for Navy week.  My son is participating in some of the activities that are going on.  I'm so proud of him.  I also have another son who will be leaving for Boot Camp in Nov. 

  • Navy Mom times 2

    He spent 3 years in Japan part of the time aboard the Kitty Hawk and the rest of the time on the George Washington.  He has been back in Indiana now for 2 years and is serving as a recruiter.  Soon he will have his own station and I am very proud.
  • Christy



    Thanks for the invite I am certainly going to try to come to the next dinner in Sept at Red Lobster.  This is all so new for me I haven't had much time to really research this web site but I am going to.  My son just signed a contract to be a Navy Diver so I am trying to catch up to all the new beginnings.  I am looking forward to meeting everyone and getting some support. 

  • myskunkangel

    Thank you Pat!!
  • Chuck

  • My sailor's ladybug (356)

    So will he stay in GL for A school? He is to old for Nuke. How long is C school? My boyfriend left this morning for GL. 
  • My sailor's ladybug (356)

    I think he did...I haven't seen his contract. 
  • brenda

    thanks guys........ali's PIR is September 16.   Marking off the days till we see her.  I miss my girl so much.  But a very very Proud  mom.  ship12 div 310
  • Marisol

    Thanks for the invite.  Just come accross with the Web page so I am not sure where everithing is.  I search for Indiana to find the group, but there were a lot of things that come up.  Wich one is your group.  I would love to come to one of the dinners.


    My son just went to OCS in Newport on the 28th of August and we have not yet gotten any letters.  I also joined the face book for this class and hopefully I will get some news from the other parents


  • JamieKaye

    Thank you!  He's definitely wanting to be on a Carrier, so we'll see!  Which Indiana groups are you talking about?  I'd love to join!
  • ReneeBC

    Thanks for the warm welcome, Pat.  I will certianly be looking into joining the Indiana group while I await my son's PIR date.  I look forward to the forged bonds with mom's taking this same journey.
  • Sandra D

    Thank you Pat. I will certainly help anyone I can by living here in the nuke A school area. Would be glad to .
  • jerseygirl1954

    Thank you so much for your warm welcome! I am looking forward to joining the Indiana group, and making the journey with other moms going through the same experience.
  • ggadson

    Thank you for the welcome Pat.  Glad to have the support from you all.
  • Raberta

    Thanks Pat.  I forgot my password for awhile.  But I've sent and received a few letters so far.  Very happy to hear that he's doing well!


  • Jules ( Ship 3/Div. 277)

    Thank you for the welcome!!...I will check out all of the area's you mentioned ASAP...( Guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend). :)
  • fanieruiz

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Charlyn

    My son is graduating Nov 18th from OCS. There is a himoms event the evening before. Is this a dinner or what? If so what is the appropriate dress for this occasion?
  • aatlmom

    He's an ET aboard the USS Stockdale stationed in San Diego.  He may come home for Christmas.  Are there also groups by county?  Where is your child stationed?  My son, Adam, really likes the Navy.  But I feel like I don't know many details as a family should.  I would love to feel more in touch with what he's doing and experiencing.  More info about if I want to visit him in San Diego after he comes back from deployment, etc....

    Thanks for any info ! Suzy

  • wonderfulwife481(09/div360)

    Thanks for the welcome..
  • wonderfulwife481(09/div360)

    My son is graduating October 28.
  • Raberta

    My son's PIR date is 11/4/11.  I haven't seen a group yet for other NMs whose son or daughter is in this division.  Where else can I look?
  • Lizdcf

    Thank you for your words.  I know that God will take care of him.  I have know for a while that he would join and I am so proud of him for making that decision.  I hope to finds new frinds on this site that we can all help each other....I think it helps our children be able to go do what they need to knowing that their families have support from others in the same situation.  Thanks again.  Bless you and yours
  • Ship09/Division023

    Thank you so much! I will investigate those sites later today after work. This is a whole new experience for me. Thank you, again!
  • Coomey21

    Thanks! My son left for bootcamp November 1st. Watching him go was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Very proud, but heart wrenching at the same time. Any information you have to offer would be great. 


  • Happy&Sadmom

    Thank you very much!
  • Cathomas

    Umm not many questions really, thanks for the warm welcome! I'm just trying to make it through my girlfriends bootcamp and eventually I'll b serving as well in about 9 months so I've been putting in time to research myself!