

Washington, IN

United States

Profile Information:

I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
He is out on his own, a Navy Nuke, and patience is needed.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • suzart37

    How long does A school last in Pensacola? 
  • suzart37

    Do you know how long A school in Pensacola is for AME?
  • Sunshine Sandy

    Thanks, I am very new to this.  My son announced at his graduation his plans to join the Navy at the end of summer.  He is planning to do the delayed entry program.  Trying to obtain all the needed information possible to prepare him as well as myself. 

  • Sunshine Sandy

    Thank you, I am glad there is a group that meets.  I live on the Indy's south side, this sounds like a good support group. 

  • Dakota's Mom

    Thank you, Pat. I have joined the Indiana group.
  • suzart37

    Thank you finally learning how to navigate this site, my Sr is doing well, so looking forward to PIR!
  • Rebecca Hill

    Thanks.  I'll be there for a visit when I get a minute.  My granddaughter is coming for a visit tomorrow and I have much to do.  Towards the end of next week I'll be able to spend some time at this site. Thanks again to all who responded.

    Thank you Pat.
  • Indiana mom

    He's going to become one...finishing boot camp at Great Lakes right now. 

  • Indiana mom

    We don't know yet...

  • Josh'sMom-Div267

    Thanks so much. I will try to find the Indiana page. :)  

  • Indiana mom

    It is to be in Groton, CT for sub training then he stays there to learn his job which has something to do with being a computer tech. 

  • GBATTS (ship 02/div 945)

    Hi Pat!  Thanks for the info about the Indiana page. I found it and joined.  It's nice to know we have "N4M" family so close.  Will really need it as time goes, my daughter leaves for BC on July 23rd, (3 more Mondays from now!...gulp!) :(

  • denise1142

    OK so I'm a little slow on the uptake here.  Unfortunately, work third shift so by the time I get on here, it's usually really really early....I actually stayed up this morning LOL!  Just now found the Indiana group.  Look forward to getting to know all of the Hoosier ladies on board. :-) My son's ESTIMATED PIR is 17Aug. Hopefully he will make it! He is enlisted as a Missile Tech and is going to be on a sub.


    How do find the indiana group to join?

  • Grannie Sam

    Hi Have not known what to really write about. Just know we(my husband and I) are very proud of our grandson. He has now graduated from boot camp and been reasigned. We thought we would start saving our $$$ so we can go visit him. Also our son who lives in Virginia wants to know when. Maybe go together when we visit. Why not make it a family thing. How soon after they go to a different place can we visit? Course he will probably tell us,dah. I remember when my uncles were on the road (back then) they had to hitch hike to get to the next place.They had some really intresting stories to tell. One uncle went into the F.B.I. after he got out. Then we really heard some stories. If there is other grandmothers out there, it would be nice to hear from them, I've told our grandson that if there is guys or gals that do not get mail that I could be there grandmother stand in. Not sure if I'm allowed to do that or not? Someone can let me know. I do enjoy writing and reading. Course grandma's are also good listeners. Raised 3 of my own and 3 of my husbands children.  Best get going to fix some dinner, nice writing to you. grandma sam

  • proudnavymama ship13,div 311

    Hello, I've newly joined the site & am a little overwhelmed & overjoyed at all the information!!! I am gonna try to find an Indiana group, please, if anyone has advice on surfing this site, please advise!!:) 

  • proudnavymama ship13,div 311

    I found the Indiana page, YEAH!! Thank you Pat for helping to guide me!! My SR will be staying in GL for A school, his job is advanced electronics computer field, his rank is E1.  He couldn't be more excited, it makes it hard on us to not be sad!! Of course I know he will be missed but I'm excited for his new adventure, but ask me that after Aug 1 & my feelings may change a bit...

  • ellenmaryt


    Thank you for your e-mail - I plan on attending the dinner on august 20 at O'Charleys


  • lkbmom245

    Hi...thank you for the invite to join the Indiana moms. My daughter graduates on August 10th. I am so excited. She has been gone since June 13th. She will do her A school at Great Lakes for AECF . She did well on her ASVAB so hopefully all will be well.I can use all the support I can get.
  • lkbmom245

    How do I know for sure where the Indiana group page is ?
  • HoosierMama

    Thanks for the invite Pat. My son reports for his basic training today.  I'm sure I'll learn a lot from all of the posts on this site. 

  • clbiggers

    Thanks for the additional info on the Indiana group, Pat.  While I won't be able to attend the 3rd Monday night dinners for awhile, will certainly keep it in mind in the future.  Appreciate all your efforts. 

  • WeeOWimp

    Thank you Pat for extending the invitation.  Like HoosierMama our son reports today also.  Alot of emotions today, we're very excited and so proud.  Great website.  So thankful for all the helpful information shared.

  • Troys mom

    Im so new to this website, I havent quite figured it all out do I get the Indiana part?

  • bullindy

    Thank you for the invite. I will definately check into the Indiana group. My son also left on August 8th. Its been a rough week. Can't wait to spend more time checking out this website.

  • Kyle'sMom

    Thanks Pat!   Heading there now!  :-)



  • lindagr41 - Ship 12 Div 295/296

    Thank you Pat for the welcome and invite.

  • Cami - Chris' Mum

    Thank-you Pat for the welcome and the invite to the Indiana Moms group!


  • leslie2010

    Thank you pat for the welcome

  • Josie *Kayla's Mom*

    Thank you for the welcome :)
  • njkimble513

    she is planning on air traffic controler,at this time she is out on a ship The Truman i believe her mom and I have not heard from her and wanted to surprise her when she ports but we are not sure of her port date and do not want to drive twelve hrs. and not get to surprise her is there any way of finding out for sure when she will port,

  • LisaMB

    Thank you for the welcome Pat!

  • gcremeens

    Thank you for the nice welcome.  I am a little embarrassed but I haven't been able to find the Indiana specific area or his PIR date.  His PIR is on November 21.  If its not too much bother could you please give me some direction to these 2 places.  I appreciate your help.

  • gcremeens

    I did find the Indiana Moms site, but haven't located his PIR date yet.  My son actually shipped out from Nashville, Tennessee.  That is where he went to college.  Is there a specific site for that area as well?

  • williams85

    Thanks for the info about the indiana page.  I think I found the right one.

  • Sammy

    Thanks for the info about the indiana page!
  • LC_RN13

    Thank you for the welome! :) I will be looking for the page you suggested. I definitely have loads of questions. Have a great evening!

  • zacharys_mom

    Thanks for the welcome.

  • Sharri

    Thank you, Pat.  It is good to know there are resources out there.  I am really nervous because my son never even mentioned military until about a month ago.  So I have not had much time to get used to the idea.  He is 18 but will not graduate high school until May, so at least I have a few months to  spoil him and get ready.  I have not had any experience with military life, so this will all be new to me.

  • Sharri

    He is going to be a culinary specialist. He has lays wanted to be a chef and has two years of culinary school under his belt already. He is currently told he I'll be on a submarine but if n opening comes up for a ship position for the august group he can choose to switch. He would prefer the ship. Because of his scores he was encouraged to go nuclear but he wants to cook.
  • ennanaej

    Thank you for the invite!  I am so new at this, and am looking forward to learning how best to serve my son and others. 

  • Lisa

    Thanks! Happy to know you are out there!

  • Trey's Mom 45

    I saw on a past post that Indiana Moms meet in Indy.  I don't see anything on the calendar, is there anything planned?  Thanks!

  • SailorMomSteph(ship13/div139)

    Thanks Pat! I have joined Indiana Moms the other day : )
  • SailorMomSteph(ship13/div139)

    I just saw your post about a possible get together for Indiana Moms...if there is one, i'd love to attend.
  • Vickita48

    Thank you so much. I had no clue there was support out there for us Hoosier moms.

  • rnobbe

    Thank you Pat.  I will see about that page.

  • navyGalsmom

    Thank you for your post. Trying to figure my way around the site. :-)

  • annie

    Thanks for the invitation. Still getting used to navigating the site so it might take me a while to find it.