

Washington, IN

United States

Profile Information:

I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
He is out on his own, a Navy Nuke, and patience is needed.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • Cathomas

    No I have not taken the Asvab I planned on taking it when I get on Christmas Break which will be in about a month! As for rate I wouldn't mind MA or MC, or YN theres alot of choices I'd like! 

  • Cathomas

    Thank you so very much and I'm not considering serving lol, I will be serving I've made up my mind by now I'll be signing in December of this year! Where can I find these CREO lists that you speak of? 

  • Cathomas

    Thank You so much I'm searching now for the CREO list that is more updated! Do you know anything about what an LN does? I've been wondering for a while! 

  • Cathomas

    Thanks for the website I checked it out! I was going to ask you do you know if every single SR has to have their wisdom teeth pulled? My dentist told me since mine grew in my mouth perfectly and I keep them perfectly fine that she didnt want me to get mine pulled but if all have to get them pulled i'll get it done before I go! 

  • SpecialNeedsKidsTom

    Thank you and you're welcome.  I hope to open the equestrian therapy center 2013.  Got a lot of hurdles to navigate but I'm a lot closer than I was even a year ago in many ways.

  • navy great grand dad

    Thank you. I retired in 1987 . Now I am following my great grand son through STG schools. He is now in Great Lakes going thru ATT

  • depierrenavy

    thank you very much if you come across anyone with any quiestions about being a master at arms MA let me know

  • mom and dad

    Thank you for the warm welcome. My wife and daughter are members and its just easier to be on the same web page for our sailor.

  • JackieD

    Thank you so much.  I'm so happy to have found N4M.  There is so much information here, I look forward to getting to know more people and share information and feelings with others.

  • beautifulbamagirl

    Deployment :( I am so happy that I got to surprise him for Thanksgiving!  I drover from Birmingham, AL to Jacksonville, FL and showed up Thanksgiving morning and he had no idea!  He is my youngest brother that I just met two years ago when I found my biological father after 37 years.  I found that I had two more half brothers.  My brother and I seem to have bonded well and now he is leaving me for a couple of years or more.

  • Elizabeth_E17

    Thank you! I've already looked at a lot of the videos and groups, and found them helpful. I am going into the Navy as an AV- Aviation electronics, electrical and computer systems technician.

  • Sarah's mom. Ship 07 DIV 077

    Thanks. How do I get there?

  • IndianaBounsMom

    Thank you, Pat for the warm welcome. I'm excited to be a part of this group and what it has to offer.

  • IndianaBounsMom

     Unfortunately, I do not. We are considered to be part of the Northern region because of being in Indiana however; we are just minutes away from Louisville. KY. Their meets sometime are up to a 6 hour drive away and with my husband working third shift it's just not feasible.

  • Kimberly214

    Thanks for the warm welcome!  This is my first time on the site, hopefully I'll be able to find my way back.  My son just left for Japan on monday.  I'm hoping to get one of those "I made it here ok" calls like I received when he went to basic training.  We're completely new at this and don't know what to expect.  I'm wondering how often he'll be able to call, and the best way to communicate.  We did learn how to skype while he was home, just in case that's an option.  I just happen to run by the website by mistake.  I'm happy there is a support system out there.  Thanks again for reaching out.  

  • IndianaBounsMom

    I'll have to ask him. If that's the case, it's only 2 hours away, we maybe able to make it. Just this past weekend, I asked him for a schedule of his last meets, so that his dad and I could try to attend one before graduation.

  • brames

    Hi Pat!~

    Where exactly can I find the Indiana site? This is all very new to me and I am still learning the computer. Will be great to be able to relate to others who have family members in service! Thank You!~

  • trecker

    Im not really sure how to navigate the site.

  • nukemum

    thank you so much for the advice.i felt so much better after talking to you. still no letter yet so hoping tomorrow i will get one from him. Have a good night.

  • mom of MM

    Hello Pat - sorry for the late reply.  My nuke is in A school in GC.  How do I join the Facebook group?  Looking forward to learning from all the experienced moms on this site.

  • ship09 div 091

    Thank you Pat. I am very anxious to here from my daughter. She left for Great Lakes Naval base on 1/17. I have received her clothes but no letter yet. I really hate not knowing how she is doing. How did you deal with this?

  • linduh1966

    Thank you!  First time on the site!  It will take a little getting used to!  It's great to be a Naviy mom!

  • JamieRoss

    Thank you for letting me join, well its offical my son is now on his way to boot camp. Sure going to miss him .Its going to be along 8 weeks not gettin to see him. His dad already misses him, since they worked together everyday.

  • IndianaBounsMom

    Pat, seems my husband and I will be able to attend the drill meet tomorrow. I hope to meet you while there. I'll send you a message with my cell number. 

  • IndianaBounsMom

    Pat, it was truly a pleasure meeting you!
  • IndianaBounsMom

    You were busy, helping out the Kiddo's. No worries, we'll have plenty of time to chat, even if by web page. Thank you for taking time to meet my husband and I. :-)

  • IndianaBounsMom

     They took 2nd in personal inspection, color guard A got 2nd and color guard B took 3rd..........I believe they may have placed in the some of the drill portions as well however; I just don't remember. All in all a good day! Yes they stayed until the end, although my husband and I did not.

  • CodeMansMom

    Thank you for the Welcome. My son has been at bootcamp for almost a week now. It's been pretty tough. Just not knowing how he's feeling and what he's going through. I am very proud of him and excited for him. We are just really close and it's so hard not to be able to talk to him. I'm sure every mom feels this way. Thanks again. 

  • nancygag

    Hi Pat, so sorry it took so long for me to reply!  How do I join the Indiana group?

  • BunkerQB

    Pat, Please look at the information on the guide I put together for newcomers. If you have any suggestions, I would be happy to incorporate them. The following is the welcoming message I post on newcomers' pages when I can't sleep at night. Thanks, Pat. My son's service ends next months. Hard to believe it has been 5 years.

    We have a Survival Guide for Navy For Moms Newbie (clickable link). You find everything here. Videos, pdf files of boot camp processing days, links to all the important groups plus tips on how to use this site. Best part is it'll be here on your very own page as a reference. Click MY PAGE on above menubar to access your page anytime - you should do it at least once a day to see if you have any postings on your comment wall (like this one). Good luck.


  • jessnuke87

    I am enlisted and I leave in 8 days for bc (!!!!!!! holy crap thats soooooooo sooon!)... Thanks for the link, I will definitely check it out :]

  • TraceJ

    Thank you , how do I find the IN group? I also know my son is in Division 923 how would I look for a group for his division?

  • BunkerQB

    I think it's a great idea. I was hoping that one of the "veteran" moms would step up and take on being an admin.  As creator and admin of the San Fran group (and New Members Stop Here), I added PAGES to the group's site.  Kaye of the Sub Moms group has done just that at my suggestion. Check out the three groups. The PAGES serves as reference pages for important facts/factoids that are often asked over and over again. 

    Unfortunately, my son comes home on March 15. His commitment to the Navy has actually ended as of Feb 29.  A year ago, I would have taken the job on but I am getting ready to transition to a supportive role and active only in my San Fran group. I will continue to monitor the Survival Guide and keep current the list of PIR groups, list Ratings group, list of Ships groups. 

    How about you?  I know you have the knowledge and have always provided well written responses to questions. 

  • TMM Ship03Div20(was godsgirltmm)

    Thank you for the welcome! This site has already been a tremendous help and I am sure I will be spending a lot of time here in the near future. ;)

  • navydad

    Thank you. I actually found Navy for Dads right after i signed up for this site. Thanks again.

  • Martina

    Thank you, i am so proud and can not wait to hear from my sailor to be..

  • Martina

    Thanks but not able to go to that one i am highly Allergic  to fish all fish and shell fish so i will try to make the next one.

  • Martina

    Thanks, i am working alot to keep busy and not worry i know she is fine just not used to not talking to her at all.  we are very close and it makes a long day now. lol

  • M's mom

    Thanks, Pat.   I didn't know there was a Hoosier moms group here!  I'm from northern IN, about halfway between Indy and Chicago.  My son will start OCS in Newport on June 17th.  I think I'm more worried about it than he is.  I should never have watched all those awful videos on YouTube about what goes on at OCS!    Ignorance is bliss. Then, I could have told myself he was just at "summer camp,"  and only found out how awful it was later! :)

    You say your son is a Navy Nuke.  Does that mean he is on a nuclear submarine? 

  • M's mom

    Submarines were my son's first choice of duty, but he was told sub officer spots were full, so he got his second choice, which was flight school.  Does your son like sub duty?  I was told that you don't hear from them very often, because they stay submerged so long.  That has got to be hard.   I heard they do "Tiger Cruises" on the subs sometimes, when the family can actually go on the sub.  Have you done that? That would be so cool!

  • M's mom

    What is S.P.?  I'm new to this Navy stuff and I don't know any of the abbreviations or acronyms yet. The "Define" box to the right doesn't tell me either.

  • mrsjphj

    Thanks for the welcome Pat. I look forward to learning the Navy lingo and how to best support my son on his new career.


  • Frankie

    Thank you I'll check it out.  
  • Chris's mom

    My son is currently at Basic Training. Would like to join the Indiana page.

  • ET1ts2cDavid

    Thank you for the invitation. It's good to be abord. 
  • IndianaBounsMom

    I am very excited for my stepson! He will graduate high school in just a few short weeks. He will then spend most of his summer as a TA for NSLC then off to boot camp in October. So much happening is the next 5-6 months! Making as many memories as we can along the way. :-)
  • IndyMom

    Okay...not sure what I am doing but I am glad to be here.

  • suzart37

    Thank you, I was doing okay until yesterday, then it all hit me, my son is on bc. If I could hear his voice I could tell he is okay
  • suzart37

    Thank you Pat, this is all so new, I appreciate your wisdom, once I hear his voice I will be okay! We have been so close and now it will be different, he was so. excited to go to the Navy
  • suzart37

    How do I get to the Indiana group, also is there others  in the same ship as my son?
    With the same Pir 07/0612 Great Lakes?