

Washington, IN

United States

Profile Information:

I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
He is out on his own, a Navy Nuke, and patience is needed.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • ladybug1961

    can't seem to get off this is so interesting...just 14 more days...Keep Kurtis in your prayers..mile and half giving him trouble...I think i saw him on a video on 8/13.singing in the choir...could that be?
  • ladybug1961

    I watched 8/13/10 PIR, where I believe Kurtis was singing with ship 6 DIV 942..Marched right past a video camera with choir group...bout peed my pants...
  • ashnj1717

    He is an MM I think...
  • joeysmom

    Thanks for the welcome. Still trying to figure it all out, consider myself computer stupid !!, but I'll get there. Look forward to learning all I can about the Navy!! Susan (joeysmom)
  • ForHimIWill

    Thank you for the welcome! I am a Navy wife. It is nice to meet others from Indiana. I am new to the site and hope to learn a lot.
  • mimi

    Hi Pat,
    I am new to this and consider myself a "technotard." Will have lots of questions. I am sure that you are very proud of your Navy Nuke. My son will complete ET school in Great Lakes this week. He will fin out soon where his C school is and will get additional orders, I believe. He seems excited. I'm a bit nervous to see where he lands. I'm sure that you can relate.
  • one proud mom SHIP 10 DIV 338

    Hi Pat! Thank you for the welcome! I'm still new at all of this, but i'm trying. :)
  • Kathy

    Thank you for the info for Indiana mom's/ wont be able to meet on the 20th. but hope to next time
  • tammy ruth

    My sailor son will be on a carrier out to sea.he still has school for very new at this computer,but I can spell. ha and how about your son or daughter? bye for now
  • Frogmom & Dad

    Just stumbled across this comment wall. I didn't realize there is an Indiana group. Looking forward to joining & meeting the group
  • Ann

    Wow, I can relate to you! An IndianA Navy Mom, my daughter is Nuke and has found another girl nuke at boot camp so that' encouraging. My picky eater says the chow is good.
  • Ann

    Hi Pat, how do I get a dept of the Navy Seal for my profile? Em will attend A, B & C school, so not sure what she will be. She tested really high and has a good sign on. I meant that the Navy is a good move for her, but I believe NROTC wouldv've been better if her recruiter had helped just a little more!
  • lonnies grandma

    Im sorry, yes, bootcamp on sept 15th, he graduates nov 12th. Engineering i believe. And he stays in gl for "A" school. Just worried since we havent heard anything from him. He is on Ship 11 Div 365. We have always been very close, So his mom gave me the information about your site. It has been very informative and interesting. I have learned a lot already. Thanks- Lonnies grandma
  • Sammimom

    Thank you for the welcome! I am going to join the Indiana group & already joined the Boot Camp group.
  • Nancy/esrun

    Thanks for the welcome where do I find the Indiana site?
  • ibgpn

    Thanks for the welcome, my son is out of BC and is now stationed in Japan, being flown out to his ship the USS Denver that is on its way back to port. So I guess he'll be going for a little boat ride!!
  • ibgpn

    Oh man, how do you sleep at night, I'd be a nervous wreck, a nuke machinist? I barely stand it with him being in Japan!! All though he orginally started out with the seals and I have to say, I was relived when he dedcided it wasn't for him. Now he's waiting to get into a group called the cb's.
  • Linda (navynucmom)

    My son is just in BC. His PIR is 12/3...just got his papers today with my little 3 line note. It was wonderful :)
  • Linda (navynucmom)

    Yes, these groups have been a great help. I looked at the Nuke group, but seemed to be more for mom's of sailors already in nuke school. But I think I will join, just to read the info and get a heads up on what's coming.
  • jeanette

    My daughter is at navy boot camp she was suppose to graduate on Aug 27th from the navy boot camp in Great Lakes Illnoise, my daughter got hurt she hurt her leg she almost fractured her leg. she has moved to different addresses and i lost her last address i know it was Ohio street in Great lakes Ill. She told me she should graduate in a couple weeks but that was in September, I have not heard from her from her since then. Iam just worried about her. She is 18 but she will always be my daughter. thanks for writing me
  • tardy12

    Thanks for your welcome. I'm still in a state of shock-this really came out of nowhere. He is looking at several ratings-Nuke, EOD, SEAL, and SWCC. I think I will wait to join you for dinner until he's in the DEP and I have a chance to get used to it. Thanks for the invitation, though.
  • mar57

    Thanks! Yes, my son leaves this coming Tuesday for bootcamp and will be going into the nuclear field hopefully as an mm
  • mar57

    Thanks for the info! My son is 6'6, so doesn't really think a sub is the right fit for him. He's just looking forward to starting bootcamp and starting his navy career! Did your son like the Charleston area? I hear it's beautiful!
  • navygirlzmom

    thank you for the information, just getting started with all of this!
  • SnkrSwm


    Yes. It is a wonderful unit with new instructors. They have a huge group this year, very exciting. I have not spoken to the commanders about my children's interest yet. There (obviously, with Naval base here) are a lot of Navy Mom's to talk to. I am going to the Mom's first before I talk with the recruiters or commanders. I want to get my facts. If the children sign up next year, then I guess we know they are serious. I am excited regardless if they go into service because this program instills some wonderful character traits you just don't see much of like honesty, politeness, perserverance...I see a lot of positve things they can carry for life! Hope you have a wonderful New Year. Take care and God bless! I am not online often due to busy schedule. I plan on taking a better look at the site when I have time. (I am job hunting!!!!)

  • Beffany

    Already joined :), thanks for the welcome!
  • cryptologymomma

    how do I find the Indiana page?
  • cryptologymomma

    Thanks so much!  Hopefully, I will be able to navigate around this site rather quickly.  It has so much information.
  • sixkidsmama (ship 03 Div 083)

    Thank you for your comment and support of our family's love of serving their country!!!  I hope you have a wonderful experience with your child's service!!
  • julie067

    So happy to get the information I have recieved from this web site! I feel so much more informed. Thank You!!!!
  • Sheri

    Thankyou. I am completly new to all this so I really dont know what I am doing. My son just graduated boot camp February 4th.
  • Bri.SubWife

    thanks pat, for the Indiana page offer!! i just now saw that you commented on my page! haha..back in AUGUST!! ..shows how often im on here, but im trying to be on here more! :)
  • Ariel Walker

    Thanks for the support. 66days and counting down
  • Ariel Walker

    Your welcome!
    I haven't done anything yet, but I'm so excited to leave.
    Thank you for your support.
  • Mama C (PS E-Class 1202-1)

    20 days and counting for my son to head to Boot Camp.  After that he'll be headed to SC - Nuke school.
  • Avalonsmomma

    Will do. Thanks, Pat. : )
  • USNmomYeoman

    Thanks for the invitation, Pat! 
  • ddemeuses

    Thanks I am too. My son leaves April 13th for bootcamp. I can't imaginew what it will be like without him. We're real close! Any suggestions on how to get thru this?


  • ddemeuses

    He's going in for Culinary Specialist. He'll do 3 wks of school after bootcamp and then do an 18-24 month apprenticeship wherever he choose as his homeport. He knows how to cook already so that's a good thing. I just know he'll do great...he's that kind of person. But I'll miss him terribly. Thanks for the reply. Have a good day!
  • Amelia

    Thank you Pat, will do.
  • Kaye S.

    RE:  "This will be different.  Going to try to make it this month."


    ;-) k.

  • gidget

    Thanks! I'm new at all this, my son leaves in 4 days for boot camp. I am proud and scared all at the same time! How do I  get to the Indiana group??  
  • KylesMom (Lois) 11/186

    Thanks Pat! I will probably be on here quite alot to ask many questions. His dad was in the Air Force, but I think this will be a bit different. I'm not the one really experiencing it first hand. He leaves the the 5th (this Tues.). I'm kinda scared for him. I guess it's a mom's job to worry about her child. I am so very proud of him, tho. I'd to share with the Indiana group, too, if there is one! Thanks everyone for your support! I think I'm going to like it here!
  • Rebecca.M

    Thank you. We enjoy the area up here so far except for all the snow. Once we start getting warmer weather we are going to start scooping out the area more.
  • traci99

    Thanks so much Pat for letting me know about the dinner!  I will most definitely come!  Is it just for mom's or can everyone come?

    My son's name isn't Andrew, but that's pretty funny!  Justin is still in boot camp going on week 4!  I'm not sure that he knows if he's doing MM or ET yet.  I think he will know before he finished BC though.

    I look forward to meeting you and all the other Navy "folk" lol :)

  • NRS North Jacksonville

    Thank you very much for your support.
  • Sharon-Proud Sailor Mom

    Wow, how did I get here?  I'm a bit overwhelmed by the website too!  It has already given me great tips for letter writing.  How do I get to the Indiana group?
  • Dorie

    Thanks Pat.  This is all new to me.  Once I hear from her as to her information and take the time to find my way around this website, I know I'll probably be submitting some questions and finding out who else has a son/daughter in her group and if there are any parents in Northern Indiana.  I do appreciate that there is a website like this and for all who welcome and give advise to the new parents.  Thanks again.

  • Dorie

    Sorry Pat. I forgot to ask in my last comment.  Since my daughter just left for bootcamp on Wednesday, should I keep the "Stage of Sailor's Navy Career" as enlisted or should I put something else.

  • IndyMom02/933 PIR7/1

    Thank you Pat. I am an Indy eastsider, i hope that is okay:)  I actaully will be in Louisville KY this Monday for business.  What time do you meet? I might be able to make it back in town in time.